Introduction: Luke 19:28 starts out “After Jesus had said this.” What
had Jesus had just said? The story we studied two weeks ago about the
servants, the minas and executions! Recall that Jesus rewarded those
who were diligent, and even gave the fellow with the most wealth the
mina of the lazy servant! Then the king’s enemies were killed. It
was not a typical Jesus’ story, but it is the lead into our study of
Jesus’ last week on earth. Is there a connection? Let’s dig into our
study of the Bible and find out!

  1. Jesus Entering as King

    1. Read Luke 19:29-31. How would you feel if you were
      stealing a horse and your excuse was “The Lord needs it?”
      (I would take confidence in the fact that Jesus knew all
      about this horse (colt) and therefore He would know about
      anyone who would challenge me.)

    2. Read Luke 19:32-36. This unusual request works out
      perfectly! But then some other bizarre thing starts
      happening: people are spreading their clothes on the
      ground for Jesus to ride over. Why do that?

    3. Read 2 Kings 9:12-13. What is the crowd thinking? (Not
      only do the colt owners recognize that Jesus is Lord, but
      we see that the people, by spreading their clothes on the
      ground, are recognizing that Jesus is King!)

    4. Read Zechariah 9:9-10. How is this related to the minas’
      story? (Part of that story was the opposition to the
      future king, and his triumph by killing those who opposed
      him. This is a prophecy about the future King.)

    5. Read Luke 19:37-39. Why should Jesus rebuke His disciples?
      (Read Matthew 21:9. The parallel record affirms that
      Jesus’ disciples are proclaiming Jesus is Messiah and
      their promised Lord and King! This was not just blasphemy,
      it would be seen as insurrection against the Romans!)

    6. Read Luke 19:40. How does Jesus handle this problem? (He
      endorses what the crowd is doing. He says that nature
      would continue the praises if the disciples were stopped.)

      1. How do you think the disciples viewed this? (Imagine
        how excited they are! What they had hoped would
        happen (Jesus becoming King) is finally taking

    7. Read Luke 19:41-44. Read this back into Luke 19:27. What
      is the attitude of the King over the destruction of His
      enemies? (Jesus cries! This corrects our assumptions about
      the end of the minas’ story!)

      1. How does Jesus say things could have been different?
        (If they had recognized Jesus as their Messiah, they
        could have known peace and not destruction.)

        1. Is this a message for us today?

  2. Money Changers.

    1. Read Luke 19:45 and Matthew 21:12. Luke tells us that
      Jesus was “driving out” those who were selling, and
      Matthew tells us that He was turning tables and benches
      upside down. This seems violent, do you agree?

    2. Read Luke 19:46. What does this suggest the “sellers” were
      doing? (Robbing people. Without going into the details,
      there was a special temple coin that was needed by
      visitors and sacrifices could be purchased. These
      “sellers” were providing a service, but they were
      dishonest in their dealings with those who had come to
      worship God.)

      1. How do you feel when you have been cheated? Can you
        see how the temple visitors would be focused on
        having been cheated as opposed to focused on prayer?

    3. Read Luke 19:47-48. Why don’t the religious leaders
      appreciate Jesus’ reforms? (The fact that they wanted to
      kill Jesus shows how involved they were in the dishonest
      practices. If the people resented being robbed, and that
      dishonesty tainted their religious experience,
      responsibility for this rested at the highest levels.)

    4. Read Luke 20:1-2. Who do you think the chief priests
      thought were the proper authorities? (They were!)

      1. Why are they reduced to asking questions? Why not
        assert their authority? (This gets back to Luke 19:48
        – Jesus was extremely popular with the people.)

      2. What are the “things” for which Jesus needs
        authority? (Violently overturning the tables and
        benches of the sellers.)

        1. Put yourself in the place of a religious
          leader. Do you want to defend theft? What do
          you think the ordinary people think about the
          dishonest practices of the sellers? (Suddenly,
          we have a better view of the reason why the
          religious leaders are reduced to asking
          questions. Jesus has them in a tough spot.
          Murder is their best answer.)

    5. Read Luke 20:3-8. What would be wrong with saying that
      John the Baptist was a prophet? (Read John 1:29. John said
      that Jesus was the Messiah! The issue of the religious
      leaders not believing John had to do with what John said
      about the authority of Jesus.)

      1. Why didn’t Jesus want to directly say the source of
        His authority? (That would raise the blasphemy issue

    1. Think about the last few verses about overturning the
      tables and the discussion of authority. Why was Jesus
      spending His precious last hours on this kind of activity?
      (Think first about the big symbolic picture. Jesus is
      about to become, as John predicted in John 1:29, the
      sacrificial lamb that takes away the sin of the world.
      This reflects the Day of Atonement, when the temple was
      cleansed of sin. Thus, Jesus is removing sin from the
      temple just before His death – a picture that the people
      will be sure to remember. In the smaller picture, the
      people can focus on Jesus’ teaching rather than the
      commerce and cheating that previously distracted the

  1. The Vineyard

    1. Read Luke 20:9-15. How does this compare with the
      servants and mina story in Luke 19:12-27? (The Jesus
      figure in the mina story triumphs. The Jesus figure in the
      vineyard story dies.)

      1. Why does Jesus tell this second story about the
        vineyard? (He will die before He triumphs.)

    2. Read Luke 20:16. Notice that Jesus answers His own
      question: The owner of the vineyard will kill those who
      killed His Son. When the people respond, “May this never
      be,” what are they talking about? (I think the murder of
      the son.)

    3. Read Luke 20:17-19. We know for some time now the Jewish
      leaders were looking for a way to kill Jesus. What warning
      is He giving them? (He has now told two stories (the mina
      and the vineyard stories)in which those who resisted the
      king died. Now in Luke 20:18 Jesus says His enemies will
      be crushed.)

      1. Why do you think the Jewish leaders continued to seek
        to kill Jesus?

      2. Notice something here. The Jewish rulers were afraid
        of the people. What should they have remembered? (In
        Luke 12:4-5 Jesus told them to fear God rather than
        people. People can just kill you. God “has power to
        throw you into hell.”)

  2. Last Supper

    1. Read Luke 22:14-21. When the disciples heard about the
      Kingdom of God coming, what do think they thought Jesus
      meant? (Read Luke 22:24. They want Jesus to become King
      and they will be His rulers. However, Jesus has said some
      troubling things about the future.)

      1. What do you think the disciples concluded about a
        betrayer being present at the table? (This is more
        troubling stuff.)

      2. What do you think the betrayer thought? (Likely that
        he was doing Jesus a favor. He would force Jesus to
        become King – and then he would take credit for
        forcing the matter.)

    2. Read Luke 22:31-33. What does this show about the thinking
      of the disciples? (They (or at least Simon Peter) got the
      message that Jesus was in for a very difficult time –
      notwithstanding His entry into town as King and Messiah.)

    3. Friend, are you open to God’s warnings? There is always
      the message that we want to hear, and the message that we
      would rather not think about. Ask Jesus today to make His
      will clear to you and to keep your heart open to listen so
      that you will be in line with God’s Kingdom.

  3. Next week: Crucified and Risen.