Introduction: Have you considered engaging in a serious sin? If so,
you weighed the consequences: would you get caught? How serious would
the punishment be? Even if you were not caught, how would it affect
you? I recall one friend saying (about a serious sin) “If I do it God
will forgive me.” When it comes to sin, our primary concern is how it
will affect us. This week we look at how our sins affected Jesus. God
paid a terrible price for our sins. Let’s plunge into our study of
the Bible and take a close and personal look at what our sin did to
our loving Savior!

  1. Gethsemane

    1. Read Matthew 26:1-2. Crucifixion was the worst kind of
      death imposed by the government. If you were to be
      crucified, would you want to know in advance? Why or why
      not? (I remember my mother saying “When dad gets home he
      will spank you.” Contemplating my fate did not make things
      any easier.)

    2. Read Matthew 26:36-38. Look carefully at the words spoken
      by Jesus. How would you describe His mental attitude in
      today’s terms? (He is sad and upset – deeply disturbed –
      so much that He feels overwhelmed to the point where He
      could just die.)

      1. Have you ever felt such a deep sadness – that you
        thought you might die?

      2. Have you ever felt overwhelmed with terror about the

      3. Do you think this was fear of physical pain or a fear
        of death? (I would have feared the physical pain and
        death, but I don’t think that is what Jesus is
        saying. Remember that our sins are now being laid on
        Him( Galatians 3:13; 2 Corinthians 5:21). Imagine the
        burden of a sinless God being weighted with the sins
        of all humanity.)

    3. Read Matthew 26:39. What did Jesus want? (He wanted to
      avoid what was ahead of Him. He hoped that God the Father
      had worked out “Plan B” that would allow Him to escape the
      increasing weight of sin and torture that lay ahead of

      1. Could Jesus have avoided it? (Yes. Notice that Jesus
        says “this cup to be taken away.” Jesus did not have
        to “drink” this cup. Jesus could have gone back to
        heaven. He could have taken a “time out.” He could
        have said “I’ve seen these people up close and
        personal and, frankly, they are not worth saving.”)

      2. What did Jesus pray that we should always pray? (I
        want God’s will to prevail.)

        1. Does that sometimes mean terrible things will
          happen? (Yes.)

    4. Read Matthew 26:40-41. Have you ever gone through terrible
      problems and it seemed your friends did not care? They
      were more concerned about their comfort than about your

    5. Read Matthew 26:42. Is Jesus still looking for a way out?
      What does this reveal about His human nature?(We see His
      human side, how He would like to avoid what is coming, but
      He accepts God’s will.)

    6. Jesus goes back to Peter, James and John, and they have
      again failed Jesus by falling asleep. An armed crowd comes
      into the garden to arrest Jesus. It is led by Judas. Why
      would Judas do this? (Only two reasons make sense: 1)Judas
      decided that Jesus is not the Christ, or 2)Judas thinks
      Jesus needs a little prod to declare His kingdom. Jesus is
      surrounded by friends who it seems don’t care enough, who
      don’t believe Him or who think they are smarter than Him.
      What a sad picture.)

    7. Read Matthew 26:50-53. Why doesn’t Jesus call for twelve
      legions of angels? (This shows that Jesus voluntarily
      accepted what was coming.)

      1. Why did Jesus mention twelve legions, as opposed to
        one hundred legions? (Jesus had twelve disciples.
        One just pulled out a sword. Jesus points out that He
        could have had 6,000 angels (a legion) for every
        disciple. He had real fire-power at His disposal –
        instead of His weak followers.)

    8. When the enemy comes close, Peter, the formerly sleeping
      disciple, pulls his sword ( John 18:11) to fulfill his
      promise that he would die before he would disown Jesus
      ( Matthew 26:33-35). Has Peter been faithful or not? Don’t
      we make fun of people who say they will “pray for us,” but
      don’t give any practical help? (Read Ephesians 6:12. Jesus
      was in the middle of a horrendous spiritual battle over
      the fate of the world. Peter thought the fight was against
      humans, not demons. Peter failed Jesus because he was not
      fighting at the point of conflict – the spiritual war.)

