Introduction: Did God create us to worship Him or to help
others? If the answer is “both,” what does God expect of us
in our dealings with others? Our lesson this week is
entitled “Created for Community” and we start out with our
most immediate “community” – the family. Let’s jump into our

  1. Family Relationships

    1. Read Genesis 2:15-17. We see in the Genesis record
      God’s first dealings with humans. In these verses,
      what do you conclude God has in mind for humans?
      (That they live productive lives and that they obey

    2. Read Genesis 2:18. Why is it “not good” for man to
      be alone? (The second part of the verse teaches us
      that having a “helper” reflects God’s view of the
      best human relationship.)

      1. What kind of “help” is this “helper” to
        provide? (Go back to the original assignment
        to humans: Live productive lives and obey

    3. Read Genesis 2:19-20. Was Adam looking for a helper
      among the animals? (The text certainly reads that

      1. When the Bible says “no suitable helper was
        found” what does that mean? (The New Bible
        Commentary says “suitable helper” would be
        better translated “helper matching him.” Eve
        would supply what Adam lacked. It was only a
        woman who fully satisfied the job

        1. Did God have “minimum specifications” for
          Adam’s helper? (That is the reasonable
          conclusion to be drawn. God was looking
          for the right “match.” Someone

        2. How should young people today judge
          whether a potential future mate is
          “suitable” and the “right match?”

    4. Read Genesis 2:21-23. If you read Genesis 1 you see
      that God created just about everything by simply
      speaking. Why is God fooling around with a rib when
      creating Eve? He must have had some lesson in mind
      for us, what is it?

      1. In what way is woman a suitable helper to man?
        Consider Adam’s description of Eve in verse
        23. (Adam says that she is suitable because
        she was part of me. I think he is saying that
        she is like me, she is the same thing that I
        am, she is compatible with me. That she was
        made of Adam’s rib signifies an equality in
        creation. I think that was God’s message. She
        is quite unlike one of the animals.)

    5. Read Genesis 2:24. This text says “for this reason”
      man and wife will become “one flesh.” What reason
      does the text refer to? (The reason goes back to
      God’s creative act of making woman out of a part of
      Adam’s body.)

    6. How do a man and woman become “one flesh” today?
      (There are many aspects to the “one flesh” concept,
      but at the most fundamental level it refers to
      reproduction: the creation of new life out of the
      bodies of the parents. Adam and Eve were originally
      “one flesh” and they again become “one flesh” in
      procreation. Compare Genesis 1:28.)

    7. There is a huge debate in the United States that
      was brought to center stage by a ruling of the
      Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. It ruled that
      homosexuals have a constitutional right to marry.(I
      have argued constitutional law issues many times
      before this very court in the past.) Regardless of
      what the Massachusetts court thinks of its state
      constitution, what do these texts suggest that God
      thinks of homosexuality as a “marriage unit?”
      (Homosexuality fails the “one flesh” concept in the
      most fundamental of ways – homosexuals cannot join
      together to create new life. Physiologically, they
      are not a “match.”)

    8. Unlike many popular theories of man, God never asks
      us to turn off our brains or our eyes when
      evaluating His plan for humans. Facts are a “hard
      thing” for the theories of man, but not the designs
      of God. What have you observed is the common result
      of homosexual unions? (It is certainly not life.
      The male homosexual sex act especially exposes the
      body to the transmission of disease and death. The
      result is a world-wide plague that has spread even
      to heterosexuals who do not observe the “man …
      united to his wife” design of God. Death is a far
      different result than the new life that results
      from a man and a woman becoming “one flesh.” This
      fits the common pattern in the great controversy
      between good and evil. God creates the original,
      Satan creates a counterfeit. God’s original brings
      life, Satan’s counterfeit brings death.)

    9. The New Bible Commentary says that the word
      “united” in Genesis 2:24 literally means “sticks.”
      What does this teach us about the marriage
      relationship? (That God intends married couples to
      stick together. Jesus makes this clear in Matthew

  2. Golden Relationships

    1. Read Matthew 7:9-11. What kind of relationship
      does a father normally have with his son? (The
      best. Fathers care more about their sons than they
      do about other children. Mothers care more about
      their daughters than they do about other children.
      Parents care most about their own kids.)
      1. Have you ever worried that God does not have
        your best interests in mind? Is so, what do
        these texts teach you? (You can trust your
        heavenly father to at least(“how much more”)
        treat you the same way that a loving earthly
        father would treat you. If you are a father or
        mother, you have a better understanding of
        what God is trying to teach us about His love
        and care for us.)

      2. What kind of gifts does God give us? (Good

        1. What does this teach us about having all
          of our prayers answered? (Parents know
          that their children often ask for things
          that are not “good gifts.” This is a test
          God uses in answering our requests.)

    1. Read Matthew 7:12. “So in everything” suggests that
      verses 9-11 have something to do with verse 12. Do
      they? If you say “yes,” what do they have to do
      with verse 12? (The kindness and love of our Father
      in Heaven should drive our relationships with those
      around us. We should show kindness and love to

      1. What standard should we apply to our behavior?
        (Ask how you would like the other person to
        treat you, then treat them that way. This is
        the classic “Golden Rule” – do to others as
        you would have them do to you.)

        1. Does that mean we always give others what
          they want from us? (The “good gift” rule
          still applies.)

    2. Read 1 Corinthians 10:23-29. What could be
      “permissible” but not “beneficial?” ( Romans 14:1-2.
      teaches us that there are “disputable” matters in
      the Bible. One believer thinks the matter is sin
      and another does not.)

      1. What was the disputed matter in 1 Corinthians
        10? (If you look at this chapter you will see
        that Paul says believers should not
        participate in sacrifices to idols. The
        question is, when does eating the meat offered
        to idols stop being idol worship? Paul
        explains that as far as he is concerned, when
        it hits the meat market it is “okay” unless it
        has a big “meat offered to idols” sign on it.)

      2. Would God give us two standards for behavior?

      3. Compare 1 Corinthians 10:27-29 with Romans
        14:14-15. What standard is applied here? (The
        “unified” standard is love to others. These
        texts say that when we are around those who do
        not share our values we should avoid doing
        what distresses others.)

      4. Is acting differently depending on who is
        around hypocrisy or love? ( Romans 14:1-15 and
        1 Corinthians 10:27-29 teach this is love.)

        1. Why should the standards of the weak (or
          the “strict” or the “legalists”) limit us?

        2. What if the “weak” are obnoxious about
          their standards?

      5. Let’s discuss the actual application of this.
        Many years ago wearing a wedding ring was a
        disputed matter in my church. I thought it
        was a moral obligation and others thought it
        was a sin. A church member came to me and
        (presumably on behalf of the church) asked me
        not to wear my ring to church board meetings.
        What should I have done? Should I have said
        (referring to the first part of this lesson)
        “Marriage is important, and the ring is an
        important symbol showing I believe in
        marriage?” (I stopped wearing the ring to
        church board meetings. God is looking for
        harmony on “disputable matters.”)

    3. Read 1 Corinthians 13:3-7. How does your life
      compare to this standard?

    4. Friend, God has a standard for our marriage and our
      relationships with others. Are you meeting God’s
      goals for your relationships with others?

  1. Next week: “Honor Your Father and Mother.” (Tell
    your children to tune in!)