Introduction: When we studied Daniel 7 and 8 did you ask yourself,
“What relevance does the cleansing of the sanctuary have to me?”
Hopefully, you discovered the relevance in these lessons. But, if you
had these feelings, you can be sure that Daniel did not. The idea of
having a sanctuary again was the subject of greatest interest to
Daniel. It would tell him about when his people would be allowed to
return to their homeland and rebuilt the temple. Let’s dive into our
study of Daniel and learn more!

  1. The Prayer

    1. Read Daniel 9:1-3. When was Daniel praying? (The first
      year of King Darius. The Bible Knowledge Commentary
      identifies this as 539 B.C. – 66 years after Daniel had
      been exiled.)

      1. Was Darius a friend of the true God? (Yes! He loved
        Daniel and after Daniel was protected from the lions,
        Darius proclaimed the truth about the true God of
        heaven. Daniel 6:25-27.)

    2. Look again at Daniel 9:2. What is Daniel praying about?
      (Daniel is praying about Jeremiah’s prophecy (Jeremiah
      29:10)that the destruction of Jerusalem and the captivity
      of the Jews would last for only 70 years. Since Daniel is
      66 years into his exile, we can understand why he is
      praying about this topic.)

    3. Read Daniel 9:4-19. On what basis does Daniel ask God to
      consider and do something about His promise regarding
      Jerusalem? ( Daniel 9:16: God is righteous. Daniel 9:19:
      God’s name.)

      1. Let’s focus on Daniel 9:18. What do our good works
        have to do with God’s mercy? (Daniel suggests that
        God is merciful to us even when we are unrighteous.)

      2. There is a theological line of thought in the Bible
        set out in Deuteronomy 28 (and other places) that
        says God blesses us when we are obedient, and we are
        harmed when we are not. How do you reconcile this
        with Daniel 9:18? (Deuteronomy 28 reflects the basic
        rule of life that God’s commands exist to make our
        lives better. Violate them at your own peril. But,
        God’s mercy is available to us even when we make bad

  2. Gabriel and the Answer

    1. Read Daniel 9:20-21. Who shows up? (Gabriel – the angel
      who came to see him before. We previously learned that
      Gabriel stands in the presence of God and gave to Mary
      God’s message about Jesus.)

      1. How do you like the timing of God’s response?
        (Gabriel left heaven when Daniel began his prayer and
        arrived while he was still praying!)

        1. What does that say about the travel time
          between here and heaven?

      2. What time of day did Gabriel show up? (The time of
        the evening sacrifice.)

        1. What “evening sacrifice” is Daniel talking
          about? (Daniel was so focused on the sanctuary
          service that he “tells time” based on when the
          evening sacrifice would have taken place. Of
          course, no sacrifice is taking place on earth
          because the sanctuary was destroyed long ago.)

    2. Read Daniel 9:22-23. Understanding about what? What is the
      topic on which Daniel needs greater understanding?
      (Clearly the topic of the sanctuary in the vision of
      Daniel 8. Daniel is thinking and praying about the
      sanctuary ( Daniel 9:17). The last time Gabriel spoke to
      him ( Daniel 8:26) it was about the sanctuary service
      ( Daniel 8:14). But, Daniel did not understand then (Daniel
      8:27). So, Gabriel picks up where he left off last and
      continues his prior discussion.)

    3. An interesting point is the Hebrew word used for the
      vision in Daniel 8:26, 8:2 7 and 9:23 is the same root
      word: “mareh.” Thus, Gabriel’s insight and understanding
      about the “vision” in Daniel 9:23 is about the same vision
      spoken of in Daniel 8:26 & 27.

    4. Read Daniel 9:24. Is this good news? (It sounds like it is
      because it mentions “the Most Holy Place” which is part of
      the sanctuary.)

      1. “Seventy ‘sevens'” is an odd term. What do you think
        a “seven” means? (“Seven” would logically refer to a
        week. A week has seven days. Thus, Gabriel is
        speaking about 70 weeks.)

      2. How long is seventy weeks? (Seventy weeks would be
        about a year and a third.)

    5. Read Daniel 9:25. Who do you think is the “Anointed One?”
      (See Acts 10:37-38. This refers to the Messiah – Jesus.)

