Want to learn more about Witnessing? Use these Bible Studies for personal devotion, group Bible studies, or teaching a church class. Below are links to the lessons in this 14-part series.
Introduction: This week we begin our study about witnessing. Although this quarter is not a systematic study of the book of Acts (I wish it were!), our study of witnessing centers on Acts. Have you ever wished you knew how to be a better witness? Do you fee sh...
Introduction: With the high price of gasoline these days you probably want to hear about an alternative source of power! How about a free source of energy? This week we turn our attention to the ingredient in our lives that will give us power in our witnessing. L...
Introduction: Assume I called and told you I had a task for you. In doing this task you could choose to be paid for it or do it for nothing. Which would you choose? Is there moral superiority in volunteering to share the gospel? Are you better at your task if you...
Introduction: Last week we learned you are ambassadors for Jesus to declare His praises and share the message of your reconciliation with God. Now that you have your message, where do you go? Who do you tell? Does it matter? Let's jump into our lesson and find...
Introduction: My wife teaches children to read. Simple reading, however is not her goal. She wants them to read with "expression!" Have you ever thought about witnessing to others with "expression!" Our lesson this week presents the "action" words of witnessing...
Introduction: So far this quarter we have discussed who should witness, how we should witness, and what we should witness. This week we turn our attention to real, live, Bible witnesses. Let's dive in and see what we can learn from their examples! Stephen...
Introduction: Many years ago I bought an old Mercedes as an experiment. It was a beautiful car. The "experiment" was whether I could drive it at a reasonable cost! Just after I bought the Mercedes I was asked to help at a church "work bee." I needed to wor...
Introduction: Have you ever wondered exactly how you should approach converting unbelievers? Should you hope to catch their interest in the future by talking about Revelation? Should you point of the important differences between your church and others? Should...
Introduction: Have you asked yourself, "What should we do as a church to grow?" "What church activities will strengthen the members and increase our outreach?" This week we study some of the activities of the early church during a time of great growth. Let's j...
Introduction: I am reading a book about early church leaders. One significant area of dispute was the issue of church organization. That controversy is reflected in the Christian church today. Some churches are heavily organized while others have little, if any,...
Introduction: Last week, as part of our study of the "structures" for witnessing, we looked at where the disciples witnessed - in the temple, the synagogues and in homes. This week we continue to explore the "where" and "when" of witnessing. Let's jump into our...
Introduction: How many times when you are trying to do something good you find you have made a mistake? The good thing about making a mistake is that you learn something - you hope! A better thing is to learn from the mistakes of others. This week our study turns...
Introduction: All this quarter we have been discussing how to BRING people into the church. This week we look at how we turn them from believers into those who BELONG to the church. Rick Warren, in his excellent book "The Purpose Driven Church," devotes an entire...
Introduction: This entire quarter we have studied witnessing. What should we expect as the outcome of our witnessing? What are the rewards for witnessing? Let's plunge into our lesson and find out! Uncertain Results Do you remember our rece...