Want to learn more about Proverbs? Use these Bible Studies for personal devotion, group Bible studies, or teaching a church class. Below are links to the lessons in this 13-part series.
Introduction: This week we begin our study of the book of Proverbs.The book was mostly written by King Solomon, son of King David.
Solomon is called the wisest man that ever lived. (See 1 Kings 4:29-34) We have lots to learn from him. While you know I like to study the Bible in context as much as possible, the lesson this quarter looks at concepts in Proverbs rather than studying it verse by verse. This week the concept we study is wisdom. Would you like a little more wisdom? If so, let’s jump into our lesson!
Introduction: How would you define trust? Do you know people that you can trust completely? Would you trust certain people (or everyone you consider trustworthy) only for certain things? Our lesson this week is about Jesus being the “North star” that we can fully trust in all
circumstances–so lets dive in!
Introduction: What does it mean to have a “good name?” We had some visitors in our class last week. Their last name was “Carrington.” Some would say that is a good name. When I was growing up, the people who owned the garbage service had the last name “Smelling.” Some might prefer “Carrington.” Let’s jump in and find out what the Bible means when it refers to a “good name!”
Introduction: In recent years our society has taken a new view of medicine. Instead of simply fixing what is “broken,” we now try to prevent “breakdowns” by having regular check-ups and addressing potential problems before they become real problems. Is this idea applicable to our spiritual and physical health? Can we engage in “preventive medicine?” Let’s see what we can learn from the inspired words of King Solomon this week!
Introduction: “Outcome determinative.”If you are over 40 years old you can see that certain of the choices you made as a young person determined the course of your life. I call those choices “outcome determinative.” King Solomon tells us that when it comes to God’s law, our choices are outcome determinative. Let’s jump into our study and find out more about Solomon’s inspired counsel!
Introduction: This week our lesson turns to the topic of money. This is where “the rubber meets the road” when it comes to our relationship with God. We certainly are not saved by works or by giving money, but I think our attitude towards God and money gives a pretty good read on our spiritual condition. So let’s jump into the lesson and find out what God has in mind for our wallets!
Introduction: How much influence can one leader can have on a country, the church or the family? I was a teen in the 1960’s and a young adult in the 70’s. I remember, as a young adult, wishing I had been born earlier because I believed the United States had passed its prime. Instead of big, fast, flashy cars, we had little, slow, rough-riding economy cars. We had to wait in line to buy expensive gas. New homes were smaller and had lower ceilings. Just when “central heat” was almost universal, people were reverting to the “old days” and buying wood stove inserts for their fire-places! Some people acted like it was great to chop wood and get up in the middle of the night to add wood to the stove! The United States was embarrassed in Asia and Iran. The economy seemed out of control. I figured it was the end of an age. The future would be limited.
Introduction: What percentage of the good and bad in your life comes from what you have said? Have you said something in the past that has made your life much worse? This week we look at the importance of what we say. King Solomon has much inspired advice on this topic. So let’s dig in!
Introduction: Have you ever thought about what a painting says about the artist? What a book says about the author? What a song says about the composer? What does God’s creation say about Him? Solomon tells us that God’s creation teaches us lessons for life and teaches us about God. Let’s jump in and find out what we can learn!
Introduction: You may have heard the Carribean song that goes, “If you want to be happy for the rest of your life….” The song continues with the solution, “Don’t make a pretty woman your wife.” I’m too smart to take a vote in class about whether husbands think this is true – I certainly know it is not true in my case. Worse, it might start a discussion of whether wives are happier with ugly husbands! King Solomon was inspired to answer the question about how we can find happiness in Proverbs. Let’s jump in and find out if his path to happiness has anything to do with the looks of our spouse!
Introduction: Do you have friends? If so, do you want or need more friends? Is it possible you need replacements for your current friends? How do you stack up as a friend? Do you need remedial work in the friendship department? Let’s dive in and find out what King Solomon teaches us about choosing our friends and being a friend.
Introduction: This week our study of Proverbs turns to marriage. Since King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines ( 1 Kings 11:3) he
obviously had lots of experience and should have had volumes to write about marriage! Seriously, Solomon’s wives led him astray. (1 Kings 11:3-4) Our goal this week is to see what God inspired Solomon to write about marriage that will help us!
Introduction: If you are a parent, especially the parent of a teenager, no doubt you have asked yourself, “What should I do now?” The correct answers to problems are not always obvious. Some say it takes the wisdom of Solomon to raise kids right. Some say the wisdom of Dr. James Dobson. Let’s dive into the book of Proverbs and see what God inspired Solomon to write about this important topic!