Introduction: While many debate what tithing means today, what cannot
reasonably be disputed is that God consistently teaches that those
who advance His gospel are entitled to support from those who
benefit. To better understand what God has in mind for us today,
let’s start with Paul’s teaching in the New Testament and follow that
with what Moses taught in the Old Testament. What could be better
than digging into God’s word to see what we can learn!
- Advancing the Gospel
- Read 1 Corinthians 9:1-2. How does Paul describe his work?
(He is an apostle.) - To whom is he an apostle? (He says that, at a
minimum, he is an apostle to those who he serving and
teaching.) - Read 1 Corinthians 9:3-6. How would you state, in today’s
terms, Paul’s defense to the charges against him? (If you
are not paying me, what do you have to complain about?) - None of my clients pay me. A Foundation funds all of
the litigation I handle. Does that mean my clients
should have no expectation of professional work from
me? - What is it that Paul and Barnabas were without that
all of the other apostles had? (The others traveled
with their wives, and they were given food and drink
to support them.) - Read 1 Corinthians 9:7. What answer would you give to
these questions? (No one does that.) - Read 1 Corinthians 9:8-10. What supports Paul’s claim that
he has a right to receive payment from those individuals
he is teaching? (His argument is that both common sense
and the Bible support the idea that gospel workers are
entitled to support from those to whom they minister.) - Read 1 Corinthians 9:11. After considering Paul’s line of
argument, and this current verse, what does this say to
you about tithing? (It makes the general point that
ministers, pastors, and gospel teachers are entitled to
material support from those whom they serve.) - Paul’s argument has some curious aspects. He cites
Deuteronomy 25:4. Let’s read this text from the Old
Testament. Does it say anything about supporting the
ministry? - Paul does not cite Malachi 3:10 from the Old
Testament. Let’s read it. Why would Paul cite an Old
Testament text about feeding cattle and not cite any
Old Testament text about tithe and supporting the
Levites who ministered at the temple? - Look again at 1 Corinthians 9:9-10. How would you
answer Paul’s question about whether God is concerned
about the oxen? (Look at the context of Deuteronomy
25:4. It is beyond doubt that God is talking about
cattle. But, I agree with Paul’s logic that this
concept is applicable to supporting gospel workers.) - Read 1 Corinthians 9:13-14 and Malachi 3:8-10. How do you
explain the difference in tone between these two texts? - Look again at 1 Corinthians 9:13. To what is Paul
referring? (He is referring to the tithing system
supporting the Levites.) - If Paul makes specific reference to the tithing
system, what does that say about his argument? - Look again at 1 Corinthians 9:14. What does “in the
same way” reference? (The tithing system.) - When Paul says that “the Lord has commanded” is
he suggesting that supporting gospel workers is
optional? (No.) - What conclusions do you reach from the unique way
Paul structures his argument about how we (those who
are ministered to) should support those who minister
to us? (First, Paul unambiguously says that it is
God’s command that gospel workers should receive
support from their gospel work. Second, it seems
nearly as clear that although Paul cites the temple
system of tithing, he is not arguing that system is
still in place. If he did, he would cite Malachi 3
and not a text about feeding cattle. The logical
conclusion is that Paul believes that something
conceptually like the tithing system is appropriate
for Christians.) - Read 1 Corinthians 9:15-18. This system for support that
Paul describes, does it seem mandatory? (He is not
demanding support, although he calls it a “right.”
Instead, he points out the blessings of helping others as
a volunteer. Recall that Paul previously (v. 14) wrote
that God “commanded” the system that gospel workers should
receive their living from the gospel.) - Read Acts 18:3. What kind of work does Paul do? (He
is a tentmaker.) - Is it a good idea to spend time making tents, when
Paul (if he demanded and accepted support) could be
spending his time preaching and teaching the gospel? - The Tithe System
- We learned that Paul uses the tithe-system of the Old
Testament as one basis for his argument that we must
financially support those who advance the gospel. Let’s
explore the Old Testament tithe system a little more to
better understand it. Read Numbers 18:21, 24-28. What is
the purpose of this tithe? (The Levites were given no land
by God, but they were given the responsibility of serving
“at the Tent of Meeting.” The tithe was God’s substitute
for land. Instead of obtaining food from the land, the
Levites would obtain it from the other tribes who had been
given land and who benefitted from the Levites religious
work.) - Notice that the Levites also paid a tithe. Why do you
think God required them to pay a tithe? They were
tithe receivers! (It taught the Levites the blessings
and obligation of giving.) - Why do you think God set up the tithe system in
general? (It made practical sense, and it taught the
blessings of giving.) - Read Deuteronomy 14:22-23. Who is consuming the tithe
here? (Those who paid it!) - What is God’s stated purpose in having the people eat
their own tithe? (They will learn to revere God.) - What about the Levites? Have they been left out?
- Read Deuteronomy 14:24-27. This tithe seems to be used to
throw a party in God’s presence. Is that how you
understand it? - Read Deuteronomy 14:28-29. How is the tithe used here? (To
help those in need and the Levites.) - Does the direction about throwing a party and helping
the needy with the tithe seem in conflict with the
command to give all the tithe to the Levites? (Yes,
these texts seem in conflict. Many commentators
resolve this apparent conflict by saying that the
payments to the Levites are the “First Tithe.” The
“God party tithe” is the “Second Tithe.” It appears
that the Second Tithe was paid each year from what
was left after the First Tithe. However, in the third
year something different was done. The “help the
poor” tithe, which appears to be the entire tithe,
was paid to help the Levites and the poor. Historical
records support this interpretation.) - What lessons would you learn from this for today?
- That those who pay 10% today are paying too
little, and are therefore robbing God (Malachi
3:10)? - That God is concerned about the support of His
work, He is concerned about us having an
enjoyable family time in His presence, and, He
is concerned about the poor? - Read Genesis 28:20-22. Does this suggest that Jacob had
been raised to believe that tithe-paying was mandatory?
(It suggests that he had not previously paid tithe, and he
was only paying it now if God would watch over him and
bless him.) - What should we conclude from Paul’s writings and these Old
Testament texts on tithing? (There is a universal theme
that those who proclaim the gospel should be supported by
those blessed by their proclamation. The concept of
tithing was known in both the Old and New Testaments. The
most formalized system of tithing was connected with the
support of the temple/sacrificial system and the
inheritance of the Levites. Ten percent is the benchmark
for giving, and we learn that amount went even higher in
the formalized system.) - Friend, are you supporting the work of God, the work from
which you benefit? Why not determine right now that you
will invite God’s unlimited blessings into your life by
giving back at least a tithe? - Next week: Offerings of Gratitude.