Introduction: The title to our lesson makes me smile. If there is an
area in which we have all sorts of disunity, it is in worship. Some
churches have two services with two different styles of worship, just
so everyone will be happy. Isn’t worship something deeper than just
style? Is style sometimes a smokescreen for more important issues?
Let’s jump into our study of the Bible and see what we can learn
about worship!

  1. Heavenly Worship

    1. Read Revelation 4:8-9. What are we seeing? (Heaven.)

      1. What is the basis for worshiping God? (He “was, and
        is, and is to come.”)

      2. What does this teach us about praise songs that use
        simple and repetitive lyrics?

    2. Read Revelation 4:10-11. What is the basis for the elders
      praising God? (This is just one of many Bible texts which
      say that God is worthy of our praise because He is our

      1. What does this teach us about the theory of
        evolution? (It is a frontal attack on the reason why
        God is worthy of our praise.)

        1. What about “Theistic Evolution,” the idea that
          God put evolution in motion and used it to
          create everything? (Evolution relies on natural
          selection, which says that the strong win and
          the weak die. If that is a fundamental
          principle of “creation,” why is it so at odds
          with the rest of the Bible?)

    3. Look again at Revelation 4:11. When you read the phrase
      “by Your will they … have their being,” does that sound
      like passive involvement? (It paints a picture of God
      continuing to be involved in our life. God continues to
      power the universe.)

  2. End Time Worship

    1. Read Revelation 14:6-7. What three things are we told to
      do? (Fear God, give glory to God and worship God.)

      1. Why? (We are given two reasons. First, because the
        hour of judgment has come. Second, because He is our
        Creator God.)

    2. Read Genesis 2:1-3. What does the connection to creation
      suggest about the time of worship? (The worship that
      reflects the work of our Creator God is on the “seventh

    3. Read Genesis 6:1-3 and Genesis 6:5-7. What has God
      declared is His plan to deal with sin? (He will destroy
      sinful humans with water.)

    4. Read Revelation 14:9-11. What has God declared is His plan
      to deal with sin? (He will destroy sin with fire.)

    5. As you look again at Genesis 6:3 and Revelation 14:7 what
      parallel do you see between the then coming flood and
      coming fire? (God has a countdown time. In the flood, He
      told Noah the time for people to repent and turn to Him
      was 120 years. At the end of the word God announces a
      similar time of grace, He calls it “the hour of His
      judgment.” Unlike the flood, God does not give a specific

      1. As you contemplate the parallels between the flood
        and the end of our world, what should be our focus?
        (The Revelation 14 texts are focused on the issue of
        worship. We either fear and worship the Creator God,
        or we worship “the beast and his image.”)

  3. Today’s Worship

    1. Do you think that we are now living in the “hour of His
      judgment,” the parallel to the 120 years before the flood?

      1. If your answer is “Yes,” what does that say about the
        nature of your worship today? (First, I would do it
        on the right day, the day specified at Creation.
        Second, we are told to “fear” God “and give Him
        glory.” Let’s explore these ideas by seeing what
        Biblical history teaches us.)

    2. Read 1 Samuel 6:1-2. The back story is that the
      Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant in battle
      with Israel. This was a disaster for Israel, but also an
      unexpected disaster for the Philistines. You can read
      about all the problems the Philistines experienced in 1
      Samuel 5. The result is that the Philistines decided to
      give it back. Who did the Philistines consult to determine
      how the Ark should be handled? (Their pagan priests and

    3. Read 1 Samuel 6:7-9. How did the Philistine priests decide
      was the best way to transport the Ark? (Use a new cart
      pulled by cows. It arrived back in Israel by that means.)

    4. Read 2 Samuel 6:1-3. How did King David transport the Ark
      when he decided to bring it back? (He did it the same way
      the Philistines had done it.)

    5. Read Numbers 4:4-6 and Numbers 4:15. Had God provided
      specific instructions on how the Ark was to be
      transported? (Yes. It was to be covered and carried by the
      Kohathites, a specific division of the tribe of Levi.)

    6. Read 2 Samuel 6:4-8. Was David worshiping God?

      1. Why did Uzzah die? (Because David had not take the
        time to study God’s instructions about transporting
        the Ark. As a result of being on a cart, instead of
        being carried, it appeared that it might tip.)

      2. Did Uzzah have good intentions? (Yes. But, Numbers
        4:15 specifically warned of death if you touched the

      3. What lesson should we learn from this? (Read 1
        Chronicles 15:13. Proper worship is an informed
        worship. We need to learn God’s will. We should not
        simply follow pagan practices. Uzzah died because
        King David failed to study God’s instructions on
        transporting the Ark.)

    7. Read 2 Samuel 6:13, 1 Chronicles 15:1-2, 1 Chronicles
      15:15. What has David learned? (That the Ark must be
      carried by the Levites, not carted by cows.)

    8. Read 2 Samuel 6:14-16 and 1 Chronicles 15:16. How would
      you characterize David’s worship? (For more detail about
      the planning and execution, read 1 Chronicles 15:17-29.
      This worship is organized, loud and dancing! David is
      leaping. They are shouting, they are blowing trumpets. It
      is a celebration!)

      1. Have you ever been to a worship like that?

      2. Does this seem to be the opposite of proper worship?

        1. If you said, “yes,” do you have someone in our
          story who agrees with you? (King David’s wife,

    9. Read 2 Samuel 6:20. What is Michal’s complaint about
      David’s worship style? (It is unrefined. It is vulgar. It
      does not preserve the dignity of David’s office.)

      1. What about the dignity of God? David is not dressed

    10. Read 2 Samuel 6:21-22. Does David tell his wife he is
      sorry for his undignified worship? (No. He says that he
      plans to become even more undignified!)

    11. Read 2 Samuel 6:23. What is the result of Michal’s
      criticism of David’s worship style? (Michal is barren.)

      1. Is this a warning to those who demand a calm,
        dignified worship style?

      2. Have you been in a worship service where the
        atmosphere is perfect for sleeping? Everything is
        boring, and no one seems excited about anything?

      3. Have you been in a worship service where you needed
        to meet certain dress standards?

    12. Read 1 Chronicles 16:1-2 and 4. I have heard it argued that
      this story is not about worship. If it is not worship,
      what is it?

      1. Why do you think the punishment of Michal is part of
        this account?

      2. Have you been to “barren” worship services? Services
        that are dead and not alive?

    13. Friend, God calls on us in these last days to worship Him.
      He calls on us to worship Him as He has commanded, on the
      day that celebrates Him as Creator! He shows us that
      having Him in our presence is the basis for unrestrained
      joy, music and dancing. He wants us to be wildly in love
      with Him and grateful for His presence and everything He
      has done for us!

  4. Next week: Church Organization and Unity.