Introduction: “Well, you can’t get there from here” is a common comic
line for what appears to be an impossible task. In some cases it
might be true. My wife’s elderly step-father used to talk about
driving to see us. He could certainly drive. We just were not sure he
could find his way through the several states to our home.

Can God “get here from heaven?” Does the fact that Jesus came a
first time give us confidence of His Second Coming? Let’s explore
Jesus’ first appearance and see what that teaches us about the Second


    1. Read John 5:18. Why were the Jews trying to kill Jesus?

      1. Let’s put the claim of Sabbath breaking to one side.
        Why not rejoice that Jesus was claiming to be the
        Messiah? They were looking for the Messiah. (They
        obviously did not believe Jesus was the one.)

      2. Aren’t we all sons and daughters of God? Why was
        Jesus’ claim to be the son of God understood as a
        claim of equality, a claim of divinity? (We do not
        have all of the evidence the Jews had, however, I
        think we can trust their judgment that Jesus was
        claiming to be God. He was claiming to be the

    2. Let’s read on. Read John 5:19-24. What claim(s) does Jesus
      make here that confirms the belief of the Jews that Jesus
      was “making himself equal with God?” (The power of life,
      the power over death, the right to judge, and the only
      path to God.)

      1. If Jesus is right, do we have the ingredients for the
        Second Coming? (Yes! The power to resurrect and the
        power to make the final judgment of the world are
        essential parts of His Second Coming.)

      2. If He is right, and we do not believe Him, what will
        happen? (Verses 22-24 make clear that they will not
        “cross over” from death to life.)

      3. As an aside, when did the Father raise the dead to
        life (v.21) without Jesus?

    3. Let’s read on. John 5:25-29. What do you think Jesus is
      describing here? (The Second Coming!)

    4. Let’s step back for a minute. Describe for me what we have
      just heard Jesus say in these verses? If we believe, what
      will happen?


    1. Read Ephesians 1:6-10. Was it an accident that Jesus came
      to live with us the first time? Was it a last minute
      change in plans to fix the sin of Adam and Eve? (Verse 8
      tells us the Father “lavished” grace (through Jesus) on us
      “with all wisdom and understanding.” This was a smart,
      calculated plan God put into effect.)

      1. Did God share this smart, calculated plan with us?

      2. Verse 9 tells us that God revealed a “mystery of His
        will” to us in Jesus. What mystery is that? Why is it
        called a mystery?

        1. Verse 10 gives us a clue. It tells us this
          mystery will be put into action “when times have
          reached their fulfillment.” What is this
          “fulfillment” and what does that tell us?
          (Jesus’ life here is a revelation of what God
          has in mind for us in the Second Coming. To give
          yourself up to win is indeed a “mystery.” The
          mention of “fulfillment” is another indication
          God has a clear plan.)

          1. Do you agree Jesus’ life here a revelation
            of the Second Coming? If so, please
            explain this? (God is willing to go to
            heroic efforts to save us.)

    2. Let’s skip down a couple of verses and read Ephesians
      1:13-14. We have a couple of legal terms here: seal and

      1. We still use seals in the law, but it is less common
        than it used to be. What do you understand to be the
        purpose of a seal? (Shows the document is authentic.)

      2. What is the purpose of a deposit? (To guarantee
        performance of a promise.)

      3. What is this spiritual seal and deposit? (The Holy

      4. You are going to have to explain this. Who gets the
        seal? (You)

        1. Does that mean that if you do not have the seal
          (the Holy Spirit) you are not an authentic

          1. Do you see the gifts of the Holy Spirit
            manifest in your life? In your church?

            1. If not, what does that tell you?

        2. How is the Holy Spirit a deposit? (A deposit is
          generally a portion of the final payment. The
          Holy Spirit living in our lives is a portion of
          the full plan that we will live in the presence
          of God forever.)

      5. If you are concerned that this 2,000 year old story
        about Jesus and the promise of a “return” is not
        true, that the whole thing is some sort of hoax, Paul
        argues two things: first, that the Holy Spirit in
        your life is present proof Jesus was the Messiah and
        proof of the promise of His Second Coming; and
        second, that Jesus’ first coming is proof of God’s
        interest in us and His partial fulfillment of the
        plan to take us home with Him.


    1. Read John 3:14-18. What was the purpose of the snake that
      Moses lifted up?

      1. Read Numbers 21:8-9. Are we bitten by the snake of

      2. When John 3:14 says that Jesus must be “lifted up,”
        to what does that refer? (Jesus’ death on the cross.)

        1. The snake is a symbol of sin. Why would Jesus be
          compared to a snake? (Jesus became sin for us. 2
          Corinthians 5:21)

      3. What does John 3 say is the purpose of the cross? (To
        save us and give us eternal life.)

      4. Is it fair to say the purpose of Jesus’ first coming
        was His Second Coming?

    2. Read Hebrews 4:14-16. What was the purpose of Jesus being
      “lifted up” at the cross? Why did He have to suffer? (He
      showed Adam could have lived a perfect life. In a parallel
      to the sacrificial system of the Old Testament, this text
      reveals that Jesus, our High Priest, is our substitute who
      lived a perfect life in our place. Compare 2 Corinthians

    3. Read Hebrews 12:1-4. How does your struggle with sin
      compare to what Jesus suffered on your behalf? (Verse 4:
      you have not yet resisted “to the point of shedding your

      1. Was part of “the point” of Jesus being lifted up on
        the cross to encourage us in the midst of hardships?
        (Yes, see verse 3.)

      2. What, as a practical matter, does it mean to (v.2)
        “fix our eyes on Jesus?”

        1. Does that mean we should study His suffering?

      3. Verse 2 tells us that Jesus is the “author” and
        “perfecter” of our faith. In what way is He the

        1. In what way is He the “perfecter?”

      4. Notice v.1 says that sin “so easily” entangles. Do
        you agree? If so, is that a warning to be sure to
        “fix our eyes” on Jesus?


    1. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:14-16. How does Paul link the
      first coming of Jesus with His Second Coming?

      1. Is Jesus’ victory over death dependent on His first
        coming? (It turns on His rising from the dead. Paul
        says he believes in the resurrection of the righteous
        because Jesus “rose again.”)

    2. Read on, 1 Thessalonians 4:17-18. What is our final

      1. Paul says “encourage each other” with this promise.
        How does this encourage you?

        1. Remember I asked you before how Jesus’ suffering
          on the cross encouraged you? Is this part of
          the same picture of encouragement? (Yes! Jesus
          not only suffered as we do (us suffering in a
          lesser way), but His victory over death signals
          our victory over death in Him!)

    3. Friend, have you suffered enough? If you accept Jesus as
      your Savior and your Substitute, He promises to share His
      victory with you – to take you with Him to “be with the
      Lord forever.” Will you accept His offer?

  1. Next Week: “Salvation and the Second Coming.”