Introduction: Let’s review a bit of history. God lead His people out
of Egypt and into the promised land. Their mission? To claim the land
promised to them. They never completely accomplished that task, but
during the years of King David and King Solomon they controlled the
largest area of the promised land. After Solomon’s death, because of
his high tax policies, God’s people split into two nations. The
northern kingdom (ten tribes) was Israel and the southern kingdom
(two tribes) was Judah. Israel existed for about 200 years and then
fell to the Assyrians. Judah continued on for about a 150 years when
it fell to the Babylonians. It was approximately the last 40 years of
Judah’s history when Jeremiah warned the people of the coming
destruction. Let’s jump into our study of the Bible and learn more!
- God’s Remembrance
- Read Jeremiah 2:1-2. What period is God recalling? (The
wilderness journey out of Egypt.) - Is this how you would describe God’s people during
the exodus? Were they were loving and devoted? (My
hope is that God recalls my history as favorably as
this! That is not how I would describe the people
during the wilderness journey.) - Read Jeremiah 2:3. What happened to the enemies of God’s
people during the wilderness journey and thereafter?
(“Disaster overtook them.”) - Does God still treat the enemies of those who love
Him in this way? - God’s Analysis of the Present
- Read Jeremiah 2:4-5. How does God view the “fathers” of
the people of Israel? (They were “worthless” because they
follow “worthless idols.”) - Look closely at what God is saying. Who does He
review as possibly being at fault? (God seems to be
examining Himself. “What fault did your fathers find
in Me?” Obviously, God is not at fault, but consider
what an example this is for us. When things are not
going well, we need to first examine ourselves.) - Read Jeremiah 2:6. When we are tempted to rely on our own
efforts to help us in time of trouble, what should we do
instead? (We need to review our history with God. The
pressure in my life right now is an upcoming oral argument
before the U.S. Court of Appeals. I can remember two past
experiences in arguments before different sections of this
same high court where God specifically came through for
me.) - Read Jeremiah 2:7. What is God’s complaint? (He brought
them to the promised land. But, they defiled it.) - Read Jeremiah 2:8. Who, in particular, failed God? (The
religious leaders. They did not seek God or even know Him.
They followed idols.) - Read Jeremiah 2:9. Are the children any more faithful to
God than their fathers? (No. God says that He “again”
brings charges against His people and He expects to be
bringing charges against their descendants.) - One morning this week I was stunned. In the United
States “Planned Parenthood,” is an organization that
performs abortions and, according to recent
revelations, has been selling baby body parts. The
poll reported that by a margin of 2 to 1, Americans
wanted the government to keep supporting this
organization with taxpayer money. The argument is
that money goes to other, helpful purposes. Is the
United States in danger of being charged by God?
(Jeremiah addresses those who are supposed to be
God’s people, not pagans. Pagans had been in the land
and God largely kicked them out. When God’s people
become pagans, then God says He will act.) - Read Jeremiah 2:10-11. The thinking of the time was that a
god was territorial. You lived in a certain area and a
certain god was in charge of that area. Our God says that
people stick with their fake gods, why should His people
give up the true God? What answer can you give? - Read Jeremiah 2:12-13. What are the specific charges God
brings against His people? (1. They have forsaken Him. 2.
They have tried to do things on their own.) - How much of a problem is this in your life?
- Read Jeremiah 2:14-15. Was Israel a slave by birth? (No!
God rescued them from Egypt. After the death of Solomon,
they became the Northern Kingdom. They fell to Assyria.) - What is God’s point? (Look around you! See how
turning away from God leads to destruction.) - Have you seen this in the lives of others?
- Let’s skip down and read Jeremiah 2:23. Did the people
admit they had turned from God? (No!) - Is there a lesson in this for us?
- Read Jeremiah 2:27. How is it possible that people who do
this can say that they have not turned from God? (This
shows our extraordinary ability to deceive ourselves about
our relationship with God.) - Announcing Judgment
- Read Jeremiah 27:3-4. Are these nations who follow the
true God? (No! But, they are meeting with the King of
Judah. It seems they are putting together a coalition to
try to defeat Babylon.) - Read Jeremiah 27:5-7. On what does God base the authority
of His statement? (He is our Creator.) - How much is God’s authority under attack right now?
- Are your views on the Creation a reflection of
whether you worship what your hands have made? - What is the future for these pagan kings and the King
of Judah? (They will all be defeated by
Nebuchadnezzar.) - Recall that we earlier discussed the issue of
whether the United States might be in danger of
judgment because of its support of evil? If
pagans are involved in evil, and not
Christians, will that save us? (God brings
judgment on these pagan nations.) - Read Genesis 18:32. Scan the chapter if you are not
familiar with this story. What does this suggest to the
followers of God who live in nations that do not follow
God? (There is some number of followers who can prevent
judgment for the entire nation.) - Read Jeremiah 5:1. What is the number of righteous needed
here? (Just one!) - I was recently in a meeting where the speaker
preached about judgment. I have not heard a sermon on
judgment for a very long time. It was a compelling
presentation. How should we react to a warning about
judgment? - Read Jeremiah 27:8. Is there any way to avoid the judgment
of God? (Read Jeremiah 1:17-18. We need to personally be
faithful to God. This is God’s promise to Jeremiah. God
wants us to turn to Him. He does not want to punish us.
However, God wants us to proclaim His message to the
world. If there is a critical number needed to avoid
judgment, we need to be working to bring to God that
critical number.) - Read Jeremiah 27:9-10. What complicates the matter of
God’s judgment? (There are many people who contradict
God’s word. They say punishment will not happen.) - Read Jeremiah 5:3. What is the problem with our human
nature? (Instead of accepting correction, we harden our
hearts.) - Read Jeremiah 27:11. How popular is Jeremiah’s message?
(Imagine if you lived in the United States and I
prophesied that because of our sins, China, a nation which
makes no pretense of following God, would invade the
United States. If you wanted to live, you should just
submit to China’s rule. What if I substituted Iran for
China?) - How popular today is a message of repentance and
judgment? - Friend, do you rely on God or on yourself? Will you open
your heart and mind to the correction of God? Why not turn
to Him today? - Next week: The Last Five Kings of Judah.