
(January, February, March 2022)

Want to learn more about Hebrews? Use these Bible Studies for personal devotion, group Bible studies, or teaching a church class. Below are links to the lessons in this 11-part series.

Introduction: Have you ever had an event or a song that just made you feel like shouting praises to God? I recall that feeling when I was in college and I was singing in Pioneer Memorial Church. The organ and the voices swept me up into this wonderful praise to God. More rece...

Introduction: Do you have a best friend? Someone who is clearly closer to you than anyone else? The book of Hebrews makes the argument that Jesus is that part of the Godhead who has the closest relationship with humans. He created our universe. He became one of us...

Introduction: What does the beginning of Hebrews teach us about Jesus? Two weeks ago we studied that the introduction to Hebrews started with praising Jesus. Last week we looked at how the first two chapters of Hebrews described the various aspects of Jesus' work....

Introduction: I'm blessed with a faithful brother. How about you? There are so many tragic relationships among family members. Siblings who will not talk to each other. Parents and children who dislike each other. All of my family relationships are great, and I...

  Introduction: How would you define rest? Is it sleeping? Laying on the beach? Watching television? What about a rest from being worried? A rest from fear? I think the Bible has a definition of rest that is largely different from o...

Introduction: Has someone defended you in a serious situation? How did that feel? Because of my job, I’m generally the one defending people who cannot afford to defend themselves. But, I recall decades ago I was playing a church-related volleyball...

Introduction: Does life sometimes dissolve into boring routine? Do problems and challenges cause us to focus on them instead of God? Does success and wealth turn us away from a dependence on God? Are you tempted sometimes to just leave Christianity b...

Copr. 2022, Bruce N. Cameron, J.D.  Scripture quotations are from the ESV ® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Suggested answe...

Introduction: How many religions are you acquainted with? Every one that I know about involves a sacrifice of some kind. That sacrifice is an offering to the god of the religion or some sort of penance for sin. Something that belongs to you is given...

Introduction: Do you have any "veils" in your life? One of my favorite local restaurants has you walk through a curtain to enter. Not certain how sanitary it is to have everyone brushing against that curtain. There are many intellectual veils in my l...

Introduction: Hebrews 11 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. Reason being that it explains some of our most successful and difficult times in life. It gives us critical insight into faith and understanding how God interacts with humans. When...

Introduction: Many years ago a member of my Sabbath-school class was diagnosed with a deadly disease. She was not worried because she knew that God would heal her. She was certain. I remember the time when a switch flipped in her mind and she realized that she was going to die. I...

Introduction: Imagine you are dying and you decide to write a last letter to your children. What would you write? Likely it would include advice for living that reflects what you have learned during your life. You want your children to live well, and avoid being injured by bad decisions. Hebrews 13, our study this week, feels like a last letter. Let’s dive into our study of Hebrews and see what advice for living it gives to us!...