Want to learn more about Religion in Relationships? Use these Bible Studies for personal devotion, group Bible studies, or teaching a church class. Below are links to the lessons in this 13-part series.
Introduction: Did God create us to worship Him or to help others? If the answer is "both," what does God expect of us in our dealings with others? Our lesson this week is entitled "Created for Community" and we start out with our most immediate "community" -...
Introduction: Have you ever had someone compliment you and afterward you wondered if was a compliment or a criticism? Today, in our continued study on relationships, we study God's plan for the relationship between parents and children. God gives a wonderful...
Introduction: Last week we studied the responsibilities of children to honor their parents. At the same time, we looked at the responsibilities of parents to lead and encourage their children to obey their parents and God. This week we continue our study of w...
Introduction: Last summer, when I was in Canada, the lead stories in the newspapers were the forest fires and homosexual marriage. Not long after I returned, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, a court I have argued before many times, ruled that homosex...
Introduction: Have you heard the old saying, "A friend in need is a friend indeed?" Lately, I've heard it modified to "A friend in need is a pain in the neck!" Is there common ground between these two statements? Does the truth of the saying depend on whether...
Introduction: How do you view your work? Is it an unpleasant requirement? Is it your favorite thing? Is it meaningless? Is it blessing in your life? Is it a means to bless others or just yourself? What connection is there between our work and our commitment...
Introduction: In the United States, we have important elections coming up this November. Unlike many other democracies, we have only two major political parties. A very interesting fact has come out of the two-party system. Polling shows that Christians who at...
Introduction: Why do we have so many Christian denominations? For that matter, why do we have so many religions in the world? Is this God's plan? Does one denomination have all of the correct doctrines? All the truth? If a person is a Christian, is there any r...
Introduction: "All roads lead to heaven." Is that true? The modern culture rejects the idea of absolute truth. Instead, the idea is that every person's opinion is equally valid and equally true. Spirituality of any stripe is good. When the singer Madonna for...
Introduction: Mat Staver, a prominent American religious liberty lawyer, likes to tell a story about me that centers on Matthew 5:44. That text tells us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. How do religious liberty lawyers who are fightin...
Introduction: How do we deal with differences among members in the church? I recall being a member of a church constitution and bylaws committee and being told that our job was to decide on the qualifications of members of an administrative committee. The su...
Introduction: We naturally think that any successful organization has leadership. Is this also true for the church? If so, what kind of leaders should they be? Should the leaders of the church model themselves after leaders of the world? Leaders of industry? D...
Introduction: This is our last study in our series about religion and relationships. When Christians speak of "the world," aren't they referring to sin? Should we embrace sin? What kind of relationship, if any, should we have with the world? What is God's miss...