Introduction: How do you feel the last day or two of your vacation?
Each week, when Sunday evening rolls around, how do you feel? My bet
is that a large number of you start thinking about having to go back
to work. You wish your vacation or the weekend could be longer. So,
you treasure those precious last hours of freedom. Imagine if your
vacation or weekend were followed not by work, but by your torture
and death? How much more precious would you view your last hours
then? Our lesson this week looks at the last week of Jesus’ life on
earth as a man. Let’s plunge in and see what we can learn!

  1. Background to the Triumphal Entry

    1. Read Luke 19:11-13. The parable of the ten talents (here,
      “minas”) is familiar to most of us. A king gives money to
      his servants, tells them to invest it, and when he returns
      asks them about their investments. Sort of a Bible version
      of the modern television program “The Apprentice” with
      Donald Trump. Look at verse 11, why did Jesus decide to
      tell this parable at this time? (The people thought that
      Jesus was going to set up His kingdom here on earth at
      this time.)

      1. Why is the story of the ten talents appropriate to
        that concern? (We know now that Jesus was not going
        to set up His kingdom right then. So, the lesson is
        that they should be productive until the time of His

    2. If you are not familiar with this story of the talents,
      read Luke 19:14-25. The rest of you know that two of the
      three servants report putting the king’s money to work and
      getting a good return. One servant just hides the money
      and gives it back. When the king returns, he rebukes the
      one servant, takes his money back, and gives it to the
      most productive servant.

      1. Let’s read the very last part of this story: Luke
        19:26-27. Did you remember this? (I’ll bet that even
        those who know this story well, did not remember the
        statement in verse 27!)

      2. What is the point of this parable? (If you are simply
        lazy, and do not work for the king, you will lose all
        that you have been given. If you are hostile to the
        king, you will be killed.)

      3. If you thought Jesus was about to set up His kingdom
        here on earth, what would you conclude based on His
        statement in verse 27? (That those who opposed Him
        were going to die.)

  2. Triumphal Entry

    1. With this background in mind, let’s get to Jesus’
      “triumphal entry.” Read Luke 19:28-32. If you were one of
      the disciples who was sent ahead, what would you think
      when you found the colt just as Jesus had said? (The idea
      would be reinforced that this was no ordinary man. He
      could not only tell the future, but He had authority to
      claim private property.)

    2. Read Luke 19:33-36. Why would the people throw their coats
      of the road for the colt to step on? Would you do this
      with your new coat? (Read Matthew 21:4-5. I think the
      people understood that Jesus riding the colt showed He was
      coming to Jerusalem as King. See also 1 Kings 1:37-39.
      They threw their coats on the ground to give a proper path
      for the new King! See 2 Kings 9:13)

    3. Read Luke 19:37-38. What were the people saying? What were
      they thinking? (They thought the Messiah was at hand. It
      was the day they had waited for their entire life!)

      1. Read that portion of a Messianic prophecy found in
        Psalms 118:26-27. Would the people have had this
        prophecy in mind? If so, what would it tell them?
        (Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah!)

    4. Matthew’s account adds another detail. Read Matthew 21:4-5. What does Matthew say is going on here?

      1. The fulfilled prophecy Matthew is quoting is
        Zechariah 9:8-10. Read this text in Zechariah.

    5. Put together all of the evidence we have studied. The
      parable that ends with the killing of the enemies of the
      king. Jesus’ supernatural knowledge of the colt. His claim
      to be entitled to use the colt. The specific fulfillment
      of Messianic prophecy about the liberation of Israel and
      world peace. What verdict does this evidence demand? (The
      hopes and dreams of Israel are being fulfilled right now.
      This is the day! Friends, this is it!)

      1. Is there any dark spot in this evidence? (That stuff
        about the “delay” in the story of the talents.)

    6. Read Luke 19:39-40. Were the people just getting carried
      away? Were they engaging in unauthorized celebrations?
      Were they acting contrary to Jesus’ will? (No. Again the
      only logical conclusion is that supernatural power
      attended this celebration. All nature was about to break
      out in song.)

