Want to learn more about Bible Biographies? Use these Bible Studies for personal devotion, group Bible studies, or teaching a church class. Below are links to the lessons in this 13-part series.
Introduction: Recently, I was speaking with a lady who is dying of cancer. Because she has little time to live, I anxiously explained the plan of salvation to her. While I spoke, she fingered the cross hanging from her neck and responded, "I know, I know." Her reaction...
Introduction: Both Peter and Judas betrayed Jesus. One went on to fame and glory in the Christian church and the other to suicide, derision and contempt. Why? Was it because Judas killed himself before he repented? Let's jump into our study about the two betrayers and fin...
Introduction: Do you feel pressure in your life? Does that pressure come from obedience to God? Or, do you just seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people around you? The stories of Noah and Job show these kinds of problems have been with us for...
Introduction: This week we are going to have the men sit on one side of the church and the women on the other. That way we can keep the wrestling to a minimum! Ladies, what kind of title is this anyway: "Women as Advisors?" Shouldn't it be "Women as Decision-makers?" How...
Introduction: One of the great stories of the Old Testament is the story of Joseph. The story covers 20 chapters of the Bible. Since we do not have the time to look at each chapter, let's jump in and study a few highlights from 9 of the chapters. The Favorite Son...
Introduction: Last weekend I was with my brother at a church picnic. He lives at one end of the country and I live at the other. When one of the fine members of his church said to us, "I've been wondering, which of you is the oldest?", it provoked an immediate protest fr...
Introduction: Our lesson this week is about children. Jesus tells us in Matthew 19:14 that the kingdom of heaven belongs to those like the little children brought to Him. The "teacher's comments" section of our lesson opines "children are generally filled with trust and...
Introduction: Have you ever wondered what is the best way to bring people to Jesus? Should we go door to door? Talk to people when they are trapped next to us in an airplane? Pass out flyers? Stand on the street corner and proclaim the message? Let's jump into our lesson...
Introduction: We had a great time last quarter when all of our lessons were on the topic of prayer! This week our lesson turns again to this topic. Since studying prayer is such a blessing, we will assume our lesson authors are looking for more blessings for us and not su...
Introduction: Romans 8:28 tells us that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him. How then do you explain that Christians get killed for their faithfulness? How is that good? Why is this allowed to happen? Our lesson this week is about martyrs, so let...
Introduction: What exactly is faith? How do we know we have it? If we have it, do we have enough? What good thing happens if we have faith? The most famous chapter of the Bible dealing with faith is Hebrews 11. That is our study this week - so let's dive in! Faith...
Introduction: Although the Bible consistently refers to the wives of prominent men of the Old Testament, it does not focus on women in leadership roles. This week we will study two leading women of the Bible. Deborah of the Old Testament, and Mary, the mother of Jesus. L...
Introduction: How important is that little sin that you harbor? Does God sweat the details? Does He care about small matters? Can we even trust ourselves to be honest about "small sins." Let's dive into our lesson about "tiny sins, huge results" and find out! Gheh...