Want to learn more about God's Creation? Use these Bible Studies for personal devotion, group Bible studies, or teaching a church class. Below are links to the lessons in this 13-part series.
Copr. 1999, Bruce N. Cameron, J.D. All scripture references are to the New International Version (NIV), copr. 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society, unless otherwise noted. Quotations from the NIV are used by permissio...
Introduction: Have you ever heard someone say going out in nature is as good as going to church? Maybe you have skipped church one week to "commune" in nature? I cannot say I completely understand this. Looking at nature I understand. Being in nature is a...
Introduction: Last week we looked at the way in which nature affects our belief in the existence of God. We decided nature proves that there is a power above mankind. We ended on the note that it would be logical for the God who created us to want to commun...
Introduction: This week I sat down in front of the television in time to see some sort of science program explaining how areas of the earth are the result of a massive flood. Immediately I thought I must be looking at a Christian station since a flood, a...
Introduction: In our last few lessons we have discussed Creation vs. Evolution, and have explored the literal week of Creation. This week we look at what the Bible and logic have to say about the length of time since Creation. Was it millions or years ago or...
Introduction: Years ago, I regularly represented employees in religious freedom cases in Indiana. My litigation opponents, represented by the same lawyers, always agreed to settle and accommodate my client's religious beliefs. However, before they would sett...
Introduction: For weeks now we have been looking at God's account of His Creation. We have discussed the logic of evolution vs. creation. We have also discussed how evolution affects our view of God. This week we study how a belief in the Creation week is es...
Introduction: Last week we looked at how the Biblical concept of sin did not "fit" the theory of evolution. This week we consider whether the results of sin - death - are compatible with the theory of evolution. Evolution says that tons of pre-human and an...
Introduction: The world theorizes disasters of various kinds to explain the present contours of the earth and the fossil records. The Bible account records a world-wide water disaster. Let's dive into the details of the water catastrophe! WAS IT REAL?...
Introduction: These days we have designer clothes, designer homes and designer cars. Some make a big point of having the name of the designer emblazoned on their clothes. Are man and the creation "designer label" or an accident? Is the name of our Master D...
Introduction: This week our study is about nature. Ecology is a popular theme these days. Christians are sometimes criticized for having too little concern about the environment because they know ( Revelation 21:1; 2 Peter 3:10) this world is going to burn an...
Introduction: Do you remember concepts you learned as children that, when you became an adult, turned out to be wrong? Take the word "rendevous." I knew from childhood reading what "rends-a-vus" meant and I knew from listening what "rond-de-voo" meant. It w...
Introduction: This week we come to the last lesson of our quarter's study on Creation. We turn our attention to the earth recreated, the earth made new. Now that is an exciting thought, so let's jump into our study! THE FUTURE HOME How many of...