      1. Considering that the general time frame is from the
        time of the decree to rebuild Jerusalem, to the time
        of Jesus, could we be talking about a little over one
        year? (No. Just as in Daniel 8, these 70 weeks are
        symbolic(1 day = 1 year). Thus, 70 times 7 (490
        days)likely means 490 years. This strengthens our
        prior conclusion that the 2,300 days of Daniel 8:14
        symbolizes 2,300 years and not days.)

    6. Look again at Daniel 9:24-25. What happens during this 490
      years? (Time is given to the Jewish people and Jerusalem
      to “finish transgression, put an end to sin, to atone for
      wickedness and to bring in everlasting righteousness.”)

      1. How could the Jewish people put an end to sin and
        bring in everlasting righteousness? (They could not.
        This provides further evidence that the “Anointed
        One” is Jesus. Jesus guaranteed the end of sin and
        eternal life for the righteous.)

    7. Read Daniel 9:26. What does it mean for the Anointed One
      to be “cut off” or “put to death?” (Sounds like the
      Messiah is killed. Compare the Messianic prophecy of
      Isaiah 53:7-8.)

    8. Let’s look more closely at these numbers that we see in
      Daniel 9:24-27. How many time periods do you see? (Three.
      The total, 490 years (70×7) is found in verse 24. The
      first division of this is 49 years (“seven sevens”) and is
      found in verse 25. The second division of 434 years (62×7)
      is found in verses 25-26. The last division is seven years
      (“one ‘seven'”) and is found in verse 27. Together these
      add up to 490 years or seventy “sevens”.)

      1. What happens during the 49 years? (It appears this
        refers to the rebuilding of Jerusalem.)

      2. What happens at the end of the 483 years (49+434)?
        (The Anointed One comes ( Daniel 9:25). While there
        were three decrees to rebuild Jerusalem, the various
        commentaries have relatively small differences in the
        starting dates. The SDA Bible Commentary pegs the
        decree to rebuild at 458/457 B.C. (Artaxerxes decree.
        See Ezra 7:1-26.) Starting with 457 B.C., the 483
        years brings us to 27 A.D. – the year of Jesus’
        baptism and the beginning of His public ministry.)

      3. What happens during the seven years? ( Daniel 9:26
        tells us that after the 483 years the Anointed One
        will be “cut off” and Daniel 9:27 tells us that the
        Anointed One will put an end to sacrifice and
        offering in the middle of the “seven.” Continuing
        with our time-line from 457 B.C. to 27 A.D., an
        additional 3-4 years (middle of the seven) brings us
        to 31 A.D. – the year of Jesus’ crucifixion.
        Gabriel’s description makes sense because Jesus’
        crucifixion ended the need for the animal sacrifices
        in the rebuilt sanctuary in Jerusalem.)

        1. How do you understand ( Daniel 9:27)the
          “confirm[ing]” of the covenant for the rest of
          the “seven?” (In Matthew 21:43-45 Jesus
          predicts that the kingdom of God will be taken
          away from the Jewish officials who rejected Him
          and given to others – which, as we see in Acts,
          included Gentiles. The SDA Bible Commentary
          notes that 34 A.D. (7 years after 27 A.D.)
          marked the stoning of Stephen and the beginning
          of sharing the gospel with Gentiles. See Acts

        2. How do you understand the Daniel 9:26 reference
          to destroying the “city and the sanctuary?”
          (Rome destroyed Jerusalem and the rebuilt
          sanctuary in 70 A.D. This fits the description
          of the “ruler who will come.” Psalms 79:1
          prophecies that the temple is “defiled” by
          those who reduce Jerusalem to rubble – thus
          fitting the “abomination that causes

    9. How would you feel if you were Daniel hearing this message
      from Gabriel? (Just as I hear good news, I then hear
      terrible news. The sanctuary will be rebuilt and then
      destroyed again!)

    10. How do you feel, thousands of years later, to read
      Gabriel’s interpretation of the vision? (It gives me
      additional proof that: a) God is in charge of history; b)
      Jesus was the predicted Messiah; and, since Jesus came the
      first time just as prophesied, c) That God will keep His
      word for Jesus’ Second Coming!)

    11. Friend, Jesus is coming again! Are you ready? Have you
      confessed your sins and relied upon God’s mercy for your

  3. Next week: From Battle to Victory.