Introduction: Do you remember tough times in the past? I’ve
had some really challenging times. My job is a series of
fights. No one is getting shot, but courtroom battles are
the modern alternative to trial by combat. Every time I walk
into a courtroom I pray that God will help me to be
excellent, or at least keep me from being embarrassed. The
two requests are obviously different. I’m aiming for
excellence. My confidence in God’s blessings is based on
what He has done for me in the past. He has helped me many
times to be excellent, and I do not recall ever being
embarrassed. We face a difficult time on earth. A time that
makes my little challenges seem laughable. What God has done
for you in the past should give you confidence in His love
through tough times. Let’s dive into our study of the Bible
to learn more.
I. Time of Trouble
A. Read Daniel 12:1-2. How bad is the coming trouble?
(It has never been this bad!)
1. The text says that the righteous will be
delivered, but does it say when? (The time of
rescue seems to be at the Second Coming. But
that makes it seem that the righteous are in
the middle of the trouble.)
B. Read Matthew 24:21. Isn’t Jesus paraphrasing
Daniel 12:1? If so, this has to be the same event.
Do you agree?
C. Read Matthew 24:22-23. For whose sake is this time
of trouble shortened? (The righteous.)
1. Are the righteous in the middle of the
trouble? (This strongly suggests the answer
is, “yes.” The time of trouble is shortened by
the Second Coming to benefit the righteous. If
they were not in the trouble it would not help
them to shorten the time.)
2. Some argue that this will be like the plagues
of Egypt. Did the plagues hit only the
Egyptians? (Read Exodus 9:4, Exodus 9:26,
Exodus 10:23, and Exodus 12:12-13. These texts
explicitly tell us that some of the plagues,
including the most terrible last plague, did
not harm God’s people. This precedent creates
a reasonable argument for some level of
protection for God’s people in the final
D. Read Matthew 28:19-20. Will God be with us up
until the very end? (Yes. We are never left to
stand alone against Satan. Who could do that?)
E. Read John 14:16. Will the Holy Spirit ever leave
us? (No.)
II. The Rescue
A. Read Revelation 19:11-13. Who is this warrior on
the white horse? (Verse 13 tells us He is called
“the Word of God.”)
1. Read John 1:1-3 and John 1:14. Who is this
Word? (It is Jesus. Jesus is the warrior.)
B. Read Revelation 19:14-16 and Revelation 19:19-21.
Who wins this final battle? (Jesus and the army of
III. The Millennium
A. We just read Revelation 19:20 which tells us that
the Beast and the False Prophet have been tossed
into the lake of fire. This leaves standing the
main leader of the rebellion. What happens to him?
Read Revelation 20:1-3. (Satan, the leader of the
opposition, is bound for a thousand years.)
1. Is that the end of Satan? (No. Verse three
tells us that he will be released “for a
little while.”)
B. Read Revelation 20:4. What is going on while Satan
is bound for one thousand years? (A judgment is
taking place.)
C. Read Revelation 20:5-6. How do you understand the
first and second resurrections? (The first
resurrection is of the righteous. This is linked
to the Second Coming of Jesus in Revelation 19.
The saved are in heaven engaged in some sort of
judgment while Satan is bound on earth and the
wicked are dead. The wicked are raised to life
after the thousand years. This is the second
1. Since the fate of all have been determined,
what, logically, would the righteous be
judging during this one thousand years? (They
will have friends, family, and loved ones who
are lost. Logically, this gives them plenty
of time to determine that God has been just in
His judgment of the lost.)
2. A former client just sent me material intended
to convince me that the lost burn in hell
forever. Without examining the apparently
conflicting texts on an eternally burning
hell, when parents review the record of their
lost children and agree heaven would not be
the right place for them, do you think they
would also agree that they should be tortured
D. Read Revelation 20:7-8. Now we understand about
the release of Satan and the second resurrection.
Who are they battling? (Jesus and the saints.)
E. Read Revelation 20:9. How does this attack figure
into the judgment of the righteous? (If they had
any doubt about God’s judgment, this confirms that
the continuing existence of the lost is
incompatible with God’s kingdom.)
F. Read Revelation 20:10. What is the final judgment
on Satan? (He is tossed into the lake of fire.)
IV. The Subject of the Judgment
A. Read Revelation 20:11-13. Who are these dead
people? (This is a reference to the lost. The dead
have just been resurrected in the second
1. On what basis are they judged? (Their works as
recorded in the books.)
B. Re-read Revelation 20:12 and read
Revelation 20:15. What other single book is part of the
judgment? (The book of life.)
1. What is recorded in the book of life? (Names,
not deeds.)
2. What is the result of having your name written
in the book of life? (You are not destroyed.
You are saved!)
3. What does that tell us about the standard for
the judgment? (The saved are not subject to a
judgment based on their deeds. The wicked are
judged by their deeds.
C. Read Revelation 3:5 and Romans 10:9-11. What is
the standard for judgment for the righteous? (Not
their deeds, but rather their confession of Jesus
as their Savior. They wear the white robes of
Jesus’ righteousness.)
1. We have been discussing in recent weeks the
issue of worship. What is the position on
worship for those whose names are written in
the book of life? (Read Revelation 13:6-8. If
your name is written in the book of life, you
worship the true God only.)
V. Joy!
A. Read Revelation 7:9-10. How many have their names
written in the book of life? (A “great multitude
that no one could number.”)
1. What are they wearing? (“White robes.”)
2. Who do they thank for their salvation? (God
and the Lamb.)
B. Read Revelation 7:11-12. What is the attitude
around God’s throne? (Praise! Joy! Gratitude!)
C. Friend, do you want to be there in heaven praising
God? Do you want your name in the book of life? Do
you want to experience the triumph of God’s love?
Accept Him now. Worship Him only!
VI. Next week: We begin studying the Gospel of Mark.
Copr. 2024, Bruce N. Cameron, J.D. Scripture quotations are
from the ESV Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard
Version ), copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing
ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All
rights reserved. Suggested answers are found within
parentheses. If you normally receive this lesson by e-mail,
but it is lost one week, you can find it by clicking on this
link: Pray for the guidance of the
Holy Spirit as you study.