Introduction: About sixteen years ago when I started
teaching in law school, I had my Labor Law students read an
article about a strike in France. The point was to compare
the nature of strikes in France and the United States. The
underlying dispute was over the amount of France’s national
debt and its ability to qualify to enter the European Union.
France’s debt to income ratio was relatively low, but
economists in Europe said it must be lower. Today, these
same EU countries carry national debts that are close to
their income. This is also true for the United States.
Japan’s national debt is far in excess of its income. I’m no
expert on national debt, but this dramatic change makes me
believe that a world-wide economic collapse is much more
likely now than in the past. How should Christians prepare
for such an event? What approach should we take to manage
tough times? Let’s explore what the Bible teaches us about
crisis management!

I. Jehoshaphat’s Crisis

A. Read 2 Chronicles 20:1-2. How many armies have
attacked Judah? (Three! The comment that they are
in Engedi means that they are fifteen hours away!)

B. Read 2 Chronicles 20:3. What is King Jehoshaphat’s
reaction to this news? (He is afraid.)

1. If armies are attacking your country and you
are the King, how will it turn out for you if
they win?

2. Our study is about managing crisis. Is it okay
to be afraid when you face trouble? (The
problem is not initial fear, but rather what
you do about it.)

3. What is the first step that Jehoshaphat takes?
(He seeks the Lord and proclaims a fast. This
is fasting and prayer.)

a. Put yourself in Jehoshaphat’s place. What
other options does he have? (Mobilize the
army. Strengthen city defenses. He could
also flee.)

C. Read 2 Chronicles 20:4-5. What else did
Jehoshaphat do with regard to prayer? (He invites
others to join in prayer over this crisis.)

1. Does it seem strange to you that when facing
an invading army you mobilize prayer warriors
and not your military warriors?

2. What lessons do you find in this for any
current crisis in your life?

3. Consider past problems in your life. Did you
first turn to your own resources? Or, did you
first turn to God?

II. Jehoshaphat’s Prayer

A. Read 2 Chronicles 20:6. How would you describe the
beginning of Jehoshaphat’s prayer? (It is praise.
It affirms the power of God.)

B. Read 2 Chronicles 20:7-9. How would you describe
this part of Jehoshaphat’s prayer? (He is claiming
the promise of God. He describes how this promise
has worked in the past.)

C. Read 2 Chronicles 20:10-11. Is Jehoshaphat blaming
God for the current situation? (It could be read
that way. Instead, we can look at this as part of
the promise: “God, you gave us this land while
allowing the current attackers to live. Surviving
with them around was part of your original plan.
We need You to preserve the original plan.”)

D. Read 2 Chronicles 20:12. Does Jehoshaphat suggest
a solution to God before he says “We do not know
what to do?” (Yes. He asks God to execute judgment
on the attackers.)

1. I think a key aspect to this prayer is in
verse 12. What do you think it might be? (We
cannot do it God, we rely on You to get us out
of this crisis. We have a suggested solution,
but we need Your solution.)

E. Read 2 Chronicles 20:13. Are there a lot of things
to do to prepare to resist an invasion? What are
they doing? (They are waiting on God.)

III. God’s Answer

A. Read 2 Chronicles 20:14. The answer is not given
directly to King Jehoshaphat, but rather to a
Levite prophet named Jahaziel. Is there a lesson
in that for us? (God will sometimes speak to us
with an answer through others who He has chosen.)

B. Read 2 Chronicles 20:15. What concern does God
answer first? (He calms His people. He tells them
to relax because He will handle the problem.)

C. Read 2 Chronicles 20:16. Consider the nature of
God’s direction. What is so amazing about it? (God
gives them intelligence about what will take
place. He tells His people the future moves of
their enemies.)

D. Read 2 Chronicles 20:17. Will God’s people need to
fight? (No.)

1. What will they have to do? (Show up. “Stand
firm, hold your position.”)

a. Apply this instruction to the battles in
your life. What is God asking us to do?
(Not compromise on matters where His
instructions are clear. We may not have
to personally fight, but we do need to
stand firm on our position.)

E. Read 2 Chronicles 20:18-19. When God answers our
prayers, what must be our attitude? (They praise

F. Read 2 Chronicles 20:20. Do the people need to be
encouraged to believe God’s message? Do you need
to be encouraged to believe the promises in the
Bible and the messages from the Holy Spirit?

G. Read 2 Chronicles 20:21. Have the people believed
that they should trust God? (They are part of the
decision to lead with the choir!)

1. Consider this. God says, “Trust Me, I’ll take
care of this. You just show up and stand
firm.” God’s people respond by placing a
choir at the front of the military to sing
praises to God. God did not say anything about
a choir. He just said, “stand firm.” What can
we do in response to the problems in life that
reflect this show of faith?

H. Read 2 Chronicles 20:22. When did the ambush
begin? (When the people started to sing.)

I. Read 2 Chronicles 20:23-24. What happened? (The
three allied armies turned on each other. They
attacked themselves until all were killed!)

1. Can you see a solution like this happening to
those who are creating problems in your life?
(Your enemies defeat themselves. Their attack
on you backfires. Their power is turned
against them.)

J. Read 2 Chronicles 20:25. How does this crisis turn
out for God’s people? What is the result of their
complete trust in God? (The enemy is completely
defeated. God’s people now own the possessions of
the enemy. God’s people are enriched because of
this test of faith and their trust in God.)

K. Let’s revisit King Jehoshaphat’s prayer in
2 Chronicles 20:10. He reminds God that allowing
these three nations to remain might have been the
wrong choice. Was it? (God’s people not only have
their faith strengthened, they have their wealth
increased. It turned out to be the right

L. Read 2 Chronicles 20:26-27. What do we find at the
end of this crisis? (Joy! A sense of triumph
through the power of God.)

M. Read 2 Chronicles 20:29. Could this be you? If you
let God fight your battles, will your opponents
learn to fear attempting to harm you?

IV. The Future

A. Revelation 13 predicts a future crisis for God’s
people that requires them to choose between
standing firm and trusting and worshiping God or
compromising and worshiping God’s enemies. Read
Revelation 13:16-17. Has technology brought us to
the point where government has the power to do
this? (I just saw a video clip where those living
in China cannot board a train without a computer
approval of their status with the government. In
Canada, the bank accounts of truck drivers were
frozen by the government without any clearance by
a court. I have a watch that makes digital
payments. This could happen overnight!)

B. Friend, you may currently be in a crisis. The
Bible tells us that God’s people will be in crisis
at the end of time. Will you ask the Holy Spirit
to give you the courage of King Jehoshaphat to
immediately turn to God when you are in crisis and
depend upon His power and not your own?

V. Next week: Rewards of Faithfulness.

Copr. 2023, Bruce N. Cameron, J.D. Scripture quotations are
from the ESV Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard
Version ), copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing
ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All
rights reserved. Suggested answers are found within
parentheses. If you normally receive this lesson by e-mail,
but it is lost one week, you can find it by clicking on this
link: Pray for the guidance of the
Holy Spirit as you study.