Lesson 7: The Problem of Evil (Genesis 1-4, Job 1 & 23, Romans 8)

In American law we call it "negligent supervision." It means the person or company in charge of an area failed to adequately protect those within from harm. The issue arises in the workplace, in shopping centers, or wherever someone else is in charge of your surroundings. Is God guilty of negligent supervision? We have terrible evil in the world and God is the powerhouse of the universe. Does responsibility end with Him? Are we in a position to judge? What does God say about His supervision of the world and the problem of evil? Let's plunge into our study of the Bible and find out! Note that we are not going to explore the origin of evil in the universe, but only the evil infecting our world.

The Current Quarter’s Bible Studies on God's Love and Justice.

Lesson 6
God’s Love of Justice
(Luke 16, Micah 6, Matthew 5)
Do you trust people in power? Do you think they are unjust? An old saying is that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. In recent years I have witnessed a lot of injustice among p...
Lesson 5
The Wrath of Divine Love
(Deuteronomy 28, Romans 1, Psalms 78, Jonah 4)
Do you like the idea of a God who shows wrath? I imagine that you love the idea for certain people, but never for yourself. When my mother became old, she retained a healthy body but her mind deter...
Lesson 4
God Is Passionate and Compas
(Psalms 103, Hosea 9, 1 Corinthians 13)
Does God have emotions? The Old Testament often refers to how God is feeling. Do God's emotions affect His judgment? I know people whose judgment is primarily based on emotions, rather than logic, ...
Lesson 3
To Be Pleasing to God
(Ephesians 5, 1 Peter 5, Psalms 149, Mark 9)
What is your attitude about pleasing others? Because I'm a professor, my students want to please me. Because I'm old enough that I don't have to work, I could say that I've had enough of pleasing m...
Lesson 2
Covenantal Love
(Deuteronomy 7, 1 John 4, Matthew 18)
A "covenant" is an agreement. We might call it a "contract" today. For most people, love is "covenantal," meaning that we love those who love us. And we don't love those who do not love us. But is ...
Lesson 1
God Loves Freely
(Matthew 22, Exodus 33, and John 10)
How do you understand the word, "love?" In the West many people have lost all understanding of the words "love" and "hate." When you were dating, did you wonder whether you were in love? After bein...

Emotional Intelligence

Can the Bible help you get promoted at work? Can the Bible increase your pay? Can the Bible help you keep your job? Improve your marriage? The answer is “Yes!” The Bible teaches principles of “emotional intelligence” that can actually help you to be smarter and get along better. Bruce Cameron, the writer of these Bible studies and a law professor, has published a paper written for lawyers which presents 17 Bible-based rules of emotional intelligence which God gave us to improve our lives. Best of all, Professor Cameron’s paper is free and you do not have to be a lawyer to understand it. To get your free copy, first click on this link. Second, when you see the title of the paper (EI, EI, Oh What an Employee), click on the “One-Click Download” and the paper will download to your computer as a PDF. If you have friends who want to read the paper, have them go to the website and download it as well.