Want to learn more about Jeremiah? Use these Bible Studies for personal devotion, group Bible studies, or teaching a church class. Below are links to the lessons in this 13-part series.
Introduction: Does God have a plan for your life? Do the actions of the leaders and the people of your nation make a difference in how God treats your nation? This week we start a new series of lessons about a man God called to warn a nation that had turned its ba...
Introduction: Let's review a bit of history. God lead His people out of Egypt and into the promised land. Their mission? To claim the land promised to them. They never completely accomplished that task, but during the years of King David and King Solomon they co...
Introduction: We learned that Jeremiah spent forty years warning Judah of impending destruction. During that forty years, five kings ruled Judah. Were they all bad? Why would they ignore God's warnings? What lessons can we learn from them? Let's jump into our st...
Introduction: How would you compare to the people to whom Jeremiah was giving his warnings? When you think about what God is saying to you through the Bible and the inspired words of others, do you take those "course corrections" seriously, or do you simply do...
Introduction: "No good deed goes unpunished" is an old saying. In our study this week, it seems that this saying dates back to the time of Jeremiah! How many times has a religious leader suffered as a result of doing God's will? Those involved in evil do not wan...
Introduction: Have you considered the way in which God uses symbols? The entire Old Testament sanctuary service is symbolic of what Jesus would do for us. Calling Jesus "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" ( John 1:29), brings to mind the symbo...
Introduction: If you are a parent of adult children, was there a time when you did not know what to do to help your children? I had those times. If you are a church leader, do you have times when you do not know what to do to solve church problems? Even as a ch...
Introduction: Solomon says that wise people, just like foolish and senseless people, die and leave their wealth to others. Psalms 49:10. We are in life together with all sorts of people who cause all sort of different things to happen to us. Josiah was God's man,...
Introduction: When you are uncertain of God's will, what do you do? Pray, right? Study to see if the Bible gives direction, right? Do you examine yourself in case your personal preferences might be interfering with your search for God's will? "I am willing to...
Introduction: In Jeremiah 17:9 he says "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" We have an incredible ability to deceive ourselves. Those who reject God have an argument, they have a reason, for their evil behavior. Jer...
Introduction: A "covenant" is a contract, an agreement between two parties in which both agree to do something on behalf of the other. Some Christians think that God had a series of poor covenants that He made with humans. I'm exaggerating, but the theory goes t...
Introduction: Have you experienced a time at work when you gave advice, it was rejected, and your employer took a course you thought was wrong? If it turned out your advice was right, what should happen the next time you give advice to your employer? You would...
Introduction: What have we learned from our study of Jeremiah? This is the last lesson in this series, and like every experience in life, we need to contemplate what we can learn from it. Let's dive into our study of the Bible and solidify in our minds what we h...