Fruit of the Spirit

(January, February, March 2010)

Want to learn more about Fruit of the Spirit? Use these Bible Studies for personal devotion, group Bible studies, or teaching a church class. Below are links to the lessons in this 13-part series.

Introduction: Would you love it if you could call Jesus on the phone and discuss with Him whatever is on your mind? Uncertain about how to handle a situation? Just speed dial His number! Christians sometimes lose sight of the fact that Jesus sent His Spirit to be...

Introduction: A song says "love is all around." If true, it sounds wonderful, right? Imagine a world in which every one showed a loving attitude to you. Love is a top priority in the Kingdom of God. But, what it means, and how we show love are difficult issues....

Introduction: Is life a little bit discouraging? You get up each day and go through the same routine. Then you go to bed. The next day you do it all over again. Sort of like a rat on a treadmill. Would you like a little more joy? Our lesson this week reveals how a...

Introduction: Galatians 5:22 tells us that another fruit of the Holy Spirit is peace. Is your life peaceful? Are you at peace with your spouse? At peace with your children? At peace with your boss? At peace with your health? How valuable is peace to you? What w...

Introduction: Galatians 5:22 tells us that another fruit of the Spirit is patience. I have lots of things to do and I do not like to waste my time unless the goal of my activity is to relax and "waste" time. How about you? Do you see pointless wasting of your tim...

Introduction: Galatians 5:22 tells us that another fruit of the Spirit is kindness. How much do you appreciate it when people are kind to you? In the rough and tumble of life, I notice and appreciate kind people. If you continue reading beyond the list of the f...

Introduction: Last week, I heard a speaker talk about the time after you end your schooling. In general, I liked being in school - especially college. It was fun to learn. It was great to be in charge of your own schedule. When grades came out you had feedback on...

Introduction: Imagine parents whose children repeatedly rejected them. The children even went so far as to claim their parents had died (when they had not) and then asserted that they were children of another couple! One day the real parents lost their lives res...

Introduction: Raspberries are my favorite fruit. Although I like all common fruits, I faintly recall an exotic fruit I did not like because of its bitter taste. If I had to rank the fruits of the Spirit, meekness would not be my raspberries! Consider Jesus' state...

Introduction: For just a moment contemplate Galatians 5:22: "But the fruit of the Spirit is ... self-control." Isn't this a logical contradiction? The "Spirit" is the Holy Spirit, God's Spirit. If God is giving me control, how can it be called "SELF-control?" D...

Introduction: Each week we have been going through the list of Spirit fruits found in Galatians 5:22. Last week we came to the end of the list in Galatians, so you might be wondering where we found yet another Spirit fruit? We found it on the "light tree!" Eph...

Introduction: Toby Keith sings a song containing this line, "I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then." Is that your view of life? Something unpleasant has happened and you wish you had never heard about it? Or, is knowing the truth always better? The B...

Introduction: Have you ever heard of "hurry sickness?" In the United States we have all sorts of illnesses which are not considered a traditional illness. Hurry sickness is one of these fake illnesses, and I have it. I'm always in a hurry to finish whatever it i...