Introduction: What comes to mind when you think about the
book of Revelation? Many assume they cannot understand it.
The frightful looking beasts, the plagues and terrors cast
on the earth, and the warnings of what will come to pass
seem scary. Why did God inspire John with this message? Is
it to give God’s followers hope and insight into what will
happen in the future? In the days when I watched football I
developed the practice of recording the game when it was
played. If my team won, I would watch the game. This
practice made me a calmer person. Even if bad things
happened during the game, I knew that it would turn out fine
in the end. This what I think God has in mind in sharing
Revelation with us – He wants to give us a level of
confidence and trust as frightening things happen on earth.
Let’s dive into our study of Revelation so we can prepare to
calmly understand end-time events!
I. Purpose
A. Read Revelation 1:1. Albert Barnes’s Commentary
says that “Revelation” means “nakedness.” Have you
any idea why that is a good name for this book?
(The idea is that the future is uncovered. The
shadow over the future is removed.)
1. Who is the source of this new information?
(God gave it to Jesus who sent an angel to
give it to John. John was one of the twelve
disciples who had been with Jesus.)
B. Read Revelation 1:3. Would it be best to remain
ignorant of this new information? (No. We are
blessed to pay attention to this and remember
it because it is relevant to a time that is near.)
C. Read Revelation 14:6. To whom is this message
given? (All those who live on earth!)
1. Is it irrelevant to anyone? (It is for “every
nation and tribe and language and people.”
Anyone who says that this message is not for
them is mistaken.)
2. It is a new gospel? Is it “breaking news?” New
news? (No. It is the “eternal” gospel. This
message has always been the gospel.)
3. Why do you think this angel is pictured as
“flying directly overhead?” (This is a picture
of rapid motion and a message focused on us.)
II. First Angel
A. Read Revelation 14:7. This message is contained in
one sentence! Let’s examine it in detail. Why
should we fear and glorify God? (The “hour of His
judgment has come.”)
B. Read Daniel 7:9-10. What is this judgment? (It
appears to be the final judgment referred to in
Revelation 14:7.)
C. Read Daniel 7:13-14. Who wins in this judgment?
(Those who serve Jesus. They are part of an
everlasting kingdom.)
D. Let’s focus on the last half of Revelation 14:7.
On what basis does God claim our allegiance? (He
is our Creator God.)
1. This creation is recounted in Genesis chapters
1 and 2. Must we accept the Genesis account to
be included in this group of worshipers? (If
you disbelieve the specific basis for your
worship, I do not see how you could be called
a worshiper. That kind of worship is a fraud.)
2. There are some highly contested issues today
that are directly connected to the Genesis
creation account. One is the question of
origins – were humans created by the hand of
God or were they a product of slow evolution?
Another is the question of marriage, is it
designed to be between a man and a woman who
“become one?” A third is the question of
gender. Are there only two, or is the matter
completely malleable, and subject to change?
a. Is it necessary to accept the Biblical
account on all of these issues to be a
true worshiper?
3. If you answered that a true worshiper’s views
must conform to the Biblical record, is this
something that should be preached and taught
by Christians? And would that be part of the
First Angel’s message?
4. If your answer to the previous question is
“no,” then what do you think is the content of
the message of this First Angel?
E. Look again at the last half of Revelation 14:7
from a slightly different point of view. Is there
any logical connection that you can find between
the call to worship God and this description of
God’s activities? (These activities are what
entitle God to worship. They reflect His power,
His authority over the creation.)
1. A famous movie is the original 1939 “The
Wizard of Oz.” It turned out that the great
and wonderful wizard was a fraud. He was only
a man operating a machine that gave a false
appearance of power. Is this the position of
those who disbelieve God’s claims of power?
Can you still claim to be a Christian if you
believe the claim is like the man behind the
curtain in the Wizard of Oz? (This belief
seems very common, and I cannot understand the
logic of it.)
III. The Eternal Gospel
A. Look again at Revelation 14:6-7. The Bible calls
this one sentence “the eternal gospel.” Is that
how you understand the gospel: Our Creator God has
begun His judgment?
1. Isn’t this just the opposite of the way in
which we share the gospel: Our loving God
lived and died on your behalf so that you
would escape the result of a final judgment?
Why not accept Him as your Savior right now?
B. Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-2. What is Paul saying
that he preached? (“The gospel.”)
1. What is the result of receiving Paul’s gospel?
(They are being saved.)
C. Read 1 Corinthians 15:3-5. The way that Paul
describes the gospel that he is preaching is the
same way that I share the gospel. This seems just
the opposite of the eternal gospel shared by the
First Angel. Can you reconcile the two?
D. Read Romans 3:21-24. Is this the gospel? (Yes! It
is the gospel as I understand and teach it.)
1. Is this also contrary to the eternal gospel
proclaimed by the First Angel? (It certainly
seems to be much different.)
E. I believe the Bible. It seems absolutely critical
to reconcile the First Angel’s gospel to the
gospel preached by Paul in 1 Corinthians and
Romans. Let’s start by asking what is left out of
the gospel message proclaimed by the First Angel?
What critical facts are missing in that one
sentence? (The fall of humans. The entrance of
sin. Jesus’ rescue of us. The First Angel
proclaims Jesus as Creator and then leaps over the
rest of history to the final judgment.)
1. Are these unimportant details, meaning the
details left out by the First Angel? (No. They
are critical.)
2. Wait a minute. Does the importance of the
details turn on the nature of your decision?
F. Assume you are talking about a powerful race car
that you own. You describe its beauty and power
when it was first made. You tell how the most
important race is coming up and you declare this
car will win that race. However, you fail to
mention that this car was in a wreck, the engine
failed, and the body and engine have been
completely rebuilt. Would the short-hand account
of power and victory be what is of critical
importance? (I think the answer is “yes.” The
relevant issues are the current condition of the
car and the fact that it will win. If you were
purchasing the car as opposed to anticipating the
win, the interim history would be important. That
is how I reconcile the First Angel and Paul’s
statements about the gospel. The First Angel is
stating what is important now, and not giving a
teaching on the method of salvation.)
G. Read Matthew 28:19-20. How would you relate these
verses to the message of the First Angel? (Jesus
refers to the “end of the age.” The First Angel
gives urgency to the gospel. Our Creator God is
bringing things to a close.)
H. Friend, the end is coming. If you do not believe
what the Bible says about the beginning of the
world, you are unlikely to believe the account of
the end. If you are doubting, why not ask the Holy
Spirit, right now, to guide your mind to all
IV. Next week: “Fear God and Give Glory to Him.”
Copr. 2023, Bruce N. Cameron, J.D. Scripture quotations are
from the ESV Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard
Version ), copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing
ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All
rights reserved. Suggested answers are found within
parentheses. If you normally receive this lesson by e-mail,
but it is lost one week, you can find it by clicking on this
link: Pray for the guidance of the
Holy Spirit as you study.