    7. You know the end of the story. What is Jesus doing? How
      does this make any sense? Why were not the Pharisees right
      in asking Jesus to rebuke the crowd? Why was Jesus
      allowing the crowd to get “revved up” for nothing? (I
      think Jesus was doing three things. First, He was clearly
      staking His claim to be King. Second, if you read texts
      like John 7:30, we see that Jesus had not been killed
      earlier because “His time had not yet come.” The time had
      now come. As the Bible Exposition Commentary points out,
      the Jewish leaders planned on killing Jesus after Passover
      ( Matthew 26:3-5), but God had ordained that the “Lamb of
      God” would be killed on Passover. Thus, Jesus was forcing
      the hand of the Jewish leaders with this celebration.
      Finally, the peace prophecy in Zechariah 9 envisioned
      God’s people accepting Him. They did not. As a result,
      peace, was not in their future.)

  3. The Beginning of the End

    1. Read Luke 19:41-44. Why did Jesus say that Jerusalem would
      be facing destruction instead of peace? (They did not
      recognize Him.)

      1. If the Jewish nation had accepted Jesus would things
        have been different? (Jesus says, Luke 19:42, that
        they could have known what would bring them peace.
        What they refused to know was Jesus.)

      2. Describe Jesus’ feelings right now? Remember these
        are the last few days of His life here, and Jerusalem
        has turned away from Him. (This adds another insight
        into Jesus’ attitude about the death of His enemies.)

    2. Read Luke 19:45-46. What is beginning to happen here? How
      is Jesus’ role beginning to change? (Judgment is beginning
      to fall on Jerusalem and the temple.)

      1. Is this a warning to us? If we reject Jesus, will we
        face judgment?

    3. Read Luke 19:47-48. If the lines are beginning to be
      drawn, and Jerusalem is on the wrong side of the line, how
      do you explain the fact that “all the people” at the
      temple “hung on [Jesus’] words?” (Amos has this picture of
      the possibility of being a “burning stick snatched from
      the fire.” Amos 4:11. Jesus holds out His hand to each
      individual who will accept Him.)

  4. The Combat Strategy

    1. Read John 13:2-5. What was the extent of Jesus’ power and
      authority at this time? (God had put all things under
      Jesus’ power.)

      1. When you have just been given power and authority,
        what do you do with it?

      2. What did Jesus do with His power and authority?

    2. Read John 13:6-8. Isn’t Peter right? King Jesus should not
      be washing feet!

      1. Jesus says that “later” they will understand. Explain
        to me how you understand Jesus’ statement that unless
        Peter gets his feet washed, he has no part with
        Jesus? I thought Peter was looking out for Jesus’
        authority when he said “No washing of my humble
        feet!” (Read 1 Peter 3:20-22. The cleansing of water
        symbolizes Jesus cleansing of our sins.)

    3. Read John 13:12-17. What other lesson was Jesus teaching
      His disciples? (He was teaching them an attitude of

      1. How does this fit the “death to the enemies of the
        king” line of Luke 19:27?

      2. Let’s go back and pick up a verse that I skipped.
        Read John 13:1. What is the full extent of Jesus’
        love? (I imagine this points to Jesus’ death on our
        behalf. But, the immediate context is that Jesus
        shows His love to us by teaching us to have the right
        attitude towards our fellow Christians.)

      3. Is serving others your idea of a “good time” for
        those last few hours of the weekend or your vacation?

  5. Gethsemane

    1. Read Luke 22:39-42. What was Jesus facing? (He had now
      come right up to the time of His arrest, torture and

      1. What was His concern for His disciples? (Jesus was
        praying for them!)

      2. Describe Jesus’ attitude about His coming torture and
        death? (He wanted to avoid this – but He was willing
        to submit His will to the will of the Father. It was
        a servant attitude.)

    2. Read Luke 22:45. Why were the disciples asleep? (They were
      exhausted by sorrow.)

      1. “Sorrow” about what? (I fear not simply the death of
        Jesus, but the death of their hope that He was about
        to become King.)

    3. Friend, how about you? Are you alert to your
      responsibilities while we wait our coming King? Are you
      performing your duties with a servant’s attitude? Have you
      submitted your will to God’s will? It is not too late to
      decide to follow Jesus!

  6. Next week: Passage to Calvary.