Introduction: Last week we learned you are ambassadors for
Jesus to declare His praises and share the message of your
reconciliation with God. Now that you have your message,
where do you go? Who do you tell? Does it matter? Let’s
jump into our lesson and find out!

  1. Geography

    1. Read Acts 1:6-8. These words are the last recorded
      between Jesus and His disciples. What did the
      disciples want? (They wanted Jesus to make them
      rulers of Israel and take power away from the

      1. Would this question be discouraging to you if
        you were Jesus?

      2. What was wrong with the disciples’ question?
        (It showed they still had the wrong goal in

      3. Did Jesus answer the disciples’ question?

        1. Did He say, “What kind of numbskull
          question is that? Haven’t you been
          listening to a word I’ve said? And now
          I’ve got to go and you still haven’t
          learned anything!

          1. What answer did Jesus give? (He told
            them about the Second Coming and
            that His Father had set the time for

      4. Is there a lesson in this for us? (Yes. Our
        goal is not to take over the country.
        Political power is not our first goal.)

      5. Did Jesus tell the disciples a way to restore
        the kingdom to Israel? Did He directly answer
        their question? (Yes. It is in verse 8.)

        1. What kind of “restoration” do we find in
          verse 8? (Being a witness “restores” the
          Kingdom of God in preparation for the
          Second Coming of Jesus.)

      6. Let’s concentrate on verse 8 a bit. The
        disciples asked Jesus about power that had
        certain geographical limits. How did Jesus
        respond to that? Did He agree to geographical

        1. Do you attach any significance to the way
          Jesus describes where the disciples will

          1. Is this an instruction limited to
            them, or does this provide
            instruction to us? Should we start
            in our nation’s capital, work our
            way to the boarders of the country,
            go next to neighboring countries and
            then go to the world?

          2. Are we just part of the “ends of the
            earth” – and thus left to our own

          3. Is this a comment about starting
            small? Would you start smaller by
            beginning with your family? Your
            hometown? Would that be consistent
            with Jesus’ command?

            1. Do you think Jesus meant for His
              disciples to start at the
              nation’s capital, or did He just
              say the name of the capital
              because that was where they were
              at the moment?

  2. Eager Audience

    1. Let’s say that you start witnessing. You start
      small, you start where you are. You have decided
      on the “where” for witnessing. Should you have a
      plan for “whom?” Or should you just talk to
      whomever you see first? Will the Holy Spirit give
      you a plan if you ask for one?

    2. Let’s read some examples. Read Acts 2:4-11. Is
      there a plan at work here?

      1. What is it? (On the face of it the disciples
        were witnessing at a large religious gathering
        (the feast of Pentecost) of people from all
        nations. Pentecost was the last day of the
        grain harvest (also called the Feast of
        Weeks). ( Deuteronomy 16:9-10, Leviticus 23:15-16.)

        1. Should we pick large, international
          religious gatherings to witness?

      2. Notice that Acts 2:5 says Jews from every
        nation “were staying” in Jerusalem. This does
        not seem to be a short visit (the Greek means
        to have a fixed or permanent dwelling
        according to Barnes’ Notes). Any idea why they
        would be staying?

        1. Read Luke 19:11. This is the tail end of
          the Zacchaeus story and it has a very
          interesting comment about Jerusalem and
          the Messiah. What does it suggest? (That
          the people thought it was time for the
          Messiah to come.)

        2. Do you remember all the talk and
          speculation about Y2K and the end of the
          world? Do you think it was like that in
          Jerusalem? (Matthew Henry’s Commentary on
          Acts 2:5-11 tells us that the people had
          been studying Daniel’s prophecy about the
          weeks “and it was then generally thought
          that the kingdom of God would immediately

          1. Is this a plan or is this a plan?
            The disciples start witnessing in a
            city that has a lot of international
            people in it who have come to find
            the Messiah!

          2. Do we have a similar opportunity
            now? Can we make that opportunity by
            teaching the Second Coming is near?

  3. Class Attack

    1. Our lesson (Sunday) directs our attention to Acts
      6:7 (gospel to priests), Acts 8:26-39 (gospel to
      the Secretary of the Treasury of Ethiopia), and
      Acts 13:6-12 (gospel to the Roman Proconsul) and
      concludes that we are “passing by” the
      “intelligent” “refined” class in our witnessing
      because our “hook is not baited to catch this
      class.” Do you agree?

      1. When was the last time your church converted
        (as oppose to a transfer of membership) a
        truly wealthy person?

    2. Read James 2:2-6. Would James agree with our
      lesson that we are not sufficiently “baiting the
      hook” for the rich?

      1. Is it James’ position that we should expect
        that the poor would join our church instead of
        the rich?

      2. Do you think James would agree that we should
        “bait the hook” for the rich?

      3. As you look at these verses, what is James
        complaining about? Rich people? (I’m not sure
        he is wild about rich people, but his
        complaint is about discrimination.)

        1. Would it be discrimination to try to make
          sure the rich get the gospel message too?

    3. Read Acts 10:25-29. Do you recall Cornelius? Who
      was he? ( Acts 10:1 tells he was a centurion
      (leader of 100) in the Italian Regiment. This
      means he was not a Jew.)

      1. Was there a problem with Peter going to
        Cornelius’ house?

      2. What does this story tell us about to whom we
        should witness? (Read Acts 10:34-35.)

    4. Let’s read on. Read Acts 10:30-33. We have not
      read the entire chapter (Acts 10) because I think
      you already know it. What is the role of the Holy
      Spirit in Peter’s witnessing to Cornelius?

      1. The Bible has stories about rebels who hit
        bottom and turn to God. This is a story about
        a man who was seeking God. Should we target
        those people for the gospel?

        1. How would you do that?

      2. Are there strong “class issues” in the story
        of Cornelius? (Yes – and they go both ways!
        Cornelius is an important man in his culture.
        On the other hand, Jews would look down on

        1. Is there a common thread between the
          statements of James that we read earlier
          and the point of the Cornelius story?
          (Yes, in spreading the gospel we should
          not show favoritism based on race,
          culture or cash.)

    5. Friend, God calls us to witness to others. I think
      He calls on us to start where we are, have an
      intelligent plan, ask for the Holy Spirit to lead
      and try to ensure that all classes hear the
      everlasting gospel. Will you join in that effort?

  4. Next Week: The Action Words of Witnessing.