Introduction: Remember King Asa? He cleaned out all the false gods
and even deposed his own grandmother because of her improper worship
of false gods! God gave him a glorious victory against an enemy
force because he trusted in God. At the end of his life, however, he
wandered from the faith of his youth. He seemed to be annoyed with
God because God had rebuked him. The Bible suggests that King Asa
died of a foot ailment — an ailment for which he did not seek God’s
help. This week we turn our study to Jehoshaphat, the son of Asa.

  1. The New King

    1. Read 2 Chronicles 17:1-2. What is King Jehoshaphat worried
      about? (His brothers to the north, the ten tribes which
      compromise Israel.)

      1. If this were all the information you had available,
        would you conclude that Jehoshaphat trusted God?

    2. Read 2 Chronicles 17:3-4. What kind of King was
      Jehoshaphat? (It tells us that he was faithful – at least
      in his early years.)

      1. This idea of falling away in the later years is
        something we have seen over and over with these
        kings. Should the “over 40 crowd” be worried?

      2. Verse 3 has a new statement. It says Jehoshaphat does
        not “consult” the Baals. What does that suggest about
        the other kings who followed Baal? (That they were
        getting direction for their life from these false

        1. Since these gods did not exist, whose guidance
          were these kings following? (They were doing
          what they wanted to do.)

          1. Is that an indication of “idol worship”
            today – that when all is said and done you
            do what you want to do?

          2. Is that the real danger for the “over 40
            crowd?” With experience comes the tendency
            to trust yourself?

    3. Read 2 Chronicles 17:5. What is the result of
      Jehoshaphat’s faithfulness to God?

      1. Would you like this for your life?

  2. Jehoshaphat and the GoBible Project

    1. Read 2 Chronicles 17:7-9. What program is Jehoshaphat
      instituting in Judah? (This is a GoBible project! He is
      promoting Bible teaching and Bible study in the kingdom.)

      1. Verse 6, that we skipped, tells us that Jehoshaphat,
        like the good kings before him, destroyed the idols
        of the false gods. He also destroyed the high places.
        How is Jehoshaphat different than his good
        predecessors? (He is not content to destroy the evil
        in the nation, but he actively promotes a greater
        knowledge of the true God.)

      2. What can we learn from this for our own life? Is it
        enough to simply seek to eliminate sin in our lives?
        Should we also seek to fill the “sin void” with a
        greater knowledge of God?

        1. Read Matthew 12:43-45. What do you think this
          little story means? (This is an odd story. The
          point, however, seems to be that simply
          sweeping clean our minds (kicking the evil out)
          is not good enough. We need to fill our minds
          with good things. If we do not fill our minds
          with the Holy Spirit and the knowledge of God,
          evil will return.)

        2. Have you ever seen this with a new believer? At
          first they are almost fanatical about what they
          will not do. Then they seem to quickly fall
          back into sin. How can we help this kind of new

    2. Read 2 Chronicles 17:10. We get back to an old theme for
      the Kings that followed God. What does Jehoshaphat
      experience in his life? (Peace. Friend, when you follow
      God you have peace.)

  3. The Ahab Adventure

    1. Read 2 Chronicles 18:1-3. What do you think about making
      Ahab your ally? What does Solomon teach us about this? (2
      Chronicles 21:6 tells us that Jehoshaphat’s son, Jehoram,
      married a daughter of Ahab. Jehoram followed in Ahab’s
      ways. This sounds like a very bad idea to me. An idea that
      caused his son to be lost.)

      1. Is there a connection between wealth and honor in
        your old age and staying from God?

      2. Why do you think Ahab gave Jehoshaphat such a grand
        welcome? (He wanted something from him.)

        1. What did Ahab want? (He wanted Jehoshaphat to
          help him attack Ramoth-Gilead. The Syrians had
          taken this city away and Ahab wanted to win it

      3. Our text tells us that Jehoshaphat was growing richer
        and more honored. Was he growing wiser?

    1. Read 2 Chronicles 18:4. Does this restore your confidence
      in King Jehoshaphat?

      1. Compare the attitude of the young Jehoshaphat in 2
        Chronicles 17:1 with his attitude towards the north
        now. (The north turns from the enemy to his

      2. What do you think about Jehoshaphat first promising
        to help Ahab and second suggesting they consult God?
        Is this the proper order of decision-making?

    2. Read 2 Chronicles 18:5-6. What is the problem with these
      400 prophets? (They are not prophets of God.)

    3. Read 2 Chronicles 18:7-8. What is wrong with asking a true
      prophet, Micaiah, for this opinion? (He never gives Ahab
      the answer that he wants!)

