Introduction: Have you had friends who suddenly no longer are your
friend? In the days of Facebook, that happens to all of us! Perhaps
the most painful friend experience for me arose because of
theological reasons. My wife tells me that it was my fault. She might
be right, but I’m not sure because I did not want to end the
relationship with my friend. Paul’s discussion this week is about the
Galatians “unfriending” him due to theological differences. He wants
them to remain friends, but he wants them to do it on his (God’s)
terms. Does that sound familiar? Let’s dive into our study of the
Bible and learn more!
- Illness Evangelism
- Read Galatians 4:12. What does Paul ask the Galatians to
do? (Become like him.)
- Read Galatians 4:12. What does Paul ask the Galatians to
- The interesting part is the reason (the argument) why
he says they should become like him. The first
reason is that he became like them. Can you explain
that argument? “Please become like me because I
became like you.” (It makes no sense on the surface.)
- The interesting part is the reason (the argument) why
- How did Paul “become like” the Galatians?
(Recall how, in Galatians 2:11-13, Paul recites
that Peter joined in eating with the Gentiles?
Paul says that I gave up the Jewish customs
that required me to keep my distance from
Gentiles. I joined with you.)
- How did Paul “become like” the Galatians?
- Read Galatians 4:13. Here we find Paul’s second reason. He
first stopped in their town because he was ill. Isn’t Paul
saying, “I preached to you by accident? It was not what I
intended.” How is that a persuasive argument why they
should become like Paul? (Paul may well be saying that the
Holy Spirit set in motion circumstances that brought Paul
to the Galatians. This was a decision made in heaven, not
made by Paul.)
- Think about Paul’s two arguments a moment. Since we
can assume the Gentiles still eat with each other,
what has Paul changed that he wants the Gentiles to
change? What should they emulate in Paul? (Paul
changed because of theological reasons (Galatians
2:15-16) and the fact that Jesus confronted him on
the road to Damascus ( Acts 9:3-6). Paul wants the
Galatians to become people who are willing to follow
God’s direction for their lives.)
- Think about Paul’s two arguments a moment. Since we
- Read Galatians 4:14. This suggests another reason for Paul
to mention his illness. How does his illness create an
argument for the Galatians to become like Paul? (Paul is
concerned that a wedge has come between the Galatians and
him because they are turning back to the law as a means of
salvation. Paul essentially says, “We used to have such a
great relationship. Even when I was sick, and was a burden
on you, you helped me and did not harm me. Paul says, “I
was that needy friend, and you still wanted a close
relationship with me.)
- Read Galatians 4:14. This suggests another reason for Paul
- Read Galatians 4:15. Have you ever heard this expression,
“I would have given you my eyeballs?” I have heard of
giving someone the shirt off my back, but never my
eyeballs! Why would the Galatians give Paul their eyes?
(Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-9. Bible commentators speculate
that Paul’s “thorn” was a problem with his eyes. Galatians
4:15 provides a solid basis for this speculation. The only
reason why the Galatians would want to give their eyes is
if Paul had a problem with his vision.)
- Read Galatians 4:15. Have you ever heard this expression,
- Eliminating Barriers
- Read 1 Corinthians 9:19-22. This says that Paul becomes
just like everyone else – at least temporarily. Does this
mean that Paul has no set principles, he does whatever is
- Read 1 Corinthians 9:19-22. This says that Paul becomes
- Is this what the Galatians should do to become like
Paul? (Paul points out a very important theological
truth – there is a hierarchy of values. The highest
value is to bring the gospel to those who do not know
it. Paul says that he has theological differences
with several of these views, but he puts them aside
to pursue the more important goal of sharing the
gospel with all.)
- Is this what the Galatians should do to become like
- Is this a theological point that Christians often
miss? (These days I attend a church were those up
front wear shorts and blue jeans. They do it to
encourage more people to “attend as you are.” I’m a
guy who used to believe it was a matter of honoring
God to wear a suit and tie to church. While I’m not
at the shorts and blue jeans stage, I’m not wearing a
suit and tie, and I understand Paul’s message that
winning the world is more important.)
- Is this a theological point that Christians often
- Look again at 1 Corinthians 9:20-21. Which one of these
situations describes Paul’s current problem with the
Galatians? (They wanted to come back under the law.)
