Introduction: This week we begin at the beginning! Not only do we
start a new quarter, but we start a new series of lessons on Genesis
– the first book of the Bible. Followers of Darwin reject the Genesis
account of the Creation. Worse, it is my impression that many
Christians take the Biblical account of Creation with more than a
little skepticism. As with many other things, if you start out on
the wrong track, you are unlikely to get to the right destination.
The Biblical account of Creation is critical to a correct belief
regarding the nature and power of God, the nature of sin and the
importance of the Sabbath. It also a mirror to determine your level
of confidence in God’s Word. Let’s dig into our study of whether the
Creation account should be believed!

  1. The Beginning

    1. Read Genesis 1:1. Pretend that you have never read these
      words before. What does this text tell us about God?
      (That He was here in the beginning. He is the Creator.)

      1. The Hebrew word translated “God” in the first verse,
        “‘Elohiym,” is plural. Who (or what) do you think
        this means created the heavens and the earth?

      2. What does Genesis 1:1 tell us about the timing of the
        creation of the earth? (The heavens and the earth
        were created at the same time – the beginning.)

      3. What do you think is meant by the “heavens?” (Read
        Psalms 19:1-2. The same Hebrew word is used to
        describe “heavens.” Thus, the earth was made at the
        same time as the visible universe.)

    2. Read Genesis 1:2. In what condition was the earth when it
      was created? (It needed a lot of additional work. It was a

      1. One of the potential conflicts between those who
        believe in the Creation account and
        Darwinians(followers of Darwin)is the age of the
        earth. What age of the earth can Christians point to
        with confidence? (None. If you just look at the
        account, it says that the earth and the planets were
        created at the same “beginning” time. However, the
        additional creation work ( Genesis 1:3 and
        following)on the “formless and empty” earth could
        have taken place at a much later time. A “young
        earth” for the human story is possible along side
        “old earth” elements.)

      2. Genesis 1:2 mentions “the Spirit of God.” Is this a
        different God? Is this the reason why we have a
        plural word used to describe God? How does the Spirit
        fit in?

    3. Read John 1:1-3. This text tells us that someone was with
      God “in the beginning.” It also tells us that this someone
      made “all things!” What is the clue we get about this
      someone? (The “Word.”)

      1. Who is “the Word?” (If you look down in this chapter
        to John 1:14-15 we find that the “Word” became flesh
        and dwelled with us. We also learn that John the
        Baptist identified this person. Skip down to John
        1:29-30 where John identifies this person as Jesus.)

    4. Who have we discovered is the plural God(s) who created
      the earth? (Jesus (“The Word”), the Spirit of God and God
      the Father. It was a joint project of the Trinity.)

    5. I have a Jewish friend whose most effective argument
      against Jesus is the popular refrain (the “Shema”) “the
      Lord our God, the Lord is one.” (See Deuteronomy 6:4 and
      Mark 12:29) How would you “stuff” Jesus into the Shema?

      1. Try getting into a concert with the logic we have
        just discussed! Consider the line: “Our family is
        one, therefore please accept one ticket.” Think that
        will work? What if it is a Christian concert?

      2. Doesn’t it defy logic to say that the plural is one?
        (Actually, no. If you again look at the Hebrew word
        for “our God” in Deuteronomy 6:4 we again have the
        plural “Elohiym.” This is no mistake in word usage.
        The Shema is really saying “The Lord our Gods” is
        one. It means our plural is a single entity.)

    6. A casual reader of the Bible would notice God the Father
      as being the first to show up in the Old Testament. Jesus
      comes later in the gospels, and the Holy Spirit arrives
      last on the scene in Acts. Does it change your thinking
      about God to realize that all three Members of the
      Godhead, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit were working
      together in the Creation? (To deny the Creation account is
      to deny the combined power of the Trinity.)

    7. Read Genesis 1:3. What is your reaction to the fact that
      God spoke (“and God said”) matters into existence?

      1. Contemplate this: Jesus is called ( John 1:1) “the
        Word.” What does this suggest was Jesus’ role in
        creation? (It suggests that He was the One who was
        speaking the creation into existence. This is
        consistent with John 1:3 which says “all things” were
        made through Jesus.)

  2. The Beginning a Metaphor?

    1. We have this picture of the Trinity engaged in the work of
      transforming a featureless world into the perfect world.
      Darwinians argue that the evolutionary theory is the only
      intelligent account for the origin of the species. Read 2
      Peter 3:3-7. What problem does Peter predict? (Scoffers
      and skeptics who have an evil “me first” attitude.)

      1. On what logic do they base their evil behavior and
        their scoffing? (They do not acknowledge the
        authority of God in their lives because He has not
        come the second time as promised. Nothing has
        changed-so why should they believe in God or His
        power and authority?)

      2. What did the scoffers forget? (They “forgot” the
        Creation. If we came about by chance and not by God,
        then what authority has God over our life? Evil
        behavior based on “what is best for me” (or other
        standards outside of God’s order) is the logical
        result of “forgetting” Creation.)

      3. What “evidence” does Peter give for God’s coming
        judgment? (God’s word controlled the water both in
        the Creation and in the Flood. His word will bring
        the fire of judgment at the Second Coming. Peter is
        saying that if God’s power can create and destroy the
        world through water, then He can certainly destroy it
        again through fire.)

        1. Do you agree with Peter’s logic?

        2. If a Christian does not believe in a literal
          Creation or a literal flood, does that Christian
          have any reasonable basis to believe in the
          Second Coming of Christ? (No, according to
          Peter. To deny these is to deny the power of

    2. Do you remember the story in Numbers 13 & 14 of the spies
      who “checked out” the promised land for Moses and the

      1. What attitude did the people have towards God after
        they heard the spies report? (Read Numbers 13:32-14:3. They did not believe in the power of God.)

        1. Is this the same attitude as Peter’s
          “scoffers?”(Read Numbers 14:11, 21-23. God tells
          us that if we do not trust Him and His power we
          “treat [Him] with contempt.”)

        2. Is it a fair conclusion that those who do not
          believe the Creation account are treating God
          with contempt?

          1. God would not let those who did not trust
            Him, those who treated Him with contempt,
            enter the promised land. Why should we
            think that He will allow those who do not
            trust Him enter heaven at His Second
            Coming? (One difference is that those who
            were doubting in Numbers had actually seen
            the miracles. We did not see the Creation
            or the Flood.)

    3. Let’s look at the word of someone who did see both the
      Creation and the Flood. Read Matthew 19:3-6 and Luke
      17:26-27. When you listen to Jesus refer to these events,
      does He make them sound like metaphors? (Jesus treats them
      as literal accounts. Notice that in Luke 17:22-25 Jesus
      also ties the Flood to His Second Coming.)

    4. Friend, the Bible is internally consistent on the Creation
      account. If you accept the Bible as God’s word, then you
      should accept how He tells us that He created the world
      and us. Next week we will continue with the actual

  3. Next week: “In the Beginning…”