Introduction: What does Jesus teach us about sharing the gospel? What
“missionary” tips does He share? One interesting tip is about light
and mission. Another tip helps us understand better the “Kingdom of
God.” Let’s dig into our study of the Bible and learn more!

  1. The Light

    1. Read Isaiah 7:14 and Isaiah 42:6-7. These are prophecies
      about coming of Jesus. What missionary activities of Jesus
      are predicted? (Notice the reference to light. He will be
      a “light” to the Gentiles. He will “open eyes” he will
      release those “who sit in darkness.”)

      1. What does this suggest is the work of a missionary?

    2. Read Luke 2:8-11. What accompanied this lone angel? (“The
      glory of the Lord shone around them.” Again, this is a
      reference to great light.)

    3. Read Luke 2:25-32. What does Simeon say is the mission of
      Jesus? (Jesus is a “light for revelation to the Gentiles.”
      He is “glory to your people Israel.”)

      1. Let’s say you are looking at something and you are
        having a hard time seeing it. When you add more
        light, does it change what you are looking at? (No.
        It just allows you to see and understand better. You
        might not even know something is there if you do not
        have enough light.)

    4. As we consider our opportunities to share, what does the
      idea of bringing “light” to others suggest? (We do not
      need to bring new information as much as we need to help
      people make sense of the information already in front of

  2. The Light and the Kingdom of Heaven

    1. Read Matthew 10:5-6. We previously read the prophecy that
      said Jesus was to be a light for the Gentiles. How to you
      explain this focus? (Have you noticed that you need to
      focus light to make it the brightest? The Foundation for
      which I work decided years ago to have a narrow focus. By
      concentrating our energy on a specific issue, we can make
      a change. Jesus is not excluding the Gentiles, instead He
      is focusing the mission of disciples at this particular

    2. Read Matthew 10:7. Jesus gives the disciples a very short
      message: “The kingdom of heaven is near.” What does that

    3. Read Matthew 3:1-3. What message did John the Baptist
      preach? (He preached the same message: “The kingdom of
      heaven is near.”)

      1. What did John mean by this message? (That Jesus was

    4. Read Daniel 7:13-14. What did Daniel see in vision? (The
      same thing! That Jesus’ kingdom was coming!)

    5. Jesus is present when He tells the disciples to preach
      that the kingdom of heaven is near. Why not say that it is

    6. Read Romans 14:17-18. What makes up the kingdom of heaven?
      (“Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” When
      John and Jesus spoke of the “kingdom of heaven,” they did
      not mean merely that Jesus was present, they meant that
      people would accept Him as Savior and Lord. They would
      follow Jesus and that would bring “righteousness, peace
      and joy.”)

      1. Is the kingdom of heaven in you?

    7. Read Acts 1:6. How clear was the disciples’ understanding
      of the kingdom of heaven? (They were preaching it, but
      they did not completely understand it. The kingdom of
      heaven is within us. It comes to you and me right now.)

      1. Since Jesus was leaving at that moment to return to
        heaven, how did the disciples get this straight in
        their minds? (Read Acts 1:4-5. It was the pouring out
        of the Holy Spirit in power that helped them get this

    8. Let’s continue with Jesus’ missionary instructions to His
      disciples. Read Matthew 10:8. What have the disciples
      received? (This is part of the power of the kingdom of
      heaven – the Holy Spirit. If we have received the power
      to heal, we should share it. Between this text and the
      first two chapters of Acts, we see how critical the Holy
      Spirit is to our missionary activities.)

    9. Read Matthew 10:9-10. Every missionary outreach I’ve been
      involved in is free for the audience. Do you value
      something that is just given to you?

      1. Should we change this approach and impose a charge on
        those come to our missionary presentations? (Jesus
        did not charge people for listening to Him, but here
        He says to pass the cost to the listeners.)

    10. Read Matthew 10:11-13. When Jesus says “let your peace
      rest on [the person’s home]” is this imparting part of the
      kingdom of heaven? (Yes!)

    11. Read Matthew 10:14-15. What does this suggest about
      repeated attempts to convert a person? (Christians in the
      workplace get into trouble because they “harass” (not the
      word I would use) fellow employees to become believers.
      This text tells us that we need not make repeated attempts
      to convert someone who is not interested.)

    12. Read Matthew 10:16. How do you understand this
      instruction? (Use your common sense! Use wisdom in an
      honest way in sharing the gospel.)

    13. Read Matthew 10:17-20. We talked about the initial focus
      of the gospel message. Who is now included in the intended
      audience? (Governors, kings and Gentiles.)

      1. If you were just going door to door, would you be
        able to witness to a king or governor? (Unlikely.)

        1. What makes this possible? (Difficult
          circumstances. The disciples will be charged
          with crimes.)

      2. When I argue in court, I carefully prepare what I’m
        going to say. When I preach a sermon, I practice it
        at least seven times before I present it in church.
        Why should I be less diligent in my own defense if
        I’m arrested? (We will be given God’s words to say.
        God’s words are superior to my words.)

        1. God is not a God of disorder. Why would He wait
          until the last minute to share His words with
          me? (I think the main point is that we should
          not worry.)

  3. Faith

    1. Read Matthew 28:16-17 and Mark 16:14. We will get to the
      “Great Commission” in verses that follow each of these
      texts. How do you explain this lack of faith in Jesus’

      1. Critics of the Bible say that the stories of the
        resurrection are lies. If you were fabricating a
        story about Jesus being resurrected, would you insert
        comments like these? (No! You would say “everyone
        knew He had been resurrected.”)

      2. Are you qualified to share the gospel?

    2. Read Mark 16:15-16. What is the “good news?” (The good
      news is that the Kingdom of Heaven has come, Jesus lived a
      perfect life, died on our behalf, and was resurrected to
      eternal life – thus giving us the assurance of eternal
      life if we believe and are baptized. This give us
      “righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Romans

    3. Read Mark 16:17-18. Should we incorporate snake handling
      into our worship service? If you say, “No!” how do you
      explain this?

      1. Look carefully at each thing Jesus specifically
        mentions. If you were to head out on a missionary
        journey to a foreign land, what “tools” would you
        need? (You would need to communicate with the people,
        you would need to be protected against animal attacks
        or drinking or eating something that would make you
        sick. You would need to resist demons. Performing
        miracles brings an audience to your message. These
        are not “entertainment,” these are missionary tools.)

    4. Read Matthew 28:18-20. What assignment and what promise
      does Jesus give us? (To make disciples, to baptize, and to
      teach them about God’s will. God promises to be with us
      (through His Holy Spirit)to the end.)

    5. Friend, will you accept the assignment Jesus has given to
      you? Will you follow His tips and use His tools to share
      with others the Kingdom of Heaven is near?

  4. Next week: Cross-Cultural Missions.