Want to learn more about Advent? Use these Bible Studies for personal devotion, group Bible studies, or teaching a church class. Below are links to the lessons in this 10-part series.

Our last series of lessons taught us why we can be
assured of our salvation. This quarter we uncover why we can be
certain about the Second Coming of Jesus. Since some Christians do
not believe in a Second Coming, let’s jump right into our first study
in this new series!

Imagine that you and a friend had never been to a place
you want to visit. Each of you has an idea of how to get there, but
your ideas are different. Could you settle the matter with a map?
Only if you both agreed the map was accurate, right?

I will argue about the existence of God with someone who does not
believe the Bible, but I will not argue a theological point with
someone who does not believe in the authority of the Bible. Why?
Because, without a common source of acknowledged truth, they argue my
opinion is no better than the opinion of any one else. God gives us a
source of truth about His Second Coming, let’s jump in and find out
why it is reliable!

Why do you want Jesus to come again? Why do you look
forward to His Second Coming? If it is because you are tired of a
world of sin, if you long to live in a perfect place where your family
and friends are safe and secure, then the Sabbath has much to teach us
about God’s future promise. Let’s dive into our study!

“Well, you can’t get there from here” is a common comic
line for what appears to be an impossible task. In some cases it
might be true. My wife’s elderly step-father used to talk about
driving to see us. He could certainly drive. We just were not sure he
could find his way through the several states to our home.

Can God “get here from heaven?” Does the fact that Jesus came a
first time give us confidence of His Second Coming? Let’s explore
Jesus’ first appearance and see what that teaches us about the Second

The cross has so much to teach us! It shows us the
depth of God’s intolerance towards sin and the depth of His love
towards us. Let’s dive in and see what we can learn!

Christians often miss the important link between the
sanctuary service of the Old Testament, Jesus life here and the
present heavenly work of Jesus on our behalf. Sometimes the
sanctuary service seems like some ancient barbaric practice, rather
than a living parable of God’s victory over sin. Let’s jump right
into our lesson to learn more about the modern application of the
sanctuary service.

If you are looking for a new car repair place, a new
doctor, dentist or lawyer, what do you do? Right! You ask around to
see if someone had a good experience with one of these service
providers. How did things go? The word of a third party is much more
important than the advertising of the service provider, right? Our
lesson this week plunges us into the testimony of third parties about
faith and the Second Coming. So let’s enjoy the dive!

Last week we compared the Flood to the Second Coming of Jesus. We also discussed
Noah’s rather disappointing conversion statistics during his 120 years of preaching about the impending
disaster. Are we to be like Noah, and warn others of the impending Second Coming? Do we have a
message of warning from God? Let’s jump in and find out!

Prior to December 31, 1999, we heard all sorts of talk
in the media about the end of the world coinciding with “the end” of
the millennium. Speculation about “Y2K” problems that might cause a
general break down of society was taken seriously by many in
responsible positions. In my area, I was sobered when I learned the
National Guard was called up to duty during the two weeks around the
new year “just in case.”

How should we react to predictions about the end of the world?
Didn’t we decide last week that we are part of the “big angel” and we
should be warning of the final judgment? What about those who study
the Bible to interpret prophecy to have a better “fix” on when the
end will be? What about those who go further, and attack their fellow
Christians now based on their prophetic understanding of the future?
Let’s dig in and see what the Bible teaches us!

If the titles of our lessons get any longer, we can just
study the title and forget the lesson! This week we enter an area that
is among the most disputed in Christianity. Does Christ come before
or after the millennium? Does He come before or after the
tribulation? Where are the righteous during the millennium? When is
evil destroyed? When does the new earth start? These are large issues
for one lesson, so let’s jump in and see what the Bible says!