Introduction: Have you noticed how important “people skills” are to
having a good life? It is easy to tell the people who just radiate
personality, who seem to get along with everyone. Some call the
ability to get along well with others, the ability to say just the
right thing, “emotional intelligence.” When I was growing, up my
brother taught me a great deal about having an attractive personality
and being a good leader. Emotional intelligence is very important
for marriage, and it is important for raising children. The Bible
not only gives us the basic principles for the family, it also has a
great deal to teach us about family emotional intelligence. Let’s
jump right into our study!
- The Basics
- Read Exodus 20:17. What does it mean to “covet” your
neighbor’s wife? (To wish that she were yours. Recently,
I read a survey summary which said that more than half of
the men surveyed had thought of having sex with their
neighbor’s wife.) - Would this command also apply to wives? (Yes.)
- What is the problem with a little daydreaming? A
little wishful thinking? (It feeds dissatisfaction
with your own spouse. Dwelling on such thoughts leads
to committing adultery – which is prohibited in
Exodus 20:14.) - Would the command against coveting apply to areas
other than sex? Would it be wrong for a wife to wish
that her husband made more money, attended church,
dressed better, etc., just like her neighbor’s
husband? ( Exodus 20:17 forbids coveting “anything
that belongs to your neighbor.” The prohibition is
very broad.) - Read Exodus 20:12. Why would God want children to honor
their parents? (Just like the issue of coveting, this is a
matter of the right attitude. If you honor your parents,
you will obey them and get along with them.) - If children grow up honoring their parents, will they also
tend to honor their spouse? (I think there is a link. Sin
begins in the mind with our attitudes. If we have an
attitude that our spouse is “second class,” we are on the
road that leads to adultery. If we have the attitude that
our parents are idiots, we are far down the road to
disobedience. Having a positive attitude towards our
parents before we are married helps us to have a positive
attitude towards our spouse.) - Read Ephesians 5:28. What destructive attitude does this
text address? (Selfishness. A husband who covets his
neighbor’s wife is selfish. A child who wants to do his
own will instead of following the wisdom of his parents,
is selfish. Selfishness is behind every sin. Ephesians
explains there is a sinless way to promote self. The true
way to promoting self is to love your wife. If you really
want to promote self, treat your wife as you would treat
your own body. Whatever you would like to have your wife
do for you, do that for her. If that does not sound
familiar read Matthew 7:12 and Romans 13:9.) - Beyond Basics
- In college they often have the “beginners” and “advanced”
courses on a subject. The Ten Commandments cover the
basics on family relationships. We find in the book of
Proverbs some advanced and specific discussion about
enhancing our emotional intelligence in dealing with our
family. - Family fights: Read Proverbs 20:3 and Proverbs 29:11. What
“good marriage” counsel do we find here about how to avoid
fights? (A wise spouse/parent seeks to avoid strife if
possible. Controlling anger shows wisdom.) - Read Proverbs 15:1. In what way can our words
discourage quarreling? - Money issues: Read Proverbs 17:1 and Proverbs 15:16-17. As
I understand it, disputes over money are the number one
cause of divorce. What does the Bible say about the
importance of money to happiness? - How many family decisions are made based on
considerations of money? - What about the decision for one spouse to stay
home and raise the children? - What about the decision of one spouse to work
longer hours “for the family?” - Depression: Read Proverbs 25:20. What approach is best
when your spouse is sad? - Godly home: Read Proverbs 14:26. How is fearing the Lord a
refuge for our children? (When we have the right
relationship with God, we have a fortress against the
world. This fortress extends to help protect our
children.) - In what way are our children protected? (They learn
about trust in God. There is a strong theme in the
Old Testament about God showing kindness to the
children of those who fear Him. See Deuteronomy 5:9-10.) - Affirmation: Read Proverbs 3:27. Can you remember
situations in which you should have said something
positive to your children or your spouse, but you did not?
What does this text suggest about that? - When I was growing up, I had a close friend whose
father treated him in an odd way. The father would
say uncomplimentary things about his son, and then
turn around and say complimentary things to me. For
reasons I do not understand, He was withholding from
his son the “good” which the son deserved. - When it comes to dealing with our spouse, are actions
more important than words? (Read Proverbs 12:14. The
Bible suggests that actions and words are equally
important.) - Read Proverbs 12:18. How important is it to be
careful what we say to our spouse? - Read Proverbs 12:25 and Proverbs 16:24. What
opportunity exists in our words? - What effect can our words have on the health of
our spouse? - Cheerfulness: Read Proverbs 15:30. In addition to words
and actions, what other way can we be a blessing to our
family? (A cheerful look. Having a positive attitude.) - Seeking advice: Sometimes we just do not know what to do
to handle a family problem. Would it be wise to read
family advice books or seek counsel from others? Let’s
look at some texts on this subject: - Read Proverbs 15:22 and Proverbs 13:10. What does
this suggest about those who do not take advice? - Read Proverbs 14:7 and Proverbs 12:5. From whom
should we seek advice? - Read Proverbs 25:12. Should we be open to advice that
we are the source of the family problem? - Read Proverbs 17:9. What word of caution do we find
in seeking advice about family problems? (Seeking
advice is not the same as blabbing to everyone you
know about the failures of your spouse (or children).
There is a fine line here which we need to keep in
mind.) - When we see others who have family problems, should we
offer our unsolicited advice to them? The Bible calls the
proud and arrogant person by the name “mocker.” (See
Proverbs 21:24). What does the Bible suggest about giving
advice to proud and arrogant people? (Read Proverbs 9:7-8.) - Friend, the Bible has important instructions for improving
your emotional intelligence when dealing with your family.
Will you determine to follow God’s advice? - Next week: Restoration.