Introduction: “Miscellaneous maxims” is how one Bible commentator
referred to a portion of our study this week. That brought a grin to
my face, because our readings in Proverbs this week seem disjointed
and repetitious. Repetitious is good – at least for me. I need to
have things repeated to get them to stick in my mind. In my law
school classes, I teach some of the Proverbs we will study today.
Even though I teach them, I need to remind myself about them – which
is the advantage of miscellaneous repetitive maxims! Just last week I
had a difference of opinion with one of my bosses. I thought he was
wrong, but the Proverb came to mind about avoiding the wrath of the
king. Let’s dive into the Bible and read about the wrath of the king
and other instructions for a more successful life!

  1. King’s Wrath

    1. Read Proverbs 20:2 and Proverbs 19:12. Who is a “king” in
      your life? (People who are in authority over us.)

      1. How would you like to stand by a lion while it is
        roaring? (That would be unpleasant, to say nothing
        about being frightening.)

      2. When you think about “dew on the grass” what kind of
        feelings come to mind? (Pleasant feelings. Relaxed

      3. Did you notice that both of these proverbs start with
        the same phrase, but they end with different
        warnings? One gives the positive side of having a
        good relationship with the king, and the other warns
        of what? (Death.)

    2. Read Proverbs 20:3. Consider quarrels with those in
      authority over you. What is the reason that you might want
      to argue? (Pride of opinion is a major reason. When your
      pride causes you to argue with your boss, then “death” of
      your job may well follow.)

      1. Are there instances when arguing with your boss is
        the right idea? (I’m not sure that arguing is ever
        useful, although a humble boss will be open to good
        ideas. But, there are times when the requirements of
        honesty, integrity and justice require us to raise
        our voice. We just need to understand that it might
        cost us our job.)

    3. Read Proverbs 21:1. What is the best way to deal with
      disagreements with your boss? (We should not quarrel,
      instead we should pray to God. The boss is our supervisor,
      but God is the supervisor of the boss (the king). God can
      direct the king’s heart in the way God chooses.)

    4. Read Proverbs 21:2. We discussed that our pride might be
      the source of our disagreement with the “king.” What is
      the problem with dealing with our own pride? (We are
      unlikely to be able to see our own pride. We might claim
      the dispute is over honesty, integrity or justice, but
      maybe we have simply deceived ourselves.)

    5. Read Proverbs 21:4. What does our pride have to do with
      the way we see things? (This is another reason why we
      cannot trust our own opinion when pride is involved. Our
      pride is “the lamp.” We see things through our pride –
      and the result is distortion and sin.)

      1. What should we do if we cannot trust our self
        (because of pride) in dealing with those in authority
        over us? (Read Proverbs 20:18. We must talk to others
        whose wisdom we trust.)

    6. Read Proverbs 20:8. “Winnow” is a term used in separating
      the wheat from the chaff. How can the king “winnow” with
      his “eyes?” (An alert king understands what is going on.
      Thus, if the authorities in your life are alert, they will
      realize when you are suggesting the right course of
      action, and when it is just your pride that is speaking.)

      1. What should you do if the authority in your life is
        evil? (I would change jobs when I had the

  2. Sluggards

    1. Read Proverbs 20:4. What is the failure of the sluggard
      here? Is he not working at all? (No. It seems that he is
      not working carefully. He is plowing at the wrong time.)

      1. Why does he look for a harvest when he plowed at the
        wrong time? (He looks because he expects something.)

      2. We have read before about sluggards who are lazy and
        sleeping. But, this seems to be a different aspect of
        being a sluggard. What is this “sluggard’s” problem?
        (This sluggard has not learned his trade. He is not
        reading the instructions, paying attention, or doing
        his best to be excellent.)

    2. Read Proverbs 22:13. What is the failure of the sluggard
      here? (He is afraid of everything! He imagines problems to
      make excuses for not working.)

    3. Read Proverbs 20:5. Have you improperly called someone
      “lazy” (sluggard)?

      1. What is the caution here? (People are complex. We
        need to get to know them before we can reach proper
        conclusions about them.)

    4. Read Proverbs 20:6 and Proverbs 20:9. Are we all sluggards
      when it comes to sin?

    5. Read Proverbs 20:7. Apparently not everyone is a sluggard
      when it comes to sin! Read Isaiah 64:6. How do you
      reconcile these two texts? ( Isaiah 64:6 is in accord with
      Proverbs 20:6 and Proverbs 20:9. I think Proverbs 20:7 is
      our goal. The payoff is that we will bless our children
      with our correct behavior.)

    6. Read Proverbs 20:16. Poverty can come from being lazy, but
      it can also result from being foolish. What is the first
      problem described here? (This person agreed to be
      responsible for a stranger. The Proverb says that if you
      are so foolish as to do that, then it is proper to take
      your property to teach you a lesson.)

      1. Look at the second half of Proverbs 20:16. How does a
        “wayward woman” fit into this lesson on foolishness?
        (You should also take the property of someone who is
        so foolish as to agree to be responsible for a woman
        with whom the foolish person has a romantic link.)

      2. An old friend, who I have not seen for years,
        recently began serving a prison sentence. One reason
        he went to prison was that a prostitute threatened to
        go to his wife unless my friend gave the prostitute
        money. The friend got the police to threaten the
        prostitute – and apparently that was one main reason
        he is in prison. If I have the facts right, it seems
        no one has “clean hands” in this situation. What do
        you think is the lesson that Proverbs 20:16 suggests?
        (Sexual sins end up costing you more than your
        reputation. They harm you in other ways.)

    7. Read Proverbs 21:17. What is another way in which we can
      be a sluggard? (Spending too much time on pleasure.)

      1. Is rest wrong? (Hardly. God would not have commanded
        rest ( Mark 2:27) if it were wrong. The problem comes
        in “loving” pleasure – taking it to an extreme.)

    8. Read Proverbs 22:1. My friend has just lost his good name,
      and being a sluggard is the path to a bad name. Why is a
      good name better than wealth? (What is the purpose of
      wealth? Why do people want to be rich? In part it is so
      that people will respect them. People will admire them. A
      good name gives you respect and admiration.)

  3. Right Result

    1. Read Proverbs 22:5. What does it mean to “guard your
      soul?” (Be careful about your thoughts and what influences
      your thoughts. Sin starts in the mind. If you want to
      avoid “thorns and snares,” keep watch over your thoughts.)

    2. Read Proverbs 22:6. What role do parents play in the
      success of their children? (Teach your child to love God
      and God’s wisdom, and it will pay off later.)

    3. Read Proverbs 22:10. Early on in my church work, I tried
      to mollify those members who were critical of the church.
      Was that the right approach? (As this text suggests, I
      later learned to move the mockers along. They need to be
      in a different church.)

    4. Read Proverbs 22:29. What is the result of seeking
      excellence? (Success!)

    5. Friend, if you are careful in your dealings with those in
      authority, if you are diligent in your work, if you seek
      excellence and are careful about your thoughts, your life
      will be better! Why not commit to that today?

  4. Next week: Words of Truth.