Introduction: Each week we are watching the progress of God’s people
as He leads them on a journey back to Him. So far, the passage has
been pretty rough. But, God’s people seem to be coming out of the
difficult areas into more normal life. What should we consider to be
“normal life?” How can we know when God is with us? How do we even
know that God exists? Let’s dive into the lesson and find out!
- God With Us
- Read Isaiah 43:1. We have often seen that God introduces
Himself to us by saying that He is our Creator. We know
what this says about our God, what does this say about us?
(We are special to God. We are important to Him. It
indicates He has a particular interest in us.) - What does God say in verse 1 that lets us know that
He knows us? (“I have summoned you by name.”) - When someone knows your name, what does that say to
you? (Don’t you want important people to know your
name? It means they know you. It means that you, too,
are important, right?) - Read Isaiah 43:2. What are “waters,” “rivers,” “fire,” and
“flames?” (Times of trouble.) - Notice this text starts out with “when,” instead of
“if.” What do you conclude from that? (That we will
have times when we are worried about our well-being,
our survival.) - What, precisely, does God promise us in times of
trouble? - Does He promise to keep us from all trouble?
(This is a very important point. God does not
promise a lack of trouble. He promises that He
will be with us in times of trouble. He will be
with us. He will know our name.) - Will our troubles overcome us? (The rivers will
not “sweep over” us and we will “not be burned”
or “set ablaze” by the fire.) - Read Isaiah 43:3. How can we know the rivers and fires
will not do us in? (The first part of verse 3 is our
guarantee: “For I am the Lord, your God [and] your
Savior.” The Power of the Universe knows you and has made
a promise to you. Trust Him.) - The Mission
- Read Isaiah 43:5-6. What kind of fear is being discussed
in these verses? (A fear that things will go badly wrong.
God seems to be speaking about our children and us.) - Can our children hide from God? Can they go too far
to be brought back? (God speaks of bringing them back
from every point of the compass.) - Notice in verse 6 God refers to our children as “my
sons” and “my daughters.” What does this change in
reference mean to you? (That our children are not
simply ours, they are also God’s children. He, too,
has an interest in them. God is also calling us His
children in this text.) - Read Isaiah 43:7. What is the purpose of our life? What
is the purpose of the lives of our children? (To bring
glory to God.) - How does your current life fit into that purpose?
- How about at work?
- What about at church?
- Read Isaiah 43:8. God describes part of the work of
bringing glory to Him in this verse. What kind of people
have eyes but are blind, ears but are deaf? (Those who are
not spiritually discerning.) - What is our job with regard to them? (To lead them
out of that condition.) - Read Isaiah 43:9. How do we go about “leading out” the
spiritually blind and deaf? How do we help others know
that our God is the true God? (Our God can tell the
future. God makes many claims about Himself, but here He
says “I told in advance what would happen to you (and
them).”) - How does this fit into our mission of bringing glory
to God? (I think it is our responsibility to bring to
the attention of the world that our God accurately
tells/warns us about the future.) - Cyrus
- Read Isaiah 44:24 & 27-28. What strikes you as being “odd”
about this prophecy? (It mentions a specific person’s
name.) - Have you seen a prophecy before that mentions a
person’s name (as opposed to a name that serves as a
description of the person)? (This had happened
before. King Josiah was mentioned by name 300 years
before his time. See 1 Kings 13:2.) - What important reason did we discuss at the beginning
of this lesson to believe that God cares about us?
(He knows our name.) - What important tool did we discuss that we have to
convince others our God is the true God? (That He
shares the future with us.)
- How does this text combine both of those lessons?
(God not only predicts the future, but He does it by
naming the specific individual! He knew Cyrus’ name
before he was born.) - If God knows your name long before you were born,
what does it say about the importance of your life? - What does it say about abortion?
- What does Isaiah 44:28 tell us about this “Cyrus?” (He is
a “shepherd.”) - Is God telling us he is a sheep herder? (I think God
means he is a leader, a type of savior. See Ezekiel
34:23) - What else do we learn about Cyrus? (That he has
authority to command the rebuilding of Jerusalem and
the temple!) - Based on these clues, who is this Cyrus? Read Ezra 1:1-3.
(This Cyrus is the King of Persia. He ordered the
rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple.) - What does this say about God’s attitude towards the
state helping His work? - Notice Isaiah 44:27 makes reference to the “watery deep”
and drying up streams. What has this to do with Cyrus?
(The Bible Knowledge Commentary tells us that Cyrus had
laid siege to the city of Babylon. The people inside were
not concerned because they had stored up supplies to last
20 years. However, the Persian army, led by Ugbaru,
diverted the Euphrates River, which ran under the city of
Babylon, and when the water level dropped, his army
entered the city by going under the gate in the river bed.
Babylon fell to Cyrus.) - How long in advance did Isaiah, through the power of God,
predict the rise of Cyrus? (The lesson quarterly (Tuesday)
and the Critical and Explanatory Commentary on the Old and
New Testaments agree it was 150 years in advance!) - Friend, we have a God who not only knows the future, He
knows even the details. Better yet, we have a God who
knows you by name. Will you put your trust in Him in time
of trouble? Will you obey Him during the good times? - Next week: Doing the Unthinkable.