Introduction: The debate continues as to the nature of Jesus. Was He
merely a great man, a good prophet, or was He fully God and fully
man? Was He the Messiah, the Son of God? Luke, we decided, is fully
convinced of what he is writing. So, far, he recorded that Gabriel
and the angels said Jesus was God. Let’s dive in and continue to
explore what Luke records that Jesus said about Himself!

  1. Nazareth

    1. Read Luke 4:14-15. What kind of reputation does Jesus
      enjoy? (“Everyone praised Him.”)

    2. Read Luke 4:16-21. What does Jesus mean when He says “this
      scripture is fulfilled in your hearing?” (This comes from
      Isaiah 61:1-2 and Isaiah 42:7. These are prophecies about
      freedom and healing. This suggests that Jesus is going to
      release and heal the Jewish people, meaning He is the

    3. Read Luke 4:22. How did the people react? (It seems they
      were very impressed, but then they said, “Wait a minute,
      isn’t this Joseph’s son, the guy who worked in the
      carpentry shop?”)

    4. Read Luke 4:23. Is Jesus reading their minds? (Yes.)

      1. What are they thinking? (Right after the “Wait a
        minute,” they recall the stories about Jesus’
        miracles, and so they think that a miracle or two
        will help confirm that they should consider His claim
        to be the Messiah.)

    5. Read Luke 4:24-27. Is Jesus going to perform a miracle for
      them? (No!)

      1. Why not? (First, Jesus says they will not accept Him
        because they know He grew up there. Second, He says
        that God has a practice of helping those who are not
        Jewish, when at the same time Jews are in need.)

        1. Put yourself in the place of the Jews of
          Nazareth. How would you react to this? (I would
          be insulted. Why not give me a chance to
          believe? Why assume I will not, and then insult
          me by saying God helps non-Jews.)

    6. Read Luke 4:28-29. Would you get that mad? (No. I would
      simply be insulted – hardly mad enough to try to kill

      1. Was Jesus raised in a town filled with lunatics –
        people with an anger management problem? Or, can you
        explain this behavior? (Moses told them in Leviticus
        24:16 that those engaged in blasphemy should be put
        to death. This proves our understanding of what Jesus
        was saying in the synagogue. They understood Him to
        claim to be the Messiah – the coming God who would
        save them. Thus, killing Jesus (if He was not the
        Messiah) was required by Moses. Luke shows us both
        what Jesus said and how the crowd understood it.)

    7. Read Luke 4:30. How do you walk through a crowd that wants
      to kill you? Isn’t the best approach to start running as
      fast as you can? (Luke wants us to know that something
      extraordinary happened. Jesus walked through the crowd
      like He was invisible.)

      1. What does this say about Jesus? (He said He was the
        Messiah, and God protected Him thereafter.)

  2. Demon

    1. Read Luke 4:31-34. Why does Luke record the statement of
      the demon? (The fallen angels with Satan know Jesus, and
      they know He is “the Holy One of God.)

      1. What do demons think Jesus has in mind for them?

    2. Read Luke 4:35-37. Why didn’t the people remark about what
      the demon said about Jesus? (They were not crediting the
      witness of demons, but Luke has now told us that both
      unfallen angels ( Luke 2:9-13)and fallen angels testify
      that Jesus is God.)

  3. Disciples

    1. Read Luke 9:18? Put yourself in Jesus’ place. Why would
      you ask this? (A central part of Jesus’ mission was to let
      the people know that He was the Messiah. He was taking a
      survey on His progress.)

    2. Read Luke 9:19. Is this an encouraging response? (They
      think Jesus is special, but not the Messiah.)

    3. Read Luke 9:20-21. Peter gets the answer exactly right.
      Why would Jesus tell them not to tell the very thing that
      Jesus needs to have known? (Read Luke 9:22. Robertson’s
      New Testament Word Pictures tells us that this occurred
      after the feeding of the 5,000, where the people tried to
      make Jesus King ( John 6:15). Luke 9:22 reveals that Jesus
      has a time-line. Jesus had to preserve a careful balance
      to maintain His timing – to do things that would cause
      people to later believe He was the Messiah, but at the
      same time avoid starting a revolution right now.)

    4. Read Luke 9:23-27. If the crowd wants to make Jesus King,
      and Jesus is concerned about this, what do you think the
      disciples want?

      1. How does this series of verses speak to the thoughts
        of the disciples? (No doubt they wanted Jesus to
        declare as King more than any of the others. But,
        Jesus is telling them this is a much more complicated
        question – that glory comes much later. First, is

      2. Notice the very peculiar thing that Jesus says in
        Luke 9:27. Is Jesus saying that His Second Coming
        will be in their lifetime? We know that did not

  4. John the Baptist

    1. Read Luke 7:17-20. Why would John the Baptist ask such a
      thing? (The Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary points
      out that John the Baptist had been imprisoned for a year.
      Re-read Luke 3:4-5. No doubt John wondered why Jesus had
      not done these dramatic things – and freed him from prison
      while He was doing it. This created doubt.)

      1. What about you, do you sometimes doubt when things
        are not going as you think they should? (Consider
        that Jesus said about John “there is no one greater
        than John.” Luke 7:28.)

    2. Read Luke 7:21-23. What do you think about Jesus’ answer?
      Does He give John an answer? (I think He gives John an
      answer without specifically saying that He is the Messiah.
      He encourages John to “not fall away,” not to become
      discouraged because Jesus is not doing everything John

  5. Transfiguration

    1. Read Luke 9:28-31. Who are these people? (Moses was raised
      from the dead (Jude 9) and Elijah was taken to heaven
      while he was still alive ( 2 Kings 2:11). These are the
      heavenly representatives of those who will be resurrected
      from the dead, and those who will be translated alive at
      the Second Coming.)

      1. What is the topic of their discussion? (Jesus
        returning to heaven! They missed Him and no doubt
        thought Jesus was anxious to return.)

    2. Read Luke 9:32. What have Peter, John and James seen? (Re-read Luke 9:27-28. We now see that Jesus’ prediction that
      “some who are standing here” will “see the kingdom of God”
      took place eight days later! Jesus was not talking about
      His Second Coming.)

    3. Read Luke 9:33-34. Why is Peter speaking nonsense? What
      happened while he was speaking? (Peter is overwhelmed,
      thinks he needs to say something, but does not know what
      to say. In the meantime a cloud surrounds them and it is
      very scary time.)

    4. Read Luke 9:35-36. Who is Jesus? (Luke records that God
      said Jesus is His Son!)

    5. Friend, what do you say about Jesus? We have the witness
      of the Old Testament about a coming Messiah. We have the
      witness of the angels, both those who did not sin and
      those who did. We have Jesus’ statement that He is the
      fulfillment of prophecy, and we have God’s affirmation
      that Jesus is His Son. Luke wants us to be absolutely
      clear on his belief that Jesus is the Son of God. How
      about you, will you affirm your faith that Jesus is God?

  6. Next week: The Call to Discipleship.