Introduction: Have you ever regretted something you have done? That
seems to be a normal part of the human condition. Does God ever
regret anything that He has done? Is it possible that God regrets
creating us? Let’s dive into our lesson and find out!

  1. The Condition of Humans

    1. Read Genesis 6:1-4. Is this a bad thing? (We have the
      comment that God is so unhappy that He pronounces judgment
      – or at least a 120 year probation – on humans.)

      1. What, exactly, do you think it means for the “sons of
        God” to forcibly marry the “daughters of men?” Are
        these the descendants of Seth (Adam and Eve’s next
        son – Genesis 5:3) marrying the daughters of Cain?)

      2. Read Job 1:6. The Hebrew phrase translated “the
        angels” (ben elohiym) is the identical Hebrew phrase
        translated “sons of God” in Genesis 6:2 and Genesis
        6:4. This suggests that evil angels had sexual
        relationship with human women and began a super race
        of giants. Is there any reason to doubt this
        conclusion? (Read Matthew 22:30. Jesus tells us that
        angels do not marry. In addition, God pronounces a
        judgment on humans, not angels. Evil angels probably
        already had judgment entered against them.)

        1. Is Jesus saying in Matthew 22:30 that our
          resurrected body will be neutered? (You knew
          there had to be a catch somewhere to this
          promise of eternal life in glory, right? Imagine
          the distress of those who think that “72
          virgins” are waiting for them – only to find out
          that is what they remain – virgins!)

          1. Enough of the teasing – what do you think
            Jesus is saying?

          2. Is it possible that with the decision of
            the evil angels to reject God, they also
            rejected God’s asexual plan for them?

          3. If the sons of God were merely the sons of
            Adam and Seth, why would they create a
            super race – as opposed to the children
            who were the product of the sons and
            daughters of Adam and Seth marrying? (The
            commentaries that reject the “evil angels”
            theory point out that the text may not be
            talking about size, but rather character.
            These were “warriors.”)

  2. God Repents

    1. Read Genesis 6:5-7. What is the primary problem with
      humans? (They became very wicked.)

      1. What kind of wickedness was the problem? (“Every
        inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only
        evil all the time.”)

        1. How do you explain that when God describes very
          great wickedness, He does not point to any
          specific acts – like killing – He points to the

        2. How are your thoughts in the eyes of God?

      2. Has God made a mistake in the Creation?

      3. Was God inclined to “reverse” or “take back” His

    2. We have discussed in the past God’s reason for allowing
      free choice, allowing sin and the continuing conflict
      between good and evil. Is Satan winning at this point? Is
      God’s plan to kill those who have rejected Him unfair? Is
      it contrary to the rules of the “engagement?”

    3. What is your reaction to these last verses we read? Do
      they make you worried about the fairness of your God?
      Does He change the rules when Satan starts winning? Or,
      are these verses cause for hope? (This reveals that we are
      not the only ones looking for Jesus’ Second Coming and the
      earth made new. Sin pains God and He wants to bring it to
      an end. God told Adam and Eve at the very beginning that
      sin resulted in death. That was the rule of engagement.
      They were warned and we are warned( Genesis 2:15-17). God
      is not being unfair, He is simply showing us that the
      judgment side of His character will not tolerate evil

  3. Noah

    1. Read Genesis 6:8-10. What about Noah did God like? (He
      walked with God.)

      1. What do you think it means to “walk” with God? (The
        direction of Noah’s life was right. He had
        progressive character development.)

      2. We always say, “Don’t compare yourself to others,
        compare yourself to Jesus.” Why does this verse
        compare Noah to “the people of his time?” (It appears
        that the general wickedness around him made him the
        more remarkable.)

    2. Read Genesis 6:13-17. Pagans call this a fable. Many
      Christians consider this story an allegory about sin. Do
      these verses make the account sound more like an allegory
      or more like a historical account? (This is clearly a real
      problem with a physical solution. God specifies how Noah
      is to be saved and gives detailed directions down to the
      type of wood to use and the specific dimensions!)

      1. What does verse 13 state is going to happen to the

      2. Since the earth is still here, what do you think God
        meant? (We cannot comprehend how great a place God
        originally created for us. Remember, when sin
        entered, God cursed the ground ( Genesis 3:17), thus
        indicating that the earth was going to become a lot
        less hospitable. Now, God says He is going to
        “destroy” the earth. This reveals that the earth is
        now going to get much less pleasant. It is fair to
        believe that substantial damage was done to the earth
        by the flood.)

      3. What do you think is God’s purpose in destroying the
        earth? What does this have to do with our sin? (Too
        much leisure time encourages sin. A very favorable
        land and climate gives more leisure time.)

    3. Read Genesis 6:18. What hope does God give in the time of
      judgment? (God is faithful to those who are faithful to

      1. This chapter makes no comment upon the character of
        Noah’s wife, his sons or his daughters-in-law? Why
        were they saved from the flood? (It appears their
        relationship to Noah saved them.)

      2. Is this a fluke, or can you think of any other
        examples where a family was spared disaster because
        of a righteous father? (Lot – 2 Peter 2:5-8.)

      3. Does this provide another motive to be righteous –
        that your righteous life can help protect your

    4. Read Matthew 24:36-40. What lesson does Jesus say we can
      learn from the Flood?

      1. Notice that Matthew 24:39 says that the wicked knew
        nothing about what would happen. What does Jesus

      2. How do you reconcile this with Hebrews 11:7 which
        says that Noah “condemned the world” and with 2 Peter
        2:5 which calls Noah a “preacher of righteousness?”
        (Nelson’s Bible Dictionary tells us (see Genesis
        6:3)that Noah preached for 120 years, warning about
        the Flood, without any converts. Jesus is telling us
        that we can close our ears to His messengers and be
        destroyed or open our ears, obey and live.)

    5. Read Genesis 7:1-4. What comfort do you get from these
      verses? (That God instructed His people step by step. He
      made preparation for their survival.)

  4. Details of the Disaster

    1. One of the best arguments against the Flood account being
      meant as a fable or metaphor is the detail of the disaster
      found in the story. Let’s look at a few of these.

    2. Read Genesis 7:11-12. Is this the kind of rain we see all
      the time?

      1. What do you see that strikes you as unusual about
        this deluge? (It looks like it came from above and
        below. Notice “the springs of the deep burst forth.”)

    3. Read Genesis 2:6. Does this, together with Genesis 7:11
      suggest that God created a watering system for the earth
      that was different than what we have now? ( Genesis 2:5
      talks about God sending rain in connection with the
      appearance of shrubs and man, thus suggesting that rain
      was a method of watering before the flood. However, the
      statement in verse 6 that streams came up from below the
      surface of the earth and “watered the whole surface of the
      earth” certainly indicates a fundamentally different way
      of providing water to the earth.)

    4. Read Genesis 7:17-20. Is this the story of a local flood?
      What detail in these verses sounds like an actual account
      and not a metaphor? (It tells us the water was more than
      20 feet over the top of the highest mountain.)

      1. What is the significance of 20 feet? (Twenty feet
        would do the trick if you were out to destroy
        everything. Read Genesis 7:22.)

    5. Did Jesus believe in a literal flood? (Yes. We previously
      read Matthew 24:36-40.)

  5. Grace and Gratitude

    1. Read Genesis 8:15-21. What do you see as an important part
      of Noah’s walk with God? (That he is grateful!)

    2. Friend, God loves those who walk with Him. He is pained by
      evil thoughts and evil actions and is determined to
      destroy them. If we purpose to walk with Him, He will
      reveal His judgment to us and He will save us.

  6. Next week: The Earth After the Flood.