Introduction: This quarter we have been studying the conflict between
good and evil. In our last lesson, we turn our attention to the
final events that wrap up the great controversy. What are the key
issues in the final conflict? Are they the same as they have always
been? Where do we fit into those issues? Will Jesus win in the end?
Let’s jump in and find out!

  1. The Mark

    1. Read Revelation 12:17. Whom do you understand to be the
      “dragon?” ( Revelation 12:9 makes it very clear that the
      “dragon” is Satan.)

      1. Who is the dragon attacking? (Us. He is attacking
        those who obey God’s commandments and believe in

      2. We have discussed this text several times during this
        quarter. What is the timing of this segment of the
        war? (If you read through chapter 12 you will see
        that the battle begins in heaven. When Satan is cast
        down to earth, he goes after Jesus ( Revelation 12:5).
        When Jesus escapes Satan’s grasp, he turns his
        attention to the followers of Jesus. The timing of
        Revelation 12:17 appears to be after Jesus’

    2. If you continue to read through the next chapter,
      Revelation 13, you will see that the dragon works in
      association with a couple of “beasts” with the results
      reported in Revelation 13:16-18. Read these three verses.
      How is the controversy going for those who obey God’s
      commandments and believe in Jesus? (This looks like the
      low point. The dragon, through the beasts, has great
      economic authority.)

      1. What do you think it means to have a “mark in the
        forehead or the hand?” (Your forehead is where you
        think and your hand is what you use to work. This
        suggests that people either believe in the
        dragon/beast’s “mark” or they accept the mark just to
        get along.)

      2. Revelation 13:16 tells us that “everyone” received
        this mark? If that is so, does it mean Satan has won
        the victory? (Compare Revelation 20:4 with Revelation
        14:11. This makes clear that not everyone receives
        this “mark” of Satan. Those who do not reign in
        heaven, those who do are burned.)

      3. How important is this issue of the “mark?” (It
        determines our outcome in the final conflict!

    1. What do you think is this “mark?” Does it have anything
      to do with the issues in Revelation 12:17? (It must. We
      need to explore this further.)

    2. In Revelation 14:6-12 we read about three angels who have
      the “end-time” judgment message for the world. Let’s read
      these verses. Does this give us more information on “the

      1. Let’s list what we learn about those who have “the
        mark” and those who do not. What clues do we have
        about this mark? (Verse 9 reveals this is an issue of
        worship. If we worship the “beast and its image” we
        get the mark. Verse 12 reveals the “saints” have the
        same qualities as the group that was the target of
        the dragon ( Revelation 12:7). It is logical to
        conclude, then, that those who are avoiding the mark
        are those that “obey God’s commandments and remain
        faithful to Jesus.”)

        1. We often discuss “faith and works.” How do
          faithfulness to Jesus and obedience to God’s
          commandments fit into our “faith and works”
          discussion? (Remaining faithful to Jesus is the
          faith component and obeying God’s commandments
          is the works component. The inescapable
          conclusion is that God’s people who are faithful
          during this end-time battle have both faith and
          works. This is not a “either/or” situation.)

    3. Let’s go back and explore the issue of the mark and the
      end-time message a bit further. Look again at Revelation
      14:7. What is the “issue” raised by this angel? What
      “alert” is God’s messenger sending the earth? (He says
      that the “hour” of the final judgment is here. As a
      result, we must “fear God and give Him glory.”)

      1. How do we fear God and give Him glory? What answer
        does this angel give? (Worship Him as the Creator. I
        was in a Bible book store this week and was looking
        at two books by John MacArthur. One book argued that
        the Genesis account was a critical part of most
        Christian doctrines – that if you did not believe the
        Genesis story of Creation, you did not have a proper
        view of God. The second book was about how Christians
        should relate to government. I agree completely with
        MacArthur’s point about Creation – so I bought the
        second book to see if I could learn something!)

      2. Do you find any support in this message of the first
        angel for MacArthur’s view that Creationism is
        fundamental in the controversy between good and evil?
        (A description of the first angel’s message begins in
        Revelation 14:6 and there it is described as the
        “eternal gospel.” That sounds fundamental. If you
        tie this into the mark, then it becomes even more

    4. Look at the second angel again: Revelation 14:8. What is
      the message of this angel? (Fallen is “Babylon” which made
      the nations commit adultery.)

