Growing in Christ

(October, November, December 2012)

Want to learn more about Growing in Christ? Use these Bible Studies for personal devotion, group Bible studies, or teaching a church class. Below are links to the lessons in this 13-part series.

Introduction: Welcome to a new series of studies that will give us a better "big picture" understanding of our God. Often, Christians intensely debate relatively unimportant things like what they should eat or wear, or some small point of doctrine. If your life span is sh...

Introduction: Last week we learned about the war that is going on between good and evil, between God and Satan. Christians are aligned with God in this controversy. He is our Commander. Have you ever heard of a commander who made no commands? If God is actively prosecuti...

Introduction: Before my wife and I had children, I had many misinformed ideas about the topic. For example, I thought some couples had children to boost their own standing. That would never happen to me! Instead, I thought that I had my own reputation and they would make...

Introduction: My wife recently attended a conference of clergy and church school teachers. Through the wizardry of modern technology, in one session the audience could give electronic feedback that was instantly computed and displayed on a screen at the front. The questio...

Introduction: Last week we learned the heart of the gospel: salvation is by free grace alone, there is nothing we can do to earn it. Our studies for this week and the next two are about how those who are saved should live. Have you ever been embarrassed by a member of your...

Introduction: When I was a young man, change was slow - except for cars. American car manufacturers changed the looks of their cars every year. Things cost more each year. These days, we have new technology all the time, and technology gets cheaper. One astonishing new...

Introduction: Have you ever looked closely at the armor used by knights of the middle ages? It looks a bit dangerous to the person wearing it! Sure, it might keep an arrow from going through you, but it would not help when you wanted to move fast to dodge arrows. Mercedes...

Introduction: What role should the church play in the life of the believer? Some think that they can comfortably live a Christian life apart from organized religion. Avoiding organized religion, and its institutional conflicts, allows them to have a closer, more personal...

Introduction: Confession time. Do you have fantasies about being great, or beautiful or powerful? Over the decades that I've been fighting in the courtrooms for religious liberty, I have this recurrent fantasy of being some kind of modern day Roman warrior - battling the...

Introduction: How do you view the Ten Commandments? Would you say that you can see a logical connection between the commandments and the last time you saw police lights in the rear view mirror of your car? Jesus didn't help this problem when He explained that the command...

Introduction: Are you loving the law more? Last week we learned that the law is not our enemy, but rather God's instruction manual for a better life. We decided that only if we seek unbridled self-benefit is the law our opponent. If that is true, then why does Paul indic...

Introduction: How much time do you spend dreaming about having enough money so that you can stop working? If you are older, do you dream about what you would do in retirement? At some point in my life, I realized that I was dreaming too low. Instead of dreaming about what...

Introduction: Let's continue last week's exploration of our "retirement" in heaven - a glorious place where we have unlimited time and resources. We have our ticket and we know we should be careful to avoid showing up at the wrong event. We are living a life reflecting Go...