      1. Is this how you are with God? Have you ever said “I
        really do not want to find the Bible answer to my
        question because I might not like it?”

      2. Do we reject prophets because we do not like their

    4. Read 2 Chronicles 18:9-11. What does the guy with horns on
      his head say will be the future? Isn’t this the obvious
      answer? Four hundred prophets and one guy wearing horns
      could not possibly be wrong, right?

      1. Why do these prophets (v.11) get to talk about what
        the “Lord” will be doing? These are not God’s

        1. What is the lesson here for us? (Evil advice
          sometimes gets dressed up as something good.
          Just because a prophet says he is speaking for
          God does not make it so.)

    5. Read 2 Chronicles 18:12. What is the strategy that Micaiah
      the true prophet should follow? What is on the line for

      1. What parallel do you see for your work, your life?
        (Do your co-workers, your family, say, “Just do what
        everyone else is doing. Don’t stick out like a sore

      2. Read 2 Chronicles 18:13. What is the true prophet’s
        answer to this suggestion? (No.)

    6. Read 2 Chronicles 18:14-15. What kind of answer did the
      prophet give? Did the true prophet do exactly the opposite
      of what he was supposed to do? Is this what God said? Or,
      is he being obviously sarcastic?

      1. Which “king” is speaking in verse 15? (Jehoshaphat
        doesn’t know this prophet. He would not be able to
        recount past conversations with him. On the other
        hand, this does not sound like something Ahab would
        say. Ahab wanted him to lie to him like the other 400

    7. Read 2 Chronicles 18:16-17. Who is the “master” of Israel?
      What do the words of the prophet mean? (Ahab is King of
      Israel. This is a prophecy that Ahab will die in the
      battle. This is confirmed in vv. 18-19)

    8. We are going to skip some pretty interesting reading in
      the next few verses. After this warning, after consulting
      God’s true prophet and getting a negative response, King
      Jehoshaphat decides to go into battle with Ahab anyway.
      Read 2 Chronicles 18:28-30.

      1. What do you think about the battle strategy of the
        “good guys?”(If you ever thought Jehoshaphat was a
        “rocket scientist,” you can disabuse yourself of that
        notion right now. Ahab says, “Let’s do this. We’ll
        enter battle together. I’ll look like a regular
        soldier, and you will have a big fat target painted
        on your outfit.” Jehoshaphat responds, “Good idea.”)

      2. What do you think about the battle strategy of the
        “bad guys?” (Sounds smart. Take out the brains of the
        opposition. (If only they knew.))

    9. Read 2 Chronicles 18:31-32. Friend, are you glad to read
      this? What is the lesson in this for us? (We do not have
      to be smart, but we need to be faithful. Jehoshaphat was
      not very faithful here, but God was kind and saved him

    10. Read 2 Chronicles 18:33-34. When the Bible says, “Someone
      drew his bow at random,” it sounds like bad luck. Was it
      bad luck for Ahab? (No. The background we read shows this
      was not luck.)

      1. Where do brains and courage get you if you are
        unfaithful to God? (Nowhere in the end.)

  1. The Lesson

    1. Read 2 Chronicles 19:1-2. What so you think is the answer
      to Hanani’s question?

      1. How does your life answer this question? Do you vote
        for the unrighteous? Do you ally yourself with the

      2. How can God’s wrath be on Jehoshaphat when God just
        saved his life?

      3. This issue about being allied with the unrighteous is
        something that constantly bothers me about our
        religious liberty work. Our “religious liberty men”
        are generally lined up with the “unrighteous” against
        the “righteous.”

    2. Read 2 Chronicles 20:2-4. What lesson has Jehoshaphat
      learned from his last combat experience? (He consults the
      Lord first!)

    3. If you have time, read the wonderful prayer of Jehoshaphat
      found in verses 5-12. The Holy Spirit gives the people an
      answer, let’s read it in 2 Chronicles 20:15-17. Compare
      God’s strategy with King Ahab’s strategy? (God says “Just
      trust Me, and I will take care of the problem.” Ahab
      said, “Why don’t you wear a big bull’s eye on you so we
      can beat them?”)

      1. We read in v.3 that Jehoshaphat was at first
        “alarmed.” Why does God tell him in v.17 not to be
        afraid? (Because God cares about us and our well-being.)

      2. 2 Chronicles 20:22 tells us that God defeated the

    4. Friend, the important life lesson in our study this week
      is to “trust and obey” our entire life. If we obey God and
      trust in Him (as opposed to ourselves) He will be with us
      and lift us up. How would you like to enter this “no
      worry” zone?

  2. Next Week: Judah: From Jehoram to Joash.