Introduction: Would you like to have more peace in your life? Worry,
dread, anxiety, and apprehension are major factors in the lives of
many people. The gospel promises peace. But, why is that? One main
reason is that God loves us. The Ruler of the Universe loves you! How
did that happen? Let’s plunge into our study of Romans to learn more!

  1. Peace

    1. Read Romans 5:1-2. What gives us peace with God? (Grace –
      being justified through faith.)

      1. Romans 5:2 says “we have gained access.” Gained
        access to what or whom? (Access to grace, access to
        God! If there is anyone you should fear, it is God.
        Paul writes that grace gives us peace about
        approaching God.)

      2. Romans 5:2 also says that we “rejoice in the hope of
        the glory of God.” I like peace. But, I prefer
        rejoicing. What do you think is hope in the glory of
        God? (I think this is our promise of heaven and an
        earth made new. If you take the “long view” of your
        current troubles, you can have peace, but more than
        that you can rejoice in the ultimate conclusion of

    2. Read Romans 5:3-4. Paul writes about rejoicing in
      suffering. That is a difficult concept to understand. How
      doe Paul tell us this is possible? (Paul tells us that
      suffering leads to a series of attitude improvements that
      lead up to “hope.”)

      1. I see a problem that we need to sort out. Romans 5:1-2 tells us that accepting grace leads to rejoicing
        “in the hope of glory.” Why not take that path to
        hope instead of the suffering, perseverance, and
        character path to hope?

      2. Is there both a hard path and an easy path to hope?
        Why not take the easy path? (Paul did not tell us
        that righteousness by faith made us free from
        suffering. He said that it leads to peace and hope.
        When we suffer, we can rejoice because we know that
        it does not destroy our hope, rather it leads to

    3. Read Romans 5:5. Have you ever accomplished a goal and
      found it was less satisfying than you thought it would be?
      Will we be disappointed when we reach the stage of hope?

      1. Why not? (“God has poured out His love into our
        hearts by the Holy Spirit.” I’m not sure how this
        connects to hope, but let’s see what we can learn as
        Paul continues to address this issue.)

  2. Love

    1. Read Romans 5:6-8. What makes Jesus’ act of giving up His
      life for us so unusual? (Paul suggests that this is often
      a rational decision – we give up our life for someone who
      will make the sacrifice worthwhile. But, Jesus died for
      sinners. He died for those destined to die anyway.)

      1. Notice that Romans 5:6 points out that Jesus died for
        us “when we were still powerless.” How does that add
        to the unusual nature of Jesus’ sacrifice on our

    2. Now let’s go back to that phrase in Romans 5:5 about how
      hope will not disappoint because God “poured out His love
      into our hearts.” In light of Romans 5:6-8, does this now
      seem easier to understand? (God loved and died for us when
      we did not deserve it, when His decision seemed
      irrational. This gets us excited because we do not have to
      “earn” the basis for our hope in heaven. Like salvation,
      it is a free gift. Thus, we can rejoice because we are
      certain of it!)

      1. We don’t want to miss the Holy Spirit component of
        the promise in Romans 5:5. What is the role of the
        Holy Spirit?

    3. Read Romans 5:9-11. Verse 11 tells us that we have
      “received reconciliation.” What is “reconciliation?” (It
      is the restoration of a friendship. Causing two people to
      become friendly again.)

      1. I see a God of love and generosity even in the Old
        Testament. Why would God ever be unfriendly to us?
        ( Romans 5:9 says that we are “saved from God’s
        wrath.” That must mean God’s anger over the sin
        arising in our world. It must mean that a perfect and
        holy God is incompatible with sin. Thus, when we were
        sinners not covered by the sacrifice of Jesus, we
        were incompatible with God.)

    4. Read Romans 5:12. Who is the source of our sin problem?
      (That “one man” must be Adam.)

      1. Does that seem unfair to you? Should Adam’s sin cause
        you to lose eternal life? (Verse 12 also adds
        “because all sinned.” You deserve eternal death
        because of your sin.)

    5. Read Romans 5:13-14. Has there been a time since Adam’s
      sin that we did not have sin in the world? (No. Before the
      law was given, sin was in the world.)

      1. What does Paul mean when he says that “sin is not
        taken into account when there is no law?”

        1. If Paul means that sin was not punished, how
          can we explain Cain and the Flood? Cain was
          punished for murder and those who refused to
          enter into the ark were punished. How can this
          be explained? (To “account” for something is to
          record it and put it in an orderly arrangement.
          I think Paul is merely saying that we did not
          have an orderly statement of sin prior to the
          Ten Commandments. However, sin still existed
          and humans still died as a result of the
          entrance of sin into our world.)

    6. Read Romans 5:15 and re-read the end of Romans 5:14. Who
      is the “One to come” who is patterned after Adam? (Jesus!)

      1. How is this true? (Adam’s one sin plunged us all into
        sin. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection took us out
        of sin – if we accept it.)

    7. Read Romans 5:16. Romans 5:15 tells us “the gift is not
      like the trespass,” and Romans 5:16 repeats that the “gift
      of God” is not like “the result of the one man’s sin.” How
      are they different? (On a very basic level, one brings
      death and the other brings life. If this was about the
      quality of paper towels, or the efficiency of a sponge,
      Adam’s one sin created a nightmare. But, Jesus’ actions on
      our behalf sponged up all of our sins. It is the one sin
      versus negating the many.)

      1. Let’s look at the last part of Romans 5:16. What did
        Jesus’ actions bring into our lives? (Justification.)

        1. I recently read a statement that Jesus simply
          took away our sins. Thus, we need to do
          something additional to be in a correct
          relationship with God. What does this text say
          about that idea? (Jesus brings justification.
          Trying to add our works is like pinning some
          cheap jewelry to the perfect robe of
          righteousness given to us by Jesus.)

    8. Read Romans 5:17. What do we receive from Jesus’ gift?

      1. What does this verse add to our discussion of Jesus’
        death simply “zeroing out” (negating) our sins? (It
        says Jesus brings to us “the gift of righteousness.”
        Jesus did not simply negate our sins. He brings us
        the positive gift of righteousness.)

    9. Read Romans 5:18-19. On first reading this seems to say
      that Adam automatically made all of us sinners, and Jesus
      automatically saved all of us. Is it true that everyone is

      1. Notice that the NIV translation refers to
        “condemnation for all men,” and later, “the many will
        be made righteous.” This sounds like not all are
        saved, rather “many” are saved. The problem is that
        the Greek word used for “all” is the same used for
        “many.” How does that affect your view of this?
        (Read Romans 3:22. Paul is simply saying that
        salvation by faith is available to all. He is not
        saying that salvation comes to those who do not
        accept the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.)

    10. Read Romans 5:20-21. Why would God want to have sin
      (“trespass”) increase? (I think this means that our
      understanding of sin increased. We understood better how
      God wants us to live.)

      1. Is it a bad thing that sin increased? (No, because
        grace increased even more.)

      2. What is the outcome for those who believe that Jesus
        is God and accept what He has done for us? (We have
        eternal life!)

    11. Friend, eternal life is the hope in which we rejoice. That
      is what gives us peace in life. Sin can bring excitement,
      but obedience, trust in God, belief in grace, brings us
      peace. Why not choose peace today?

  3. Next week: Overcoming Sin.