Introduction: In my limited exposure to history and world religions,
the claims about Jesus seem unique. Judaism is either waiting for a
Messiah or has lost interest in the subject. Islam’s highest claim
for someone who once lived on earth is “prophet.” The “god-king”
claims of many earthly rulers never seemed to extend beyond their
life here. People expected that the next ruler would occupy the same
spot as “god-king.” Jesus makes unique claims which are backed by the
Old Testament – a book accepted by Jews, Muslims and Christians.
Let’s plunge right into our Bible study see what the Bible has to say
about the Deity of Jesus!

  1. Ancient of Days

    1. Read Micah 5:2. This is a Messianic prophecy, and we know
      that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. What does this text say
      about the length of time of Jesus’ existence? (His
      “origins” are “from old, from ancient times.”)

    2. Read Isaiah 9:6. What apparent contradictions do you see
      within this verse? (It is filled with contradictions. The
      “son” is called “Father.” A “child” is called “God.” One
      who is “born” is called “Everlasting.”)

      1. Can you logically resolve these serious

        1. If so, how? (The son/father contradiction is
          easy. I am both a son and a father. We have seen
          in history children who were called gods.
          Born/everlasting is tough. It would have to
          refer to someone who existed before they were

  2. Creator of the Universe

    1. Read Hebrews 1:1-3. What does this text say about Jesus’
      existence before His birth in Bethlehem? How ancient is
      He? (It says that God made the universe through Jesus. He
      made the place before He was born there!)

      1. Many scientists believe that there is one grand
        unifying theory of the universe (“GUT”). I believe
        this. God is a law of order, and the most pedestrian
        person can see an underlying order to things. (What
        do you know, the sun came up this morning. How
        unexpected!!) I’m always on the alert for GUT clues.
        What GUT clue do we find here, and what does it have
        to do with Jesus’ Deity? (It says the word of Jesus
        currently “sustains” all things. Some universal word
        power emanates from Jesus that sustains all life.)

    2. Read Hebrews 1:4-5. Is Jesus a created being like the
      angels? (The text clearly says that Jesus is not an angel
      who was promoted or adopted to become the Son of God.)

      1. What do you make of the language that Jesus “became
        … superior” and that he “inherited” His name? (My
        suggestion is that this has to do with the
        incarnation. When Jesus-God became man, lived a
        perfect life, died for our sins, and was resurrected,
        He got “promoted” in some way. He did something that
        no other member of the Trinity had done. He did
        something that no one but God could do. He defeated
        sin. Surely there is some sort of recognition for

    3. Read Hebrews 1:6. Is this proof that Jesus did not
      eternally pre-exist, that He was “born?” (No. We
      previously learned that Jesus created the place where he
      was born, thus for Him being “born” and pre-existing are
      compatible. Note especially that it refers to Jesus being
      born into the “world” and not the “universe.” This
      reinforces the idea of His human birth.)

      1. Read Colossians 1:18 for another suggestion about the
        meaning of Jesus being “born.” What new meaning does
        this suggest for the term “firstborn?” (Paul refers
        to the Jesus’ resurrection as “firstborn from among
        the dead.”)

    4. Read John 3:16 in the King James Version. Is this word
      “begotten” proof that Jesus was born and did not eternally
      preexist? (The author of the lessons on which these
      studies are based goes into a long explanation of the
      Greek word (monogenes)and the way John uses the underlying
      term. I think that explanation is right, but I also think
      there is a much more simple answer: Jesus was born of
      Mary. Thus He was “begotten.” On the other hand, the
      Bible clearly states that Jesus existed before He was
      begotten by Mary.)

    5. Read Hebrews 1:7-9. If Jesus is fully God, how can He be
      “set above” His “companions” the angels? Why would He need
      to be “set above?” (Again, I think the whole series of
      texts is arguing that Jesus is given special honor because
      He overcame sin. If you look back at Hebrews 1:3-4 it
      creates a sequence: Jesus provides purification for sins
      and then sits down at the right hand of God. It seems that
      at this point some special honor is conferred upon Jesus.
      I believe this is what is referred to in the “set above”
      language of Hebrews 1:8. No angel died for our sins. God
      died for us!)

    6. Read Colossians 1:15. How does Jesus compliment the rest
      of the Trinity? (God is invisible. Jesus is the visible
      image of God.)

      1. Is this meant in more than a visual sense? (Yes. When
        Jesus came to earth He revealed the character and
        love of God.)

      2. This text also refers to Jesus being “firstborn.”
        Does this refer to His birth as a human or His

    7. Read Colossians 1:16-17. This text clearly states that
      Jesus is the Creator of the universe. Notice the last
      phrase of verse 16: “and for Him.” How was our universe
      (including us) created for Jesus? (If you create
      something, you own it. You take pride in it. If you create
      free moral agents, you create people who can love you.)

      1. A darker thought passes through my mind. Was our
        world created for the purpose of showcasing the clash
        between good and evil? Was it intended to be the
        ground on which Jesus would show that God was fair
        and loving and worthy to be chosen over Lucifer?

        1. Would the answer matter to your faith? (Read
          Romans 9:20-21.)

      2. Remember my GUT comments? What does the text mean
        when it says ( Colossians 1:17) “in Him all things
        hold together?” (Jesus emanates some power which is
        also the “glue” of the universe.)

    8. Consider the overall impact of these texts. What do we
      know about Jesus? (He is no mere man. He is no mere angel.
      He is the Creator who at this very time continues to
      sustain the universe!)

  3. Victor Over Sin

    1. Read Revelation 19:11-16. Just close your eyes and imagine
      this scene! Who is this Warrior? Who is the “King of
      Kings and Lord of Lords?” (Verse 13 reveals that His name
      is “the Word of God.”)

      1. Who is the “Word of God?” (Read John 1:1-3 and skim
        John 1:14-35. John, who also wrote the book of
        Revelation, identifies Jesus as “the Word.” The
        identification is unmistakable. Jesus is the Warrior
        on the white horse, He is the King of Kings and Lord
        of Lords of Revelation 19.)

    2. Read Revelation 19:19-21. We have learned that Jesus is
      our Creator. We know that He died for us so that we can
      have eternal life. What other fact do we learn about
      Jesus? (He is the “Finisher.” He destroys sin, the
      advocates of sin, and unrepentant sinners.)

    3. Friend, whose side would you like to be on in the battle
      between good and evil? If you have not chosen to give your
      allegiance to Jesus as your God, the time to do so is
      right now. The argument for His side is overwhelming.

  4. Next week: The Reality of His Humanity.