      1. How do we know when to pull out a sword and when to

    9. Read Matthew 26:54. Was it really God’s will that His Son
      be tortured and crucified? Could Jesus have reasonably
      said, “My Father in heaven is a loving God, it would never
      be His will that I be tortured, much less killed!” (After
      our last three lessons where we looked at how the
      sanctuary service prophesied how Jesus would die for our
      sins, we can see the “big picture.” When bad things
      happen to us we need to have confidence that God has the
      “big picture” in mind and we need to just trust Him.)

  2. Humiliation

    1. Read Matthew 26:55-56. Why would Jesus care how they
      arrested Him? (This is the beginning of the humiliation.
      He was a respected teacher, not a dangerous thief or
      hiding thug.)

      1. What happened to the promise ( Matthew 26:35) that all
        the disciples made that they would die before they
        would disown Jesus?

      2. What is the result? (Jesus goes alone into the
        terrible battle.)

    2. Read Matthew 26:63 and Matthew 27:37. What is the official
      charge against Jesus? (That He is the Messiah, the King of
      the Jews, the Son of God.)

    3. Read Matthew 26:64-65. Put yourself in Jesus’ place. The
      High Priest, a man of the highest social standing,
      publicly calls you a liar about being the Messiah. How
      would you react?

    4. Read Matthew 26:66-68. How does the mob treat Jesus’
      statement that He is God? (They spit in his face, beat Him
      with their fists and slapped Him in the face.)

      1. What point is the mob making when they say, “Prophesy
        to us, Christ. Who hit you?” (They are mocking Jesus’
        statement that He is God.)

      2. If you are worthy of respect, if you have
        accomplished certain things in your life, how do you
        react to people who deny those things in an effort to
        make you look bad?

        1. What if the people making the allegations are
          true low-lives?

    5. Read Matthew 27:27-29. Imagine standing naked before those
      who are making fun of you. What is the purpose of the
      robe, the crown and the staff? (These are all to mock
      Jesus’ claim to be God.)

    6. Read Matthew 27:30-31. How do you react to being hit on
      the head? Imagine being hit on the head with a wooden rod
      when your head is covered with thorns?

    7. Consider the psychological aspect of this. These people
      are being urged on by Satan to do this. Does Satan doubt
      who Jesus is? (No.)

      1. So, what is the point? (Remember two weeks ago
        (Lesson 8) we discussed Satan’s first wilderness
        temptation of Jesus? We decided that the underlying
        issue was pride and trust in God. We recalled these
        were the same temptations presented to Eve. This is
        the most extreme form of the temptation “If you are
        the Son of God.”)

      2. How can it be a temptation or a sin for Jesus to
        prove He was God? (Jesus would use His own divine
        power to prove the truth – thus, He would fail to
        trust God.)

      3. How do you feel when you struggle with sin? How do
        you feel when you fail? Imagine feeling the dirtiness
        of the sin of all humanity at the same time as people
        deny your true nature while hurting you and laughing
        at you?

      4. Forget the times when you deserved to be embarrassed.
        Have you ever had a temptation even remotely like
        this? If so, did you think you did the right thing
        by defending yourself?

    8. Jesus is nailed to the cross and the base of the cross is
      dropped roughly into a hole. Read Matthew 27:39-43. “If He
      wants Him.” With the weight of the sin on humanity, did
      Jesus know whether His Father wanted Him? Can the
      temptation to distrust God get any stronger? (Read Matthew
      27:46. It feels as if God has left Him. But, Jesus still
      does not summon His own power. A side note: this shows the
      truth of the Bible. From beginning to end we have Satan’s
      suggestion that we should not trust God. If a human were
      just writing a sympathetic story, he would focus on the
      physical pain Jesus suffered.)

    9. Read John 19:30. What was finished? (The battle. Jesus had
      come as the second Adam and He lived a perfect life and
      died for our sins. We died with Him and in this (and the
      later resurrection) Satan and his demons were doomed.)

    10. Friend, when you are tempted to sin think about the
      terrible experience our sins inflicted on Jesus. Think
      about how Satan humiliated Jesus and how Satan, though
      doomed, would like to use your sins to humiliate you and
      doom you. Will you decide today to never again treat sin

  3. Next week: Benefits of Christ’s Atoning Sacrifice.