Introduction: This week we begin our study about witnessing. Although
this quarter is not a systematic study of the book of Acts (I wish it
were!), our study of witnessing centers on Acts.

Have you ever wished you knew how to be a better witness? Do you fee
shy? Embarrassed? Uncertain about what you should do or say? Let’s
launch into our study that should, by the time we finish the quarter,
give us a clearer idea on how we can effectively witness.


    1. Read Acts 1:1-2. Luke is the writer of Acts. He explains to
      Theophilus (see Luke 1:3) his thinking in writing the gospel
      of Luke, his “former book.” What is his reason for writing?
      What was he trying to do?

      1. Read Luke 1:1-4 for comparison. Were there other
        accounts of Jesus’ life available when Luke began to
        write his gospel? (Yes)

        1. What additional reasons do you find here for Luke
          writing his gospel?

        2. Is Luke an eyewitness? (Apparently not.)

      2. As you consider these texts, would you call Luke a

        1. If you say, “yes,” what kind of witness is Luke?
          What is his specialty, his “method” of
          witnessing? (He investigated, organized and wrote
          out the information about Jesus and Jesus’
          teachings so that people could believe and
          understand Jesus’ message.)

        2. Do we have these kinds of witnesses today? Who
          are they? Are you one if you teach the lesson?

    2. Read Acts 1:3. How would you describe what Jesus is doing in
      this verse? (He is witnessing.)

      1. How is Jesus witnessing in these verses? (The verses
        say that Jesus gave “convincing proofs” by showing He
        was alive (and therefore resurrected) and by teaching
        about the “Kingdom of God.”)

        1. What do you think Jesus was saying about the
          “Kingdom of God?”

        2. Do we have these kinds of witnesses today – those
          that give convincing proofs that Jesus is alive?
          If so, who are they?

    3. Do Luke and Jesus differ in their methods of witnessing
      (described in the verses we have read)? If so, how? (Jesus
      is an example of the “living evangelism” and Luke is an
      example of the “teaching evangelism.”)

      1. As a Christian, must we have both in our life? Will
        one work without the other?

        1. What about a person who “majors” in one method as
          opposed to another? Is that OK?

    4. Are there any other approaches to evangelism?

      1. What about hiring others to evangelize? Is that a
        different and OK approach? Or is that just a
        combination of “living evangelism” (the use of your
        money is part of the way you live) with “teaching
        evangelism” (you hire someone else to teach)?

    5. We have identified the two main ways in which we can
      evangelize. What is it we are to be living and saying? We
      turn to that next.


    1. Read Acts 1:8. What is the job that Jesus has given to the
      disciples? (To be witnesses!)

      1. Does this instruction apply to you too?

      2. What are we to “witness?”

    2. Read Matthew 28:18-20. How does this text relate to Acts

      1. Does Matthew 28 also apply to you?

      2. As you consider Matthew 28:18-20, what are the
        elements and what is the goal of being a “witness?”
        Let’s list them on the blackboard. (The goal is to
        make disciples. The elements of making a disciple seem
        to be convincing people of the authority of Jesus so
        that they will submit to His authority through baptism
        and then teaching them how to live in harmony with His

        1. Why does Jesus end these verses with the
          statement that He is always with us?

        2. How is baptism an acknowledgment of God’s
          authority? Or do you disagree with the idea that
          baptism has anything to do with submitting to
          authority? (Read Romans 6:3-4, 6-7. Baptism is
          death to our old way of life. It is an
          acknowledgment that sin causes death and an
          acceptance of Jesus’ death in our place. It takes
          away the authority of sin and replaces it with
          submission to God.)

        3. What is the purpose of the second element of our
          witness — teaching obedience to Jesus? (After
          you teach people about the authority of God and
          the importance of submitting to Him, you have to
          show them what this means as a practical, day to
          day, matter.)

    3. Do you remember the different witnessing methods that we
      discussed used by Jesus (after His resurrection) and by
      Luke? How do Jesus’ “living” and Luke’s “teaching”
      witnessing fit into the goals of Matthew 28:18-20?

      1. Can you show people the authority of God and the
        importance of obeying through your life?

      2. Can you show people the authority of God and the
        importance of obeying through your teaching?

      3. Examine your life. Is your life teaching the right
        message? Or are you a different kind of witness?

    4. Let’s read Acts 5:17-21. The apostles were jailed because
      they were preaching and healing. For what purpose did the
      angel release them? (To witness.)

      1. Why do you think the angel told them to witness in the

        1. Couldn’t they witness somewhere less conspicuous?

        2. The temple is a place where people would come to
          receive religious training and instruction. Is
          that where we should witness – in places
          designated for discussing God? Places where
          people come to us?

          1. What about tackling people on street
            corners and in airports — as opposed to
            teaching only those who ask?

      2. What message did the angel tell the apostles to give?

        1. What does this mean?

        2. Read Acts 5:28-32. Is this the (v. 20) “full
          message of this new life?”

        3. Was this a living or teaching witness? (This is a
          teaching witness, but earlier ( Acts 5:15) we have
          a living witness.)

        4. In Acts 5:29 Peter says he must obey God rather
          than man. Is witnessing a matter of obedience to
          God for us?

    5. Friend, God calls on us to be His witnesses. Sometime we
      think of witnessing as going door to door to strangers. But
      the witnessing we have learned about this week goes far
      beyond that. It involves living a life that is a witness to
      Christ. It involves teaching those who want to learn about
      Jesus’ life and death. Are you the witness God calls you to

  3. Next Week: The Power and Joy of Witnessing.