Introduction: When I was in school the big question was, “What do you want to become? What kind of career do you want to pursue for the rest of your life?” At Regent University School of Law, where I teach, we confront our students with a far more comprehensive challenge for their future plans. It is called Professional Identity Formation. You might say, “They are in law school, they already figured it out.” No. Professional Identity Formation challenges them to answer “What kind of roadmap do you have for your future? What kind of person will you be when you practice law? How will your faith guide your professional life?” If you were building a custom house for your future, would you leave the design to chance? Would you make a day-to-day decision on what to do? Of course not! Then why would you take that approach to your future? This week our study is what the Bible has to say about a proper worldview to structure our life and our future. Let’s plunge into our study of the Bible!
- The Guardian
- Read Psalms 53:1-2. What does this suggest about the two classes of people? (There are “fools” who think that God does not exist, and therefore He does not pay attention to what they do. Then there are those who know there is a God who looks at their actions. They seek His direction.)
- Read Psalms 53:3-4. How many fools are there? (This says that all humans are fools.)
- Read Psalms 53:5. I’ve read news reports of studies that find, especially among the young, a rising feeling of apprehension. Is there a reason for terror?
- This text appears to say that there is no reason for terror, but people are terrified anyway. But, then the text gives a great reason to be terrified – that God is going to shame you, kill you, and deny you a proper burial. How can this text say there is no reason for terror? (The assumption is, once again, that there are two groups. For one there is no reason for terror because there is no terror. For the other, they have good reason to be apprehensive.)
- Read Psalms 53:6. Is the previous statement that everyone is a fool true? Or was that hyperbole? (There are people who can rejoice and be glad. They are those who believe in and teach about God. Something special is coming “out of Zion!”)
- If you were sitting down to create a roadmap for your life. How would Psalms 53 affect your plans? (No one wants to live in terror. Everyone would like a “super hero” to be watching over them. God is watching. God is actively involved in our lives. God has a plan for doing good that will bring gladness and joy. I would want to know about that plan so I could make it my plan!)
- The Reality of the Guardian
- In a trial, one popular objection is that a question lacks a “foundation.” By that the objector means that the assumptions contained in that question have not been proven, and therefore the question is invalid. What foundation is missing for the questions/arguments that I made in the prior section of this lesson? (That God exists. When we read that God is looking down on us and making judgments, what does that assume? That there is a God.)
- Read John 1:1-3. What does this say about nature and existence of God? (It says that “the Word” and “God” were there in the beginning. It also tells us that the Word and God are One, and that they created everything.)
- Is that enough for you to believe? What about a sceptic?
- Read Romans 1:19-20. What is our proof that God exists? (The creation.)
- What, according to these verses, specifically proves the God of creation? (His “eternal power” and “divine nature.”)
- Think about what you know about humans throughout history. Did most of them believe in a god? (As I understand history, most humans over the ages have believed in a god of some sort.)
- Why is that? (Because they realized that they could not create a universe. They were humble enough to accept that reality.)
- Consider this issue. If our brains evolved based on chance and natural selection, why would we even think about a god? Dogs don’t think about gods. (The fact that we (and humans of all times) consider the “god” question is a powerful logical argument for creation.)
- It seems that we have more atheists and agnostics than ever before during a time when we have the greatest understanding of the universe. Why is that?
- Read Romans 1:21-22. What explanation does the Bible give for those who do not believe in God? (Arrogance. This arrogance leads to dark foolishness. It seems so obvious that as we uncover the complexity of everything that the evidence for a higher intelligence becomes more compelling – at least for people with clear and reasonable thinking.)
- Evil and Our Worldview
- If we say to pagans, “Look around you and you will see God.” What would you expect as a response? (They will agree, point to all of the evil that exists, and say this is a very strong argument against the existence of a good God.)
- Read Job 1:6-7. What does this teach us about the governing structure of the universe? (There is some sort of heavenly committee that meets from time to time.)
- Who was the representative of our world at that time? (Satan.)
- Read Job 1:8-11. How does this explain bad things happening to good people?
- Read Job 1:12. Who has ultimate control over the life of a believer? (God.)
- Read Ephesians 6:12-13. What does this suggest about everyday life? (That the “cosmic powers over this present darkness” are a factor in our lives!)
- As you consider the roadmap for your future, how would you factor in this important information? (We should create a roadmap, but we need to understand that our roadmap is laid through a battle zone.)
- Read James 4:13-15. Is James counseling against a roadmap for the future? (No. He is warning us about the danger of not including the provisions of God in our future. Our roadmap needs to be based on the will of God.)
- The Long View Roadmap
- Read Luke 22:14-16. We have not discussed the gospel in this lesson, but I assume you all know it. What is Jesus telling His disciples about the future? (That there is a Kingdom of God in the future.)
- Read Luke 22:17-18. What is Jesus telling us about eating Passover and drinking “the fruit of the vine?” (That He will suspend doing both of those until “the kingdom of God comes.”)
- Read Revelation 21:1-3. What is in the future of the redeemed? (A new heaven and a new earth where God lives with His people.)
- Is this part of your roadmap?
- If you say, “yes,” how does it affect your decision making now?
- If you said, “yes,” how does that affect the level of anxiety in your life?
- Friend, have you prayerfully considered a roadmap? It is best to have a roadmap when you are young, but even old people should ask the Holy Spirit for guidance for the time they have left here. Knowing this is not the end of the trail, that our path continues in heaven, is the most important aspect of our planning now. Will you pledge to give serious thought to a roadmap?
- Next week: Jesus as the Master Teacher.