Introduction: The Flood is over, God has saved His faithful.
How do they react? Is the earth now one glorious “near
heaven” experience? Is all at peace and harmony? Is God
lifted up? Or, have humans learned nothing? Let’s dive into
the Bible and find out!

  1. Meat and Drink

    1. Read Genesis 9:1-3. What post-Flood instructions
      does God give to humans? (1. Reproduce; 2. Fill the
      earth; 3. Master the animal kingdom; and, 4. Eat

      1. Is it difficult to obey these instructions?

    2. Let’s skip ahead a couple of chapters. Read Genesis
      11:1-4. How does that compare with God’s commands?
      (God told them to fill the earth. They decide to do
      just the opposite – to build a city and tower and
      stay in one place (“not be scattered over the face
      of the whole earth”).

      1. What is the motivation for disobeying God?
        (Pride! “That we may make a name for

      2. Do you allow your pride to get in the way of
        your obedience?

    3. Look again at Genesis 9:2-3. Do humans have reason
      to be self-confident? (Yes. God has put them at the
      top of the chain of creation. But, they want

      1. Would it be a violation of God’s order for
        humans to want less? For example, not to take
        charge of the animals? (We have this
        philosophy today in the “species
        discrimination” crowd. They say we should not
        eat or wear animals because they are on the
        same “level” of importance as humans.
        According to them, the fight against abortion
        is hypocrisy because of the way we treat
        animals. This philosophy is directly at odds
        with the order set up by our Creator and it
        denigrates the status of humans.)

    4. Read Genesis 9:4-6. We just discussed “species
      discrimination.” Why, according to God, is this an
      false philosophy? (Humans were made in the image of

      1. What does this say about the theory of
        evolution? (If you start out on the wrong
        track, you are going to end up in the wrong
        place. Believing in the Creation is
        fundamental to the philosophy of life given to
        us by God. God says “Humans are made in My
        image,” and all sorts of logical conclusions
        flow from that. One of those is that you can
        kill animals to eat without any problem – but
        neither humans or animals can kill humans.)

      2. What is God’s penalty for killing a human?

        1. Why didn’t God apply that penalty to Cain?

      3. Considering our discussion, why do you think
        God was particularly interested in the
        “lifeblood,” so much that He told us not to
        ingest it? (I’ve mentioned before that my
        study of the Bible causes me to believe that
        there are certain “things” that have special
        significance to God. Without explaining it,
        light, wine (grape products)and blood are
        three examples. With blood, what seems to
        make it special is its connection to life –
        which we see later in the sanctuary service
        which foretells Jesus’ blood being shed on our
        behalf to give us life.)

    5. Are all of God’s gifts good? For example, I’ve been
      a vegetarian for more than 40 years, not because I
      have any particular regard for animals, but because
      I have particular regard for myself. I note that
      after God gave humans animals for food, their life
      span started radically diminishing. Would it be
      consistent with God’s character to give us a gift
      that might be good for His overall plan, but not so
      good in the specific application?

  2. The Promise

    1. Read Genesis 9:7-17. God sets out a covenant, a
      “contract” or promise to humans. What is the
      obligation of each under this contract?

      1. What are humans to do? (Increase life –
        reproduce and fill the earth.)

      2. What will God do? (He, in turn, promises not
        to destroy the life they are creating by
        another flood.)

      3. What is the “sign” of this contract? (The

      4. At least in the United States, the sign and
        colors of the rainbow have been co-opted by
        the homosexual movement as its symbol. What is
        particularly ironic about that? (Homosexuals
        do not reproduce. Perhaps it isn’t the “create
        life” part of the contract in which they are
        most interested.)

    1. God speaks as if He would have trouble remembering
      His promise. How do you explain this? What insight
      into God’s character do we get from the rainbow?
      (We see over and over in the Bible that God uses
      physical things to remind us of the spiritual. God
      doesn’t want idols in our life, but He does seem to
      promote memorials.)

  1. Man of the Soil

    1. Read Genesis 9:18-21. Can you think of some reasons
      why Noah might drink excessively? (Some might call
      out “three sons!” Remember our discussion about
      God’s promise to destroy the earth?( Genesis 6:13)
      All of humanity is gone. The earth is likely an
      ugly place compared to its pre-flood days. It is
      reasonable that Noah might become depressed.)

    2. Read Genesis 9:22-24. How would you lay the blame
      here? Why is it that Canaan gets cursed? (Being
      drunk is not in accord with God’s will for His
      leaders( Titus 1:7). Apparently, that is a lesser
      problem then failing to show respect for your
      parents ( Exodus 20:12). I can only imagine that
      Canaan saw his grandfather Noah laying naked in the
      tent and he told his father Ham about it. Ham then
      said to his brothers, “Hey, Dad’s naked! Want to
      see?” To which his brothers replied, “No!” They
      then took steps to preserve dad’s dignity.)

      1. What is the lesson today for children?
        (Respect is due your parents even when they
        may fail in doing God’s will. Of course, Noah
        was in general a father who was worthy of
        great respect – indeed, he had saved his sons’
        lives from the flood.)

  1. Rebellion

    1. We briefly touched on the tower being built on the
      plain of Shinar. Read Genesis 11:3-4. What allows
      them to build a high tower? (Technological advances
      in construction materials.)

      1. What is the goal? (To have the tower reach
        into heaven.)

    2. Read Genesis 11:5. Did the tower reach heaven? (I
      think the writer of Genesis is making a point by
      saying “God came down” to see the tower. They did
      not bring their tower to God’s level. He couldn’t
      even see it without “coming down.”)

    3. How does rebellion begin so fast after the flood?
      What is at the bottom of this problem? (Pride of
      intelligence and achievement. A desire for a
      reputation. Resisting God’s directions. It seems
      related to the reasons why Eve chose to sin.)

    4. Read Genesis 11:6-7. Is God unhappy with the
      progress of humans? Is God more comfortable with
      stupid people? (God is uncomfortable with people
      using their intelligence to oppose Him.)

    5. Read Genesis 11:8-9. Is this fair for God to do? (A
      Christian lawyer with whom I have worked in the
      past on religious liberty litigation told me that
      before he went to court he prayed that his
      litigation opponents would be confused. This caught
      my attention because I had always prayed in the
      past for “our side,” but I never prayed for
      something “bad” for our opponents.)

      1. What do you think – is it God’s will to
        confuse the enemies of His program?
        (Apparently so. After I thought it through,
        and decided that this was a proper prayer, I
        recall in a different case making that prayer
        and finding that the opposition was, indeed,
        confused in the litigation.)

      2. What is the result of God’s confusion of the
        languages? (The people did exactly what God
        wanted – they spread out on the earth.)

    6. Friend, what is your attitude towards God? Do you
      find that you are often rebelling against what He
      has written in the Bible? Is pride a problem? Does
      you life seem confused? Things not going well? How
      about deciding right now that you will determine to
      follow God?

  1. Next week: The Man Abram.