Introduction: Miracles have been an important part of the historic
conflict between good and evil. Consider when Elijah called fire down
from heaven. Consider the flood and the rainbow. These were rather
dramatic points in the conflict against evil. Why don’t we see
dramatic miracles like that any more? Jesus performed a number of
miracles, including raising the dead to life. We don’t see people
being raised from the dead today. Why don’t we have such dramatic
evidence of God’s working today? I think the answers to these
questions are hidden in some of the more unusual aspects of Jesus’
miracles. Let’s jump into our lesson and find out!

  1. Miracle Conflicts

    1. Read Mark 5:21-23. Was Jairus a man of importance and
      influence? (Yes. He was a rule of the synagogue.)

      1. Was Jairus a religious man? (Yes, it would seem so
        because of his position with the synagogue.)

      2. What had Jairus’ position and power done for him when
        his daughter was dying? (His importance, his
        influence, his position in the synagogue, could not
        save his daughter. He realized his lack of power and
        threw himself at the feet of Jesus for help.)

    2. Read Mark 5:24. Jesus hears Jairus’ request and heads off
      towards Jairus’ home. Describe to me how you think Jairus
      feels at this point?

    3. Read Mark 5:25-28. What do you think about this woman’s
      plan for healing? She seems to have made a lot of bad
      medical decisions in the past. She saw lots of doctors,
      spent all of her money on them, with the result (v.26)
      “she suffered a great deal under the[ir] care.” Would you
      believe that Jesus could heal without even knowing that He
      was healing? Would just an anonymous touch do it? Should

    4. Read Mark 5:29-32. We have the reactions of three people
      to this miracle. How did the woman feel when Jesus’ said,
      “Who touched my clothes?” Might she have felt like a
      shoplifter – excited to get something, but fearful about
      being caught?

      1. Did she think that she was “stealing” something? Did
        she feel unworthy? (She probably did. Leviticus 5:3
        tells us that if a person, even unaware, touches
        “human uncleanness” he is guilty of being
        ceremonially unclean. Leviticus 12:2,4 reveals that
        this woman would have been unclean because of her
        flow of blood. Thus, in touching Jesus, she would
        theoretically make Him unclean.)

      2. How about the disciples? What was their reaction?
        (They thought (v.31)Jesus was being super-sensitive,

      3. What would you guess is the reaction of Jairus? (Have
        you ever been caught in traffic in an emergency
        because some driver is more interested in looking at
        a police car at the side of the road than getting on
        about his business? It seems so illogical. That
        probably gives you a small idea of the frustration
        felt by Jairus. His daughter is dying and Jesus wants
        to know who touched Him in the suffocating crowd.)

    5. Read Mark 5:33-35. This tends to support my suggestion
      that this woman thought she had done something wrong – she
      was so fearful that she trembled. Yet Jesus told her that
      what she had done was exactly right – it showed her faith.

      What lesson about the great controversy between good and
      evil do you find in this? (Satan paints God as being this
      harsh and uncaring Being. Jesus shows us that God wants us
      to come to him with our needs.)

      1. Was Jesus violating the Mosaic law when He learned He
        had been touched by an unclean woman? (When she
        touched Him, she was healed.)

        1. When Jesus touches us, are we healed?

      2. Tell me how you think Jairus is now feeling? He just
        learned his daughter is dead and getting Jesus to
        come now is useless.

        1. Is there any justification for what has just
          happened? This woman has had this problem for 12
          years! A few more hours or even a few more days
          would not make any difference to her. But those
          minutes were crucial for Jairus’ daughter! Isn’t
          this an outrageously unfair situation?

      3. Stop and consider what has just happened. Jesus has
        theoretically agreed to help the daughter of Jairus.
        By “accident,” a woman delays Jesus. While Jesus is
        trying to figure out “who touched My clothes” a
        little girl dies. Does this seem to be the actions of
        a great and orderly God who is in charge of
        everything in the universe?

