Introduction: Have you ever seen someone who needed an attitude
adjustment? We consider what is going on, and make the judgment that
person’s attitude is inappropriate for the situation. Let’s turn our
judgment inward. Consider your attitude towards God. Could it use an
adjustment? I know that God has been working on my attitude for
decades. While I believe that my attitude has gotten significantly
better, I know I need further improvement! Let’s plunge into our
continued study of Hosea to see what we can learn about improving our
attitude towards God!

  1. Who Will You Trust?

    1. Read Hosea 7:11 and Matthew 10:16. Is being dove-like a
      good or bad thing? (Barnes’ Notes tells us that an Eastern
      proverb says, “There is nothing more simple than a dove.”
      In Hosea, the reference to being like a dove is not a

      1. Ephraim is a reference to God’s people. Assyria and
        Egypt are the great rival powers to the north and the
        south. What are God’s people doing? (Playing one
        rival power against the other.)

        1. Why would Assyria and Egypt agree to such a
          thing?(Assyria and Egypt are using the Northern
          Kingdom of Israel to advance their own
          interests. They do not care about God’s

        2. What is wrong with taking advantage of the
          rivalry of two great powers? Isn’t that being
          “as shrewd as snakes?”

          1. Why call God’s people “easily deceived and
            senseless?” (God’s people are making the
            mistake of making alliances with powers
            that do not care about them, when they
            could be making an alliance with God who
            cares supremely about them.)

    2. Read Hosea 7:13-14. What is God’s attitude towards His
      people? (He longs to redeem them, but their rebellion puts
      them on the path to destruction.)

      1. Notice the sentence “They do not cry out to me from
        their hearts but wail upon their beds.” What does
        this say about the attitude of the people toward God?
        (They don’t call upon God because they love Him.
        They call upon God because they are weak. They need
        something. They want something.)

    3. What is your relationship with God? Do you trust money and
      people instead of God? Do you turn to God only when you
      are desperate and nothing else has worked?

      1. What is your relationship to God when things are
        going well? Is it different than when things are
        going poorly?

  2. Sowing and Reaping

    1. Read Hosea 10:12. Notice the two ways in which the word
      “righteousness” is used. In the first reference it is
      something that we plant, in the second it comes in showers
      from God. Does this prove that when it comes to being
      righteous, we do what we can and God makes up the rest?

      1. Read Romans 3:22-24. Where does this say that our
        righteousness comes? (From faith in Jesus.)

        1. Our text in Romans doesn’t say anything about
          planting, plowing or any other work to obtain
          righteousness. Should we explain this conflict
          as an Old Testament/New Testament, Old
          Covenant/New Covenant thing?

      2. Look again at Hosea 10:12. Does God only love those
        who are righteous? Those who work for Him?

        1. If you say “No,” then we have two serious
          problems in Hosea 10:12. We have the idea that
          we make ourselves righteous and we make
          ourselves loved by God. How would you propose
          to solve those problems?

    2. Read Galatians 6:7-10. Here is a reading from Galatians,
      the heart of righteousness by faith. What does Galatians
      say about behavior and blessings? (We need to keep two
      concepts clear and distinct in our minds. When it comes
      to salvation, we are saved by faith in Jesus alone.
      However, when it comes to living, how we act makes a
      difference. Why do you think God died over the law? It
      would have been much easier for God to say, “Oops! Ate the
      fruit? I’ll adjust the rules, just try harder in the
      future.” Instead, He took sin and His law very seriously –
      so seriously that it became a life or death matter for

      1. Why do you think God considers the law to be a life
        or death matter? (It is because the law reflects the
        character of God. It was given for our benefit.)

    3. Let’s look again at Hosea 10:12 in light of our
      discussion. Does it seem reasonable that the first part
      of the verse teaches that if we obey, we will enjoy the
      benefit of living in accord with the law? However, a time
      is coming when God will shower righteousness on our
      imperfect lives? (I think that is what the Bible means

    4. Read Hosea 10:13. How can we reap evil? (If we plant
      wickedness, we will reap evil.)

      1. When Hosea writes about the “fruit of deception,” of
        what does this remind you? ( Genesis 3:4-6. Eve
        disbelieved God and believed Satan. Eve thought that
        she could “be like God” based on her own works.)

      2. What is the essence of the evil portrayed in Hosea
        10:12? (Depending on your own strength. Depending on
        your own resources.)

  3. Will You Remember?

    1. Read Hosea 11:1-3. Can a child recall who taught him to
      walk? Can parents forget teaching their daughter to take
      her first step?

      1. What is your memory of helping your child to walk?
        (These are loving memories for the parents. The
        children, however, are unlikely to remember this.)

      2. What do you think is God’s point here? (He loved us

    2. Read Hosea 11:4-5. Should God’s people remember Who
      rescued them from Egyptian slavery?

    3. What do these verses in Hosea 11 teach us? (We might not
      remember all of God’s love to us, but we certainly have
      seen dramatic evidence of His care. Regardless of what we
      might remember, God has been continually faithful to us.)

      1. Look again at Hosea 11:2. How insulting is this to
        God? How foolish is this for humans?

  4. Judgment

    1. Read Hosea 11:8-9. What is God’s attitude toward judgment?
      (He does not want to execute judgment. He certainly will
      not execute judgment in a fit of anger.)

      1. Notice the reference to Admah and Zeboiim. Just in
        case these are not part of your regular conversation,
        read Deuteronomy 29:22-24. What happened to those two

      2. What does the fate of Admah and Zeboiim teach us
        about God and judgment? (He will execute judgment,
        but He does not want to do it.)

      3. What is the answer to the question in Deuteronomy
        29:24? (Read Deuteronomy 29:25-26. The people trusted
        and worshiped something other than God.)

  5. God’s Goal For Us

    1. Read Hosea 14:1-3. What is God’s goal for your life? (Our
      sins are our downfall. So, God tells us that we need an
      attitude adjustment. We need to confess our sins, and
      trust God. We must turn away from trusting what our hands
      have made.)

      1. Who is eligible for God’s help? (Even the most
        powerless. For those who have no father, God will be
        your Father.)

      2. This is the point where having (or being) great
        parents makes a difference in our understanding of
        God. How does looking at God as a substitute for our
        parents change our attitude toward Him? (My father
        and mother loved me absolutely. My father was also a
        man who would execute judgment on bad behavior! The
        fact that Dad could be a judge never caused me to
        lose sight of his incredible love – a love that I
        could trust absolutely!)

    2. Friend, God loves you absolutely. How can you offend Him
      by trusting in other gods – your money, your job, your
      abilities, your intelligence or things of this nature?
      Why not confess the sin of mistrust, and determine to
      trust only in God?

  6. Next week: A Holy and Just God (Joel).