Introduction: This week we have more angels with a message! Last
week we studied the message of the first angel of Revelation 14 and
this week we continue our study by considering the messages of the
second and third angels. Let’s jump into our study!
- The Second Angel
- Remember last week we learned that the first angel came
with the message that the time of judgment is at hand.
Read Revelation 14:8. Does this message seem to be related
to the message of the First angel? Can you think of any
possible connection? (When lawyers speak of a “judgment,”
they mean the court entered a ruling in which one party
won and the other party lost. This seems to say that
Babylon lost.) - When I watch any sports contest, I like to know who is
playing. Who is this “Babylon” that lost in the judgment?
(Babylon was historically a city. Unger’s Bible Dictionary
links it to the “ancient city-state in the plain of
Shinar.” Genesis 11 contains the story of how Babylon
began with the intention of building a tower that could
survive another flood. Thus, the original philosophy of
this city was about man trusting himself and not believing
God. Later, in 587 B.C., Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon,
destroyed Jerusalem. Thus, it was also a city-state that
was opposed to God’s people and His city, Jerusalem.) - Isn’t this second angel a little late with its news?
Did it get lined up in the wrong order when leaving
heaven? The city of Babylon does not exist now. How
could the angel refer to it as part of the end time
message of the judgment time? (While the city may not
exist, the philosophy of man trusting in himself and
not in God is alive and well today.) - Was the message of the first angel partially
responsible for Babylon falling? (The first angel had
a message that, because the judgment is at hand, we
should worship our Creator God. The philosophy of
Babylon is completely opposed to the message of the
first angel. Thus, those that espouse the Babylon
message will fall in the judgment.) - Revelation 14:8 tells us that Babylon made “the nations
drink the maddening wine of her adulteries.” What do you
think this means? - Let’s break it down. What is “maddening wine?” (Wine
that makes you loose your sense of what is right to
do.) - How can adultery be compared to “maddening wine?”
(Hosea 1 is an example of God comparing His
unfaithful people to an adulterous wife. This is a
common analogy that God makes in the Old Testament.
Thus, the idea is that “Babylon” causes people to
turn from God. Why? Their sense of right and wrong is
lost – which results in turning away from God.) - In summary, how would you describe this “Babylon” of the
last days? (It is a power or philosophy that says that man
can do things on his own. Man does not need God. This
thinking, which causes us to turn away from God, is a
loser in the final judgment.)
- Third Angel
- Read Revelation 14:9-11. Some awful stuff, right? How
are the people identified who have these terrible things
happen to them? (They have the beast’s mark on their head
or hand.) - What causes us to get the mark? (Worshiping the beast and
his image.) - Once again we have a “players” problem. We were curious to
know who this “Babylon” was which had fallen. Knowing how
to avoid being burned is a lot more urgent! Who is this
beast? Let’s work through this and see what we can learn. - Does this beast seem to have something to do with
“Babylon?” (Remember our judicial analogy? We said
that Babylon was the loser in the judgment. The third
angel seems to be describing the “remedy” part of the
judgment. Logically, “Babylon” then, is somehow
related to those who follow the beast and are
punished in the judgment.) - Where have you seen “beasts” before in the Bible?
(Revelation speaks of them and so does Daniel.) - Do any of these beasts you have read about in the
Bible before seem to be linked to the final judgment? - You should read all of Daniel 7. Let’s focus on reading
Daniel 7:9-10, 19-27. Is this a courtroom scene? (Yes,
indeed!) Is this beast connected with the final judgment?
(Yes, Daniel 7:26-27 refers to a heavenly judicial
decision in favor of the saints.) - What is the characteristic of this beast? (Verse 25
tells us that it is in rebellion against God,
oppresses the saints, and tries to change “set times
and the laws.”) - Now that we have more information about this beast
from Daniel, can we tell who is this fourth beast
that seems to be such a problem? (Matthew Henry, in
his commentary on these verses in Daniel, says there
are a number of possible interpretations, which
include the Roman kingdom (which he specifically
links to the beast of Revelation) and papal Rome.
Adam Clarke’s commentary agrees with Henry that this
could be the Roman empire or the Roman church. Our
lesson (Monday) says this beast “symbolizes the
church-state union that controlled the Christian
world for centuries.” Our lesson, being discrete,
does not mention any names. Matthew Henry goes on to
say that he is uncertain who has the right
interpretation because “[He] cannot prove either side
to be wrong”, but goes on to say, “since prophecies
sometimes have many fulfillings,” both could be
right.) - If this beast is the Roman empire, does it have any
relevance to you today? If it is the Roman church,
does that have any significance to you today? (One
conclusion (Roman empire) does not seem to have much
relevance today. The other conclusion (Roman church)
isn’t much more helpful. (In fact, Jesus discourages
attacking fellow Christians. Luke 9:49-50) Aside from
pointing fingers at a church that deserves a great
deal of praise for leading the battle against
abortion, what would be your conclusion? Not join? No
one is going to be saved in the final judgment by
“not joining” a specific church!) - What do you think you should do in response to the
message of this third angel? (Matthew Henry’s advice
is golden. Since prophecy can have several specific
applications, we need to look at the nature and
attitude of this Babylon beast and be ever alert not
to worship anything of that nature. This is a far
safer course then being absolutely sure we have such
a correct, infallible, understanding of prophecy (and
the identity of this beast) that we need not worry
about being on the wrong side of the judgment.) - What do you think is the “image” of the beast? (An
image is something that is a reflection of something
else.) - Should the warning about not worshiping the
image of the beast make us more or less careful
about what we do? (The idea that worshiping even
a reflection of the beast should cause us to
keep our eyes wide open. We can be on the wrong
side not only by worshiping the “Babylon beast,”
but even by following anything that reflects its
- The Seal vs. the Mark
- Read Eph 1:13-14. We just learned in Revelation 14:10
that those who receive the mark are burned with sulfur. As
opposed to burning, here in Ephesians we find described
people who are redeemed. What are these people marked
with? (Verse 13 tells us we have a seal.) - What is the seal? (The Holy Spirit.)
- And how do we get it? (Verse 13: Believing the word
of truth.) - Did you notice that verse 14 says that the Holy
Spirit seal is a “deposit?” (KJV says “earnest”.) In
real world terms, what is a deposit? (A current
payment to guarantee that you will do as you
promise.) - What is God promising His people? (To save them!)
- What Should We Conclude?
- So we have two groups: one having the seal of the Living
God, and another having the mark of the beast. What do
you see as the fundamental reason one group gets the mark
and the other the seal? (Whether they have an attitude of
believing in God ( Ephesians 1:13) or believing in
themselves (Babylon).) - Read Revelation 14:12. What conclusion does this text give
to the message of the three angels? (That we have to
patiently endure.) - Endure what? (It seems that we are enduring the
sinful world around us.) - What characterizes those saints who patiently wait
for Jesus to come? (The obey the commandments and
remain faithful to Jesus.) - Friend, is that you? Are you faithful to Jesus? Do you
demonstrate your faith is real by obeying Jesus’
commandments? If not, the message of the three angels is
that the time for decision is now because the hour of the
judgment is here! - Next Week: God’s Gift of Immortality