Introduction: Evolutionists and assorted “Old Earth” advocates like
to point out that the Bible is not a science book. It is not about
biology, chemistry, physics or genetics. I think we can agree on
this. So, the question is, “What is the Bible about?” I suggest it
is about God and man and their relationship. Consider how the plain
language of Genesis 1 impacts the relationship between God and
humans. If God truly spoke the universe into existence, and the
major sections of the project were each completed in twenty-four
hours, what were God’s options? Could God say “undo,” “redo,” or
“reset?” The answer is, “of course,” and that speaks volumes about
God’s deliberate decision to stick with His erring creation. What a
God of love! Let’s jump back into our study of the Creation week!

  1. Sky Lights

    1. Read Genesis 1:14-15. What is the purpose of the stars?
      (Our big star, the sun, lights the earth during the day.)

      1. What other purpose do the stars serve? (They are a
        clock. They “mark seasons and days and years.”)

      2. We previously studied that God created light on the
        first day, and recounted an “evening and morning”
        time period. How could this be without the sun, moon
        and other stars and planets? (What if we start with
        different assumptions? What if we say that God
        created a 24 hour time sequence at the beginning,
        and then set the sun and planets to mark His time
        sequence. This is just like a clock. It doesn’t
        create time, it just reflects time.)

    2. Read Genesis 1:16-19. We know that the moon is not like
      the sun, it does not have any light of its own. Why is it
      correct to call the moon a “lessor light?” Does this
      give support to evolutionists who say that the Bible
      cannot be trusted to give us scientifically correct
      statements? (If you asked for a light, and someone gave
      you a mirror, would you be angry? In some cases having a
      mirror is a good as having an original light source. Our
      moon is a source of light, just like a mirror. It is the
      lessor light because it reflects the light of the sun.)

  2. Water and Air Animals

    1. Read Genesis 1:20-23. There is a whole section of the law
      devoted to something called “statutory construction.”
      The issue for lawyers and judges is, “What does this
      statute mean?” The first question to be asked is, “Is
      the language plain on its face?” If it is, you go no
      further. Only if the language has some ambiguity do you
      look at its legislative history and other factors to
      figure out what it really means. Let’s apply that
      process here. Is the language about sea animals plain
      about whether they evolved from simple organisms? (It
      says God created “the great creatures of the sea.” This
      plainly refers to large, complex animals.)

      1. How many of the birds did God create? (Every one.)

      2. How many new species of birds do we see today?
        (During my life-time I know that some types of birds
        have become extinct. We are not expanding in types,
        we are contracting. Or, if this is not true, there
        are no popular reports of the expansion.)

      3. Evolution has life moving from the sea to the land
        and sky. What does the plain language of the Bible
        say about the emergence of sea and sky animals?
        (They were all created in a twenty-four hour

    2. Look again at Genesis 1:20. A natural question is whether
      God started the animals like He started humans – few in
      number with the expectation that they would increase in
      number. What does the Bible say about that issue? (It
      says “let the water teem.” Teem means to be filled or
      abound with something. At the same time Genesis 1:22
      speaks of a growth in number.)

  3. Land Animals

    1. Read Genesis 1:24-25, Genesis 2:19-20. What detail does
      this add about the creation of the animals? (Like humans,
      He formed them out of the ground.)

      1. Why did God allow Adam to name the animals?

      2. Notice that Genesis 2:20 tells us that in this
        naming process, no suitable helper was found for
        Adam. Who was looking? (Adam.)

        1. Did God already know that no suitable helper

        2. Why do you think God included Adam in the
          search? (This whole naming and search sequence
          shows that God wants to partner with us. God
          let Adam name the animals. God had Adam
          looking for a partner, so Adam would share
          God’s view of the need for a special one. God
          wants us to be co-laborers with Him.)

        3. Do you think Adam wanted a “suitable partner?”
          Does an only child want a sibling?

      3. What is the message of evolution about the
        relationship between God and humans? (We are hardly
        co-laborers with God. We were running so that we
        would not get eaten!)

  4. Humans

    1. Read Genesis 1:26-27. Would this be a difficult decision
      for you, if you were God?

      1. Imagine the wonderful park and wildlife preserve
        that you have created. You could come and relax and
        enjoy the wonders of nature any time you wanted!
        Creating humans would only bring trouble.

      2. What is the plain language describing the quality of
        our existence upon our creation? (We were created in
        God’s image to be rulers. We were not running away
        from animals trying to avoid becoming lunch.)

      3. Why does God mention that He made both males and
        females? (It gives both importance. It makes both
        distinctive. It shows that both sexes are made in
        God’s image.)

    2. Read Genesis 1:28. What is the God-given task for humans?
      (To multiply, subdue and rule. Again, the plain language
      shows a reproduction system in place. Evolving is not
      part of the replication of humans.)

    3. Read Genesis 2:21-24. This is different than the record
      of the rest of creation. Why? (Read Genesis 2:24. God
      created a special relationship between men and women so
      that they could become one in marriage.)

  5. Sabbath

    1. Read Genesis 2:1. Was anything left to do after the sixth
      day? Was some part of creation still undone, and needed
      tweaking? (No. The plain language of the Biblical account
      does not allow for the evolutionary theory.)

    2. Read Genesis 2:2-3. Let’s look at this with new eyes. I
      have a recliner that I have owned for many years. It is
      the place that I like best to rest when I’m not sleeping.
      Is my recliner holy?

      1. Why, logically, would a day of rest be holy?

      2. One answer is that God “blessed,” Saturday. But, I’m
        still wondering why would He do that? (The only
        logical thing is that God was celebrating and
        commemorating His Creation. It was set apart.)

      3. When I celebrate something, I normally do not rest,
        I play. If God could speak the universe into
        existence, it is hard to believe that He needed a
        rest. Is it possible that the Sabbath is also part
        of the creation? Just as God created light and
        animals, so He created rest and celebration?

    3. Let’s look at the “big picture” aspect of this. If God is
      locked in combat with Satan over the loyalty of humans,
      would God know about this future problem at the time of
      creation? (Yes. The Bible is filled with stories and
      prophecies that show God’s foreknowledge, His

      1. If God’s primary claim to authority is His status as
        Creator, would He take steps in advance to impress
        that claim upon humans? (Again, logically yes.)

      2. When do you engage in most of your thinking? When
        you are busying working or resting? If someone asks
        you to solve a difficult math problem when you are
        walking, will you stop and think? (Yes, we do more
        thinking when we are resting.)

      3. Does this series of questions improve your
        understanding of the Sabbath? (God wanted to create
        a time each week when His co-laborers could rest and
        reflect upon their Creator God. The Sabbath was to
        stand as the weekly memorial and celebration of our
        Creator God!

        1. How successful has Satan been in undermining
          creation and the Sabbath?

    4. Friend, if you have let your Sabbath rest, reflection and
      celebration slip, will you determine right now to correct
      that in the future? Will you clearly declare your
      allegiance to the God of Creation?

  6. Next week: Creation, a Biblical Theme.