Introduction: This week we take a break from progressing
through the Job story. Instead, we will spend time studying
the issue of God and human suffering. When we suffer, or those
we love suffer, are we tempted to think there is no God – or
at least no loving God? That would be natural. If there is a
loving God, why would He allow suffering? What evidence do we
have for God? Let’s dig into our study of the Bible and learn

  1. Proof of God

    1. Read Romans 1:18-19. What does this say about the
      reason some suffer? (Humans who try to hide the
      truth about God suffer God’s wrath.)

      1. How do these ungodly people suppress the truth?
        (By their wickedness. The righteous give glory
        to God when they live a righteous life. The
        wicked suppress the truth of God by living an
        evil life.)

      2. Are these wicked people just confused? Are they
        deceived by Satan? (No! Evidence of God is
        “plain to them, because God has made it plain to

    2. Read Romans 1:20. How is evidence of God plain to
      humans? (Plain evidence of God (“His eternal power
      and divine nature”)exists in what He has made.)

      1. I often hear Christians say, “God is a matter of
        faith.” Indeed, they argue against evolutionists
        by saying “what you teach as science is a matter
        of faith, thus both theories of origins are
        matters of faith.” How does the “faith” argument
        line up with what the Bible says? (Not well.
        Romans says this is not a matter of faith at
        all. It says the existence of God (and His
        “eternal power and divine nature”)is “plain”
        when we consider what He has made. We have

      2. Let’s examine this a bit more. What do you find
        in the creation that makes the power and
        divinity of God plain? (I start with the human
        hand. Humans today, with all of their knowledge
        and computer assistance, cannot perfectly
        replicate a hand. If humans still cannot
        perfectly reproduce a hand, consider the
        arrogance of thinking that a hand came about by
        chance and natural selection.)

      3. I recently watched a documentary about a new
        theory on the speed of light. It mentioned the
        fact that the universe is expanding at exactly
        the right speed. The two scientists arguing the
        new theory said something like, “Either we are
        right about this (variable speed to adjust the
        expansion), or you have to believe in the God
        thing.” What does this say about the “God
        thing?” (The “God thing” is obvious. Certainly
        more obvious than light adjusting its own

        1. How does the expanding nature of the
          universe, which was only recently
          discovered by humans, show God’s “eternal
          power and divine nature?” (If the universe
          expanded too fast, it would blow apart. If
          it did not expand fast enough, it would
          collapse. The power to regulate this is
          beyond our comprehension. The mind to know
          such a thing is that of a god – our God.)

    3. Read Job 12:7-9. Job writes specifically about
      birds. Have humans replicated the way birds fly? (We
      fly, but not the way birds fly. This is another
      proof the birds did not come about by chance and
      natural selection.)

    4. Let’s continue the “proof of God” argument in
      Romans. Read Romans 1:21-25. What happens when a
      person rejects the obvious truth about God? (They
      become more foolish! The next step toward ignorant
      arrogance is to worship something you made! If you
      had the power to make it, why would you worship or
      serve it?)

    5. Read Romans 1:26-27. Why is homosexuality a logical
      extension of rejecting the logic of a Creator God
      and adopting the worship of idols? (One of the
      professors with whom I work said he wants to write a
      book about “The obvious.” Isn’t it obvious that you
      should not worship something you made? Isn’t it
      obvious that sex between two men or two women is
      contrary to their natural design? Sex allows humans
      to reproduce, and homosexual sex is completely
      illogical for that purpose. Isn’t this completely
      “plain,” completely obvious?)

    6. Read Romans 1:28. If we knowingly reject what is
      plain and obvious about God and His creation, what
      happens as a result? (If you reject God’s knowledge,
      your mind becomes depraved and you do what is
      obviously wrong.)

    7. Read Romans 1:29-32. What is particularly troubling
      about these people who have depraved minds? (They
      approve of those who practice these things. They
      are advocates of sin.)

      1. Do you see this today like never before during
        your life?

      2. Now let me ask you the most sobering question.
        Do you find some of your sins described in
        Romans 1:29-32? The way Romans lays out the
        argument makes these sins seem worse than
        homosexuality. Are your sins also obviously

  2. The Creation Attack

    1. Think back to our first lesson in this series about
      Job. On what basis did God say to Job, “I’m God and
      you are not, sit down and shut up?” (God asked Job a
      series of questions that showed that God not only
      created the world, and understands how it operates,
      but God is still in charge.)

    2. Read Revelation 4:11. On what basis does God claim
      the right to receive glory and honor and power? (He
      is the Creator! This is a consistent theme of the
      Bible. Not only did God say this to Job, but it is
      repeated over a hundred times (I once counted) in
      the Bible.)

    3. Read Colossians 1:15-20. Who created “all things?”
      (Jesus. When the text says “He is the image of the
      invisible God,” and that He “reconcile[d] to Himself
      all things,” this describes Jesus.)

    4. If you were Satan, and you were in a conflict with
      God, what would be your strategy to separate God
      from the allegiance of humans? (Destroy belief in
      the Creation.)

      1. How does the evolutionary theory fit into this?

      2. How does the Sabbath fit into this? (Read Exodus

      3. How does the attack on traditional marriage fit
        into this? (Read Genesis 2:21-24. God’s original
        plan was that a man and woman become “one flesh”
        through reproduction. If that never happened, if
        this is just a myth, and we evolved from
        nothing, then it takes God out of the argument
        and we are left only with “the obvious.”)

  3. Suffering

    1. Read Job 6:1-3. When you are suffering, do you say
      things that you do not really mean? (Job says that
      he is in such anguish, that his words are

    2. Read Job 6:4. Who does Job say is responsible for
      his suffering? (God – “the Almighty.”)

      1. Is Job right? (What we have studied in this
        series shows that God permitted Job’s suffering.
        It was not God’s idea. Could God reasonably
        predict that Satan would attack Job when God
        held Job up as an example of a righteous and
        faithful man?)

    3. Read Job 6:8-10. What does Job want? (To die!)

      1. Why? (He would have the joy of knowing that in
        the middle of all of his pain, he had not denied

    4. Let’s think about this a minute. Job believes that
      God is causing his unjust suffering, yet he hopes
      for death so that he will not deny God. How does
      that make any sense from Job’s point of view? (Job’s
      comments reflect God’s ultimate argument to him,
      that God is God and Job is not. Job wants to trust
      God and God wants Job to trust Him.)

    5. Re-read Job 6:4. When I wrote that God permitted Job
      to suffer, and Job’s suffering at the hands of Satan
      was predictable, would you agree that God was the
      cause of Job’s suffering? (Go back to the beginning
      of the entry of sin in our world. Isn’t Satan
      attending the heavenly staff meeting because of Adam
      and Eve? However you look at this, we are
      responsible for our own suffering. Either we suffer
      because we broke a law of nature and we suffer the
      natural results (see Deuteronomy 28), or we suffer
      because we let evil into our world. The introduction
      of evil has all sorts of illogical consequences
      because evil is illogical.)

    6. Read Job 10:12-17. Is this true? (Not in the least.
      We know God regretted what happened to Job (Job

    7. Friend, you and I are not “blameless” ( Job 2:3) like
      Job. Whether suffering comes to us because we have
      violated a law of nature, or whether it comes
      because of the introduction of evil into our world,
      or whether it comes because we are a warrior for
      God, our best reaction to suffering is simply to
      trust God. Will you commit, right now, to trusting

  4. Next week: Curse the Day.