We are starting a new series of studies on the Gospel of John! GoBible.org has a study on the Gospel of John that I wrote twenty years ago. Our study this quarter is different. Instead of going chapter by chapter, we are going to study the themes we find in John's gospel. Why would we do that? In John 20:30-31 John explains why he included in his book only some material. His purpose is to encourage the reader to believe that Jesus is "the Son of God," the Messiah, so that by this belief the reader could "have life in His name." In this first lesson we turn our attention to the "signs," the miracles that point us to the conclusion that Jesus is God. Let's plunge into our study!...
How many people have you encountered who admit that Jesus was a "great man," an "important rabbi," or a "prophet?" They admit He is an important historical figure, but not that He is God. Do Jesus' miracles prove He is God? Let's dive in and study some miracle stories in John, stories that point to Jesus' divinity!...
If you are reading this study, likely you believe in Jesus. What does that mean to you? How much of Jesus' background do you know and understand? How do you understand His role in the universe? Let's dive into our study of the Bible and see how John introduces us to Jesus. How does John's introduction inform us about the larger, grander view of Jesus? Let's go!...
In American courts the primary way to introduce proof is through witnesses. The other important way to prove something is through documents. Most documents are not self-proving, so they must also come into evidence through witnesses. There are several ways to test the truth of what witnesses say under oath. I recall a 53-day trial in which the direct testimony was submitted through affidavits, and almost all the live testimony was my cross-examination of the witnesses who submitted affidavits. That is very unusual, but it was done to shorten the trial! Let's dive into our