- Look again at 1 Corinthians 9:20-21. Which one of these
- Tell me how it would be helpful for them to become
more like Paul?
- Tell me how it would be helpful for them to become
- Why would Paul not become more like them? That is
what he says he does! (Paul wants the Galatians to
get back on the right track. But, the ultimate goal
is winning new believers. If the Galatians impose
the law and Jewish customs on new Gentile converts,
they will have compromised the goal of bringing in
new believers.)
- Why would Paul not become more like them? That is
- Read Galatians 4:17. We just got through discussing how
Paul does not want any barriers to converts coming into
the church. What barriers concern him in this text? (He
does not want barriers between the members of the church.
He notes that the goal of the opposition is to “alienate”
the Galatians from Paul.)
- Read Galatians 4:17. We just got through discussing how
- Is this a problem in your church? Those who think
they have a “better” way try to create divisions?
- Is this a problem in your church? Those who think
- Is there some point at which we must take a stand
against the wrong thing? Where does Paul draw the
line? (Clearly, he is fighting against those who want
to bring the Galatians back into righteousness by
- Is there some point at which we must take a stand
- Let’s look at a couple of texts on barriers and line-drawing. Read Revelation 2:1-2 and Revelation 2:4-5. How
is the church in Ephesus doing on line-drawing?
- Let’s look at a couple of texts on barriers and line-drawing. Read Revelation 2:1-2 and Revelation 2:4-5. How
- Read Revelation 2:18-20. How is the church in
Thyatira doing on line-drawing?
- Read Revelation 2:18-20. How is the church in
- I think we need to go back and once again read 1
Corinthians 9:20-21. Is Paul violating moral principles?
(Notice that in each case, he states the correct
theological position. He is not compromising truth.)
- I think we need to go back and once again read 1
- Read 1 Corinthians 9:19. What does Paul mean when he
says that he makes himself “a slave to everyone?”
(Paul is compromising his own rights. I don’t think
it is fair to conclude that Paul is compromising
God’s view of what is right and wrong. But, consider
that God’s intense desire is to have all come to Him
and be saved. That should be our goal. Paul seems to
say “Don’t let lesser goals get in the way of the
greater goal.”)
- Read 1 Corinthians 9:19. What does Paul mean when he
- The Love Approach
- Read Galatians 4:19-20. Paul says that if he were with
them he could “change [his] tone.” What do you think about
the “tone” that Paul uses in these two verses? (This is a
perfectly loving approach. Paul calls them “dear children”
and says that he is in pain because of his concern about
them. He says that he is confused about their behavior.)
- Read Galatians 4:19-20. Paul says that if he were with
- What about the “tone” in Galatians 3:1. (No one likes
to be called “foolish.” “Bewitched” hardly seems to
be a compliment.)
- What about the “tone” in Galatians 3:1. (No one likes
- Can you put these two “tones” together? (We used to
call this “tough love.” You show love and you tell
the truth.)
- Can you put these two “tones” together? (We used to
- Look again at the “childbirth” statement in Galatians
4:19. Do you know people who love to correct fellow church
members? Their “tough love” means they love to be tough!
What does Paul’s reference to “childbirth” tell us about
his attitude as he attempts to bring the Galatians into a
proper view of salvation? (Childbirth is incredibly
painful (so I understand). This suggests that we have not
mastered the “love” part of “tough love” unless we find
the correction of others extremely painful for us.)
- Look again at the “childbirth” statement in Galatians
- Will this kind of pain be present in someone that we
know only casually? (When we consider the practical
aspect of experiencing this kind of pain, we know
that it can only occur between those who are good
friends. Correcting church members who you know
casually is generally never a good idea.)
- Will this kind of pain be present in someone that we
- In the introduction, I mentioned Facebook. What kind of
attitude do you bring to Facebook when you write
criticisms? (I can see I don’t follow what we just learned
in Galatians! Although I’m more often writing about public
affairs then theological issues, I fear that I lean
towards the “bewitched” and “foolish” side of things
rather than the “childbirth” pains of sympathy.)
- In the introduction, I mentioned Facebook. What kind of
- Friend, if you find yourself correcting fellow church
members, and like me find you have not always done it with
the required level of love, why not ask the Holy Spirit to
change your attitude?
- Friend, if you find yourself correcting fellow church
- Next week: The Two Covenants.