Introduction: Are you loving the law more? Last week we learned that
the law is not our enemy, but rather God’s instruction manual for a
better life. We decided that only if we seek unbridled self-benefit
is the law our opponent. If that is true, then why does Paul indicate
that the law is a problem for us? Is it because we all seek unbridled
self-interest? We need to learn more! This week we plunge more deeply
into the idea that we need to re-educate our thinking to understand
that the law is both our friend and our benefactor. We need to become
lobbyists for the law! If that sounds strange, let’s dive into God’s
word and see what He has to say about the law!

  1. Law of Benefit

    1. Read Deuteronomy 28:1-6. What does obedience do for our
      life? (It rains blessings down on us. If you want to learn
      the full extent of the blessings, read Deuteronomy 28:7-14.)

    2. Read Deuteronomy 28:15-20. What does disobedience of the
      law do for us? (It creates endless trouble. If you want to
      learn the full extent of the curses, read Deuteronomy

    3. Read Malachi 3:8-12. What happens if we pay tithe?
      (Blessings flood over us so that we do not have enough
      room to store them.)

    4. Read Ephesians 5:28. What happens if we are loving towards
      our spouse? (You get blessed with a spouse who loves you
      back. Loving your spouse is like loving yourself.)

    5. Read Revelation 21:10-11 and Revelation 21:18-21. What
      kind of place is the New Jerusalem? (We’ve never seen such
      a rich place. It is swimming in gold and precious jewels.)

    6. Why does God make such lavish promises to us? Is He trying
      to bribe us? Or, is wealth and prosperity the natural
      outworking of His law? (All of the above? We cannot deny
      that God has a consistent theme that obedience to the law
      pays big dividends.)

      1. What happened to the gospel theme of self-denial?
        How do we explain that Jesus told the young ruler to
        sell all (Luke 18)?(What if we said that self-denial
        (obedience) brings great blessings? The ultimate
        result of denying self is just the opposite of self-denial?)

  2. Breach of Contract

    1. Read Job 9:32-35 and Job 13:17-23. For what is Job asking?
      (A fair trial against God. Job has a case, he has an
      argument, and he needs to find a judge who is over God so
      he can get justice.)

      1. What kind of legal claim will Job be making against
        God? (Breach of contract. Job knows about God’s law
        of benefits. If you obey, you prosper. That is the
        deal. The deal is not being properly applied in Job’s
        case, and he wants to sue God.)

    2. Read Job 1:8-11. What does Satan want? (He is against the
      law! He objects to the “obey and prosper” deal. Imagine
      that – Satan being against the law!)

    3. Read Revelation 12:12-13 and Revelation 12:17. Who is
      Satan targeting? (Those who believe that Jesus is God and
      Savior, and who also obey God’s law.)

      1. Does Job’s story teach us why Satan has targeted the
        commandment keepers and what He has in mind for them?
        (He wants to peel them away from allegiance to God.
        Job shows us that one way Satan does this is by
        disrupting the law of benefit.)

    4. Think about this a minute. If you were Satan, would your
      only strategy be to break the link between obedience to
      the law and great blessings? (No. I would try to give the
      illusion that disobedience to the law gives great

      1. Do we see this today?

      2. Does Satan have a valid point in the Job conflict?
        That God is bribing Job? (No. Satan does not like the
        system, because it is giving him fits. God’s law is
        intended to bless and protect His people. How is
        Satan going to peel away God’s followers if they
        think (know) that following God brings great
        blessings and protection against evil?)

    5. Read Job 1:12. How can you explain this? Why doesn’t God
      just say to Satan, “You know the law, it is operating
      properly here. Go play in the street!”

      1. This is very important, friend. Why did God create a
        law that always gives benefits to those who obey?
        (Because God loves us. Love stands behind the
        benefits. Just as love stands behind our gifts to
        our children.)

        1. The question is, do our children get confused
          and think the presents are an end in
          themselves? That is Satan’s challenge here:
          does Job realize that you give him things
          because you love Him? Or, does Job just love
          the things?

      2. What does this teach us about the way that the law of
        benefits operates? (Like gravity, it is the law. If
        we obey we are blessed. Satan seeks to disrupt this
        law, and he does it with God’s consent, because God
        wants us to understand the bigger picture of His love
        to us.)

  3. Big Picture Thinking

    1. Let’s go back to basics. We are saved by grace alone, not
      by any of our own works. How should we view the law? As
      the enemy? As something irrelevant? (No! The law is our
      best friend because obedience to it carries great

      1. Is this how you really feel?

      2. Go back to Revelation 12:17. Is Satan the only one
        fighting on his side? (Fallen angels and fallen
        humans have the same goal – that they seek to break
        the link between obedience and blessings. They seek
        to portray disobedience as the road to blessings.)

        1. If we are attracted more to disobedience than
          to obedience, what does that mean? (It means we
          do not have a proper view of the law. It means
          that Satan and his crew have converted us to
          their way of thinking. It means the natural
          heart is raising its ugly head.)

    2. Let’s test what we have been discussing. If you currently
      have a major problem in your life, what is the cause of
      the problem? If you have a past that gives you pain, what
      is the source of the pain? (Our study says it should
      logically flow from some combination of three reasons:

      1. You disobeyed God, you broke the law of benefits;

      2. Someone else disobeyed God, and thus disrupted the
        law of benefits for you; or,

      3. Satan supernaturally (like Job) disrupted the law of
        benefits in your life.)

    3. Read Romans 7:10-13. How does the wonderful law of
      benefits cause death? (The law has both a spiritual
      component and a natural component. Sin (a failure to keep
      the law) brings death. I cannot obey the law, so I deserve
      death. That is why we need grace. That is the spiritual
      component. On the other hand, the law is “holy, righteous
      and good,” and if we want to be benefitted and blessed, we
      will do our best to obey the law.)

      1. How did we get to the point that the wonderful law of
        benefits would, without Jesus, kill me? (Look again
        at Romans 7:11. The entry of sin is the reason.)

    4. Friend, has this lesson convinced you that in light of
      grace, the law is your friend? In the battle between good
      and evil, it is incredibly important to understand the
      benefit of the law. Those who are saved understand this
      positive connection with the law. Will you commit today to
      be a lobbyist for the truth that the law blesses us, sin
      does not carry benefits?

  4. Next week: Last things: Jesus and the Saved.