
(October, November, December 2005)

Want to learn more about Ephesians? Use these Bible Studies for personal devotion, group Bible studies, or teaching a church class. Below are links to the lessons in this 14-part series.

Introduction: My favorite Bible studies focus on a single book of the Bible. Jumping around in the Bible to study a specific topic is necessary at times - such as this week when we look at the background for the letter to the Ephesians. But, studying the Word of G...

Introduction: This week we continue our study of Paul's letter to the Ephesians. (We will also see if I can quit writing "Ephesus" when I mean "Ephesians!") Paul's introduction in his letter to the saints reveals some themes for his entire letter and reveals some...

Introduction: When I was growing up, it was very important to be chosen when they picked sports teams. You never wanted to be among the last two boys who were just "distributed," as opposed to being wanted on the team. Our lesson this week is about God choosing...

Introduction: We all love to be praised. How many of us equally appreciate someone praying for us? What would your reaction be if someone told you, "I'm going to pray that you get a lot smarter?" Is that an example of both prayer and praise? In our study this we...

Introduction: Last week, Paul blessed us with his account of all of the riches and power given to us by our Father in Heaven through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. This week, Paul reminds us what we were and what we had to deal with before God intervened in our life t...

Introduction: Have you ever felt like an "outsider?" How about in high school? I took my driver's training at a local public high school. I recall walking up to the classroom and seeing a knot of guys standing outside the door. I knew I was an outsider, but I thoug...

Introduction: How do you like solving a mystery? How do you feel when you can solve a mystery and others cannot? This week we learn about a mystery of God. A mystery that the universe is looking to you to reveal to it. Let's plunge right into our mystery! Pri...

Introduction: Unity has always been a good word. Diversity, on the other hand, is about being different. Sometimes being different is good, sometimes it is bad. Diversity can be an excuse for being sinful, proud or both. Our study today is a blueprint for handling...

Introduction: Last week Paul gave us the vision of what we could and should become in Jesus. We are all a part of the church, each of us fulfilling our specific role. The glue that holds us together so we can work well with each other is "ligaments" of humility, g...

Introduction: Comparing our growth as Christians to a walk is a wonderful way to help us understand what God desires of us. Maturing in the Christian life is not a single act, a single sin, a single good deed. It is the pattern and practice of our life. Let's dive...

Introduction: Would you like to succeed in life and love? Christians have many advantages in life. One of the most important advantage is the Bible's practical teaching on increasing our emotional intelligence. Our lesson this week, if taken seriously, will give u...

Introduction: In law school, students are taught to identify the issues in a dispute. You cannot resolve a problem correctly if you cannot determine what is in dispute. The title of this lesson includes the word "warfare." Clearly, that describes a dispute. The...

Introduction: Protection. We all like to be protected against bad things. When it is cold outside, we protect ourselves with warm clothes. When it is hot outside, we protect ourselves with sun block and insect repellant. Our cars have all sorts of devices to prot...

Introduction: Last week we studied all the armor that God has created for us except for the "Sword of the Spirit." This week we finish up both our armor study and our study of the book of Ephesians. I'm sorry we are coming to the end of this great series. One last time...