Want to learn more about Pillars of Our Faith? Use these Bible Studies for personal devotion, group Bible studies, or teaching a church class. Below are links to the lessons in this 13-part series.
This quarter we turn our attention to the topic
“Pillars of our Faith.” These studies should make for interesting
discussions. What one person considers a “pillar” may be viewed by
another as a non-essential fence. As usual, we will take a careful
look at what the Bible says on each subject. This week we turn our
attention to Jesus, which, as the lesson notes, is “the foundation of
the pillars.” Let’s dive in!
The Lord’s Day? The Sabbath? Does God call on us to
rest one day of the week? If He does, does it matter which one?
Speaking of “one,” should we being keeping all days “holy?” Maybe all
our time is now holy because we now live in the “Sabbath rest” era of
history? What, exactly, does God require of us? Is this issue a
“pillar” of Christian faith? We will spend this week and the next
two looking at this interesting issue of the Sabbath. Let’s jump in
to see what God has to say!
Last week we started our series of three lessons on the
Sabbath. We studied the issue of which day is the Sabbath and why it
is important. We concluded that “to walk humbly with our God” means
that we should just obey Him when He tells us what He expects. This
week we further explore the idea of how the Sabbath reflects our
relationship with God. Let’s dive in!
If I asked you to describe a specific man or woman,
would you do it by saying what that person is not? “She is not short,
not fat, not blond, not beautiful, not dark and not big boned.” Would
that description help? Wouldn’t you rather have a positive
description? One of the problems with describing how to keep the
Sabbath holy is that the Bible contains several statements(that we
often repeat and expand upon)about what we should NOT be doing on that
day. This week we will attempt to positively describe the Sabbath.
Let’s jump in.
The book of Revelation is generally considered to be a
book of “last day” events. Among those events is a message from God
brought by three angels. This week, we turn our attention to the
important message of the first angel. Let’s jump in!
This week we have more angels with a message! Last
week we studied the message of the first angel of Revelation 14 and
this week we continue our study by considering the messages of the
second and third angels. Let’s jump into our study!
Next to the question of “Where did we come from?” is the
question, “Where do we go after we die?” The older you get, the more
interest you would logically have in the second question. There is
much confusion today about the Biblical answer, so let’s dive in to
see what the Bible has to say about it!
Have you ever asked yourself, “How do I know Jesus was
God?” “Why would God die on the cross?” Is there a link between
Jesus and the God of the Old Testament?
I have a dear Jewish friend who tells me (with a smile) that
Christians have “hijacked” his religion and we should leave the
Jewish religion alone. I respond by telling him his religion is
incomplete, he needs our Messiah to complete his theology. To prove
my point, I ask him what he thinks all those animal sacrifices were
At the core of the answer to all of these questions and the debate
with my friend is the sanctuary of the Old Testament. Let’s dive into
this study and find out why this is a “pillar” of our faith!?
Last week our study was the sanctuary built by Moses in
accordance with a “pattern” given to him by God. We learned that this
“pattern” was an actual sanctuary that presently exits in heaven! We
also learned that the sacrificial system of the earthly sanctuary
pointed to the future sacrifice of Jesus, our Savior. Further, we
learned that Jesus, after His life, death and resurrection here on
earth, is presently in the heavenly sanctuary acting as our High
Priest! This week we dive deeper into the heavenly sanctuary and
exactly what it is that Jesus is doing for us in heaven.
Would you want to be hauled before a court? I
assume not! We hate to have to go to court even on routine
traffic charges. On the other hand, when we have a
controversy with someone else that we cannot resolve, we
want to have the right to go to a court to resolve the
dispute, right?
Is it that same way with God’s final judgment? Do we fear
being judged, but at the same time want a final judgment on
sin? This week we turn our attention to the final judgment.
Let’s dive in to see if we can avoid the final judgment!
God has a history of working through a people He
selected. For example, in the Old Testament we see God working
through Noah, then Abraham and then Israel. Jesus worked through His
12 disciples. Is there a select group today through which God works?
If so, are you a part of it? Let’s dive into our lesson and find out!
Are you looking forward to Jesus coming a second
time to take you to heaven? Do you want Him to end the problems
in your life and the sin problem in general? Are you beginning to
wonder if this will ever happen? Is there some way to know when
Jesus will come? Let’s jump into our study this week and find
Last week we discussed the end times and ended with
Jesus’ Second Coming. This week we continue with our look at the
Second Coming. How can we be sure Jesus is coming again? Why does He
delay? What will it be like when He comes? Let’s jump into our study
and find out!