        1. Or, does this seem like “amateur night,” the
          work of “Mr. Bumbles?”

        2. Does this show that everything that happens on
          earth is a matter of accident and luck?

    6. Read Mark 5:36, 38-40. Was the child dead or sleeping?
      (She was dead.)

      1. Why did Jesus say the child was what she was not?

    7. Read Mark 5:41-42. Was Jesus’ delay in getting to the
      little girl an accident?

      1. Did it matter that Jesus took time to deal first with
        the lady who had been sick for 12 years?

      2. Is the timing of these two miracles an accident? A
        matter of luck?

      3. Was Jesus, as a practical matter, right that the
        little girl was “sleeping” not dead?

      4. That frustrating delay for Jairus, does it make any
        difference now to him?

      5. What lessons do we learn about the conflict between
        good and evil in these two miracles? (Friend, this is
        the most important of lessons for those who grieve.
        Jesus does not promise “when” He will heal those we
        love. He promises that He will. Prior to the raising
        of the little girl, everything seemed illogical and
        unfair. God did not seem to be in charge of events.
        But, after the raising, everything came into focus.
        The delay no longer mattered. When Jesus comes again
        and raises to life those who “illogically” died, the
        delay will not matter. It may be more than a few
        minutes or an hour of delay (as in Jairus case), but
        the outcome will be the same! The delay will pale,
        but Jesus’ willingness to heal and overcome death
        will be the focus of our rejoicing. Praise God!)

  2. If You Had Been Here

    1. Read John 11:1-3,5. In the story of the two miracles we
      just studied, Jesus did not know any of the people. What
      was His relationship with Mary, Martha and Lazarus?

    2. Read John 11:6. How do you reconcile this with the fact
      that Jesus loved Lazarus?

    3. Read John 11:17,20-21, 32. Tell me what you think the
      sisters had discussed among themselves when Jesus did not
      respond right away to their call for help?

      1. Notice that Mary (v.20) did not come out to meet
        Jesus. Was she disappointed in Him? Angry? Upset by
        His delay? Did she say, “A friend in need is a
        friend indeed?”

      2. Put yourself in Lazarus’ place. You have a son who is
        a renown heart surgeon. The local doctors have just
        discovered that you have a heart problem which can
        only be operated upon by a handful of surgeons in the
        world – one of which is your son. You immediately
        call your son to help, but day after day you get
        weaker and he does not come. Tell me what you are

        1. As you take your last breath, and realize that
          your son will not be saving you, what are your
          thoughts about your son?

    4. Read John 11:43-44. Now what are your thoughts about the
      Son? (Again, we see that the delay makes no difference on
      the “other side” of the resurrection. Mary, Martha and
      Lazarus knew that Lazarus would live if Jesus came in
      time. When He did not, they did not understand Jesus’
      master-plan. Jesus calls on us to follow Him. We are not
      to be calling Jesus to follow us, our plans and our

      1. How often, when we do not see miracles today, do we
        say “I wish Jesus’ miracle-working power were here
        today?” Why don’t we see Christians raising the dead
        today? (They will be raised from the dead by Jesus.
        It is just a matter of timing.)

      2. Notice Jesus told those around Him to unwrap Lazarus.
        If Jesus could raise Lazarus to life, why didn’t He
        unwrap him at the same time? (This shows that Jesus
        wants us to be co-laborers with Him in His mighty

        1. Are you called on to “unwrap” members of the
          church who have been saved from death?

        2. What do you think it means to “unwrap” or
          release fellow members who have been newly

      3. What additional lessons about the conflict between
        good and evil do you find in this miracle of raising
        Lazarus to life?

    5. Friend, even when it seems that evil is winning, and God
      is uninterested in the conflict, we see that Jesus has the
      closest interest in our situation. He overcomes evil with
      His good. Our role is to follow Jesus in whatever He plans
      for our lives. We do not need to understand. What we need
      to do is trust, and help “unwrap” those that are being
      saved from death by our Lord.

  3. Next week: Jesus Wins.