Introduction: Last week, we discussed preparing for evangelism.
This week we start moving our thinking forward into evangelism. I’ve
noticed that when I take a journey it is helpful to have a
destination in mind. When our family used to travel by motor home, I
liked the destination to be a bit fuzzy – so that we could enjoy
every day and not feel pressured by time. I’m not sure fuzzy
thinking is helpful when it comes to evangelism goals. Let’s plunge
into our study of the Bible and see if we can sharpen our vision
about God’s directions for evangelism!

  1. Setting the Compass

    1. Read Luke 9:46. Is this how we should approach ministry?
      Is our destination greatness?

    2. Read Luke 9:47-48. The point Jesus is trying to make is
      not immediately obvious to me. Let’s work through this.
      If you were a very important person, who would you want
      to meet? (Other very important people.)

      1. Who does Jesus say we should welcome? (Children.
        Meaning those who have no importance in society,
        politics or business. A child cannot help advance
        you in any of those areas.)

      2. Let’s test our last conclusion. Is the child Jesus
        is pointing to of no help in society, politics or
        business? (This child is of great help.)

        1. How? (Because greeting the child is greeting
          Jesus. Greeting Jesus is greeting God, the most
          important Being in the universe.)

      3. What destination lesson is to be learned about
        evangelism? (No one is too insignificant. When we
        evangelize unimportant people, we help those who are
        friends of God.)

      4. Let’s revisit our fighting disciples. Why would they
        want to be the greatest? (They would be given
        special honor and access.)

        1. How does Jesus answer that? (Special honor and
          access come from helping the friends of God.)

    3. Read Exodus 18:13-14. Why do you think Moses sat as the
      supreme judge? (Perhaps it was a touch of the spirit of
      the disciples. But, see Numbers 12:3 (Moses was the most
      humble man on earth).)

    4. Read Exodus 18:15-16. How important was Moses’ work?

    5. Read Exodus 18:17-22. Probably Moses was not doing all of
      this work because of pride, but I suspect many of the
      current church leaders have pride as part of their
      motivation. What does this text teach us? (That we need
      to teach others to share the load. If we hold the
      position because of the “glory,” we need to share it.)

      1. What does this suggest about organization in
        evangelism? (Part of the goal is to be organized.)

  2. Evaluating the Help.

    1. Read Luke 9:49. Is this fellow an evangelist? (He is
      advancing the Kingdom of God, because he does his
      miracles in the name of Jesus.)

      1. What is the concern of the disciples? (He was not
        chosen to be part of their group – the group that
        has been arguing about who is the greatest.)

    2. Read Luke 9:50. What does this teach us about actual
      evangelism? (Don’t be critical of the work of others.
      Unless they are “against” the gospel, do not oppose

    3. Read Matthew 7:15. What warning do we have here about
      some people who claim to be advancing the gospel? (Some
      are false. Some are ferocious wolves.)

    4. Read Matthew 7:16-20. How does this help us understand
      Jesus’ statement about those who are “against” the
      gospel? (We can accurately evaluate those who are
      “against” the gospel by the fruit of their work.)

      1. What was the “fruit” of the fellow who was the
        target of the disciples? (Re-read Luke 9:49. He was
        driving out demons!)

    5. What destination theme do we find so far in these texts?
      (When we greet the least important, we greet Jesus. When
      we try to do all the work ourselves, we are not sharing
      opportunities. When we claim to have the only true
      ministry, we oppose the work of God. Many are producing
      good fruit. I think the overall goal is to not take
      ourselves too seriously. Instead, focus on the work of

  3. The Directive

    1. Read Luke 10:1-3. Is this being released into ministry?

      1. How did they decide on their destination? (These
        were towns Jesus planned to visit.)

        1. How would you follow this directive today?
          (First, I would ask the Holy Spirit to lead me
          to where God wanted. If I did not get a clear
          word from the Holy Spirit, I would look to see
          where God is working.)

      2. For what were they told to pray? (That God would
        send other workers.)

    2. Read Luke 10:4. Some commentaries taught me that
      greetings of this time were long and drawn out. Not the
      quick “Hi” we use in America. Thus, Jesus tells us that
      when we go on a specific mission we should focus on our
      evangelistic work, and not get distracted.

      1. What about the other part of the directive: why
        should we be completely unprepared? Isn’t it prudent
        to take money, credit cards and an extra pair of

      2. If you could not take money or credit cards, what
        would be the alternative? (You would have to depend
        on God. You would have to depend on God influencing
        others to help you.)

    3. Read Luke 10:5-7. Is Jesus’ instruction about not taking
      money clarified here? (The primary point is that you
      should not have to pay your own way. The people who
      benefit from your evangelism should pay.)

      1. Have you ever said that you would like to go into
        ministry, but you have to wait until you can afford
        it? (These people, seventy-two to be precise, were
        “appointed” by Jesus. Before you rush out to have
        others support you, be sure Jesus has appointed you
        for this.)

      2. Why does Jesus tell them to eat and drink whatever
        their host gives them? (This is a caution about
        moderation. Yes, your host is supposed to provide
        room and board, but you are not to have a demanding

      3. Why not move from house to house? (No doubt that
        would waste time. The people who opened their homes
        to these evangelists were blessed: “peace to this

    4. Read Luke 10:8-9. What is important about being welcomed?
      (If you are welcomed, you first help the people and then
      share the gospel with them.)

      1. Do you ever evangelize where you are not welcome?
        If so, why?

    5. Read Luke 10:10-12. What happens to those towns who
      reject you? (Bad things!)

    6. Right now I’m teaching a law school class called
      “Religion in the Workplace.” We are reading court
      decisions about Christians harassing other employees.
      The Christians no doubt thought that they were doing
      God’s will by evangelizing. But, the target of their
      witness did not enjoy it and brought suit. What lesson
      are these Christian witnesses missing? (We are not to
      beat people up to try to convert them. If they do not
      “welcome” our message, we need to stop. We have fulfilled
      our responsibility to God.)

    7. Read Luke 10:13-16. Why can we feel peace even when we
      are not welcomed? (Jesus tells us that the people are not
      rejecting us, they are rejecting God.)

    8. Read Luke 10:17-20. What kind of attitude should we have
      about our victories in witnessing? (We should not feel
      pride in beating the forces of darkness, but rather we
      should rejoice that we are doing God’s will as citizens
      of His Kingdom!

    9. Friend, are you ready to go out there and share the
      gospel? Why not start right now?

  4. Next week: A Love Response.