Introduction: What an odd title (“Jesus, Our King”) for a lesson on
Hebrews, when Hebrews never calls Jesus King! The word “king” only
appears in Hebrews 7, and it is talking about someone else. Have you
ever heard the expression “If it walks like a duck and talks like a
duck, it must be a duck?” Let’s continue with our study of Hebrews 1
which describes Jesus in the same terms you would use to describe a

  1. Jesus’ Scepter

    1. Read Hebrews 1:8. We pick up where we left off last week
      in Hebrews 1. Who, again, is the being described as the
      Son? (Jesus.)

      1. Who is the speaker here? ( Hebrews 1:5 – God the

      2. What does God the Father call Jesus in verse 8? (He
        calls Him God. This again bolsters the doctrine of
        the Trinity. God the Father calls Jesus “God [the

      3. How long will Jesus be God? (Verse 8 tells us that
        Jesus’ throne lasts forever.)

    2. Re-read Hebrews 1:8 and add verse 9. Verse 8 refers to a
      scepter. What is a “scepter?” (This is a rod – a symbol of
      the power of the king. If you think back to the story of
      Esther, when she approached the king without an
      invitation, her life depended upon the king extending his
      scepter to her. Esther 4:11.)

      1. Would someone who is not a king have a scepter? (No,
        they would have just a stick because their stick
        carries no authority.)

      2. Jesus’ scepter is righteousness according to verse 8.
        Explain to me how righteousness is the power of
        Jesus’ kingdom? (Remember in our overview of the book
        of Hebrews last week, that we learned that Jesus’
        current work in heaven is His ministry as our High
        Priest? The righteousness that comes from His
        perfect life and death is the power of His kingdom
        that most concerns us. This is the power that allows
        us eternal life together with Jesus.)

    3. Read Psalms 45:6-7. It appears that the writer of Hebrews
      was quoting from Psalms when he wrote Hebrews 1:8-9. Why
      did Hebrews change the Psalms description of Jesus’
      scepter from “justice” to “righteousness?” (Jesus
      fulfilled the requirement of the law when He died in our
      place so that we could have His righteousness. This is
      beyond justice from our point of view. Because Jesus was
      willing to suffer what justice required, we have
      righteousness. That is why at the stage where Jesus is
      our High Priest in heaven, His “power” is righteousness.
      He has satisfied justice, so that we can have

    4. Hebrews 1:9 tells us that Jesus “hated” wickedness. Is
      hatred part of justice and righteousness? Often when you
      read the comments of a homosexual activist, you find
      observant Christians described as “haters.” Is hatred the
      proper attitude towards sin?

      1. What if we just disdain sin?

      2. What if sin attracts us, but we resist?

      3. Are we required to hate sin? Should that be our goal?
        (I think we need to take a hard line attitude towards
        sin for our own sake as well as those around us. M.L.
        Andreasen, in his book on Hebrews, comments on this
        verse by saying that until we come to the point where
        we hate sin we “cannot be said to be safe…. The man
        who hankers after sin, who finds it alluring or
        interesting, has not yet attained to Christ’s
        standard. He must learn to hate sin as well as to
        love righteousness.”)

      4. Our King, when He was on earth, was considered “soft”
        on sinners. See Matthew 9:10-11. How can you
        reconcile the statement in Hebrews that Jesus hates
        sin and Jesus’ practice of hanging around with
        sinners? (If you hate something, you want to destroy
        it. Jesus’ ministry on earth (and our ministry) is to
        persuade, not coerce people into the kingdom. The
        only way to destroy the sin in sinners is to befriend
        and engage them in discussions about truth. Yelling
        at strangers is not a good tool for persuading them
        to your view. When was the last time a stranger
        yelled an insult at you, and you said, “You know,
        that person is right!”)

  2. Jesus’ Servants

    1. Let’s go back to Hebrews 1:6-7. Read. Would a king have
      servants? Followers? Does Jesus, the King, have servants?
      (Yes, the angels are His servants.)

      1. Notice how the angels are described: “winds” and
        “flames of fire.” Why do you think angels are
        described that way?

      2. Read Psalms 104:4. What does this say about the
        angels? (Putting Psalms and Hebrews together
        clarifies that the angels are the messenger “winds.”)

        1. What does this suggest about the writer of
          Hebrews? (This is another example of how he had
          his mind on Psalms when he was writing.)

      3. Compare Hebrews 1:8 with 1:7. Winds and fire that
        come and go versus the throne of Jesus that lasts
        forever. Why does the writer of Hebrews give us that
        contrast? What point is he making? (There are several
        possibilities. First, “wind” gives us the idea of
        speed of movement. The angels are fast messengers.
        “Fire” gives us the idea of power or enthusiasm. It
        could be saying the angels are fast, enthusiastic
        servants. Second, the word “wind” can be translated
        “spirit.” This may just be telling us that angels are
        servant spirits. Third, we see the contrast between
        Jesus, the King on the substantial, permanent throne,
        and the angels, who are a bundle of activity.)

  3. King of the Earth

    1. Read Hebrews 1:10-12. We just read a comparison between
      Jesus and the angels. We now see a comparison between
      Jesus and what? (His creation.)

      1. What is the future for the creation? (It will wear
        out. After that, it will be changed.)

      2. What is the point of comparing Jesus and the
        creation? (First, it bolsters the idea that Jesus is
        King. A king has authority. In our case the authority
        comes in part because He is our Creator. Second, the
        text again stresses the idea of the permanence of
        Jesus’ kingdom. The earth as we know it will change,
        but Jesus’ kingdom will not.)

    2. Read Hebrews 1:13. What is the answer to this question?

    3. Read Psalms 110:1. Again we see that the writer of Hebrews
      has his mind on Psalms. What point is David making in
      Psalms? (That his Lord sits at the right hand of God the
      Father who controls all enemies.)

      1. How does that help your attitude in time of trouble?
        (It lets you know that the outcome of your problems
        is not in doubt. Your King has conquered all of the

    4. Friend, Jesus is our King. Not only does He have real
      authority, an eternal throne, and real servants, but He
      comes to us with the power of His righteousness. Will you
      choose to serve Him today? Will you accept His
      righteousness on your behalf? If you do, you become allied
      with the King whose reign is eternal!

  4. Next week: Jesus, One of Us.