      1. What do you think is “Babylon?” (If you look at
        Revelation 18:1-4 you find a similar description of
        “Babylon” with a call to “come out of her my people.)

        1. How can God’s people be in “Babylon?” (In
          Revelation 12 the “woman” refers to the church.
          If this symbolism continues, then “Babylon”
          would be a church in which God’s people are

        2. What ( Revelation 14:8) would be the “wine” of
          “adultery?” (This should cause every one of us
          to pause. This points to church teaching that
          turns us away from God. We need to be careful
          that our beliefs are based on the Bible and not
          the teachings of the world. At the end of the
          controversy between good and evil, those
          churches which undercut the gospel are going to
          “fall” and God’s people will come out of them.)

    5. Look again at the third angel of Revelation 14:9. Do you
      see a link in the message of this third angel and the two
      prior angels? (Taken together they depict two groups.
      Those who worship God as the Creator and those who worship
      Satan and his allies. During the time of this message,
      God’s people realize the alternatives and they come out of
      false teaching. At the same time those Christians who are
      really allies of Satan, or those who are unwilling to take
      a stand for Jesus, move closer to Satan to the point that
      they receive the “mark.”)

  1. Worshiping the Creator

    1. If we are right that the three angels have an important
      end-time message about worship and judgment, and this
      message includes how to avoid getting “the mark,” what
      should you do to be sure you were properly worshiping God
      as the Creator?

    2. Read Genesis 2:1-3 and Exodus 20:8-11. How do these verses
      suggest that we properly worship the God of Creation?

    3. Is Sabbath observance essential to the proper worship of
      God the Creator? Is this the focal point of the end-time
      controversy over who are the “saints who obey God’s
      commandments and remain faithful to Jesus” (Revelation
      14:12)? (Sabbath observance is the part of the Ten
      Commandments which specifically is tied to memorializing
      God as our Creator. It makes perfect sense that the focus
      of the end-time controversy comes to rest here.)

    4. Friend, how does your life measure up on this critical
      issue of worship for God? Does your worship life reflect
      your faith in Jesus?

  2. The Rider

    1. Read Revelation 19:11-13. Who is the rider? (Verse 13
      tells us His name is “the Word of God.” We know from John
      1:1-2, 14 that Jesus is the Word of God. The fact that His
      robe is “dipped in blood” (Rev. 19:13) and that He is
      “Faithful and True” (Rev. 19:11) is further evidence of
      Jesus’ identity.)

    2. Read Revelation 19:14-16. Is this what the disciples
      expected – Jesus to come as a mighty warrior? (As we have
      seen in past lessons, the disciples expected Jesus to
      overthrow the Romans. John the Baptist had this same view.
      That was not His mission then. However, this time around,
      Jesus comes as King and Warrior.)

    3. Read Revelation 19:19. What do you think it about to
      happen? (The stage is set for the final conflict in the
      controversy between good and evil. Jesus comes with His
      armies and the forces of evil prepare for battle.)

    4. Read Revelation 19:20-21. Who wins this battle? How,
      exactly, are the forces of evil defeated? (It says that
      most of them are killed “with the sword that came out of
      the mouth of the rider.”)

      1. What do you think this statement means? Jesus has a
        sword in His mouth? (Read 2 Thessalonians 2:8; Psalms
        33:9; Genesis 1:3. The battle is won just the same
        way the world was created – Jesus just spoke it into
        existence. He will just speak the wicked out of
        existence too.)

        1. What does this add to your understanding of
          Jesus being called the “Word” of God? (God acts
          through mere speech. Jesus is the power of God.)

        2. Is there a lesson in righteousness by faith in
          this? (The army does not have to fight. Jesus
          just speaks and ends the controversy. Praise

    5. After all that, the forces of evil are spoken away?
      Incredible! Friend, you have seen the outcome of the great
      controversy between good and evil. If you haven’t chosen
      sides, or if you are not on the side of God, will you make
      your decision today? If you have already made your
      decision to be on God’s side, remember whatever your
      difficulty in life, whatever the problem, the Word of God
      can make it right. He is a great God!

  3. Next Week: We start a new quarter, entitled “Great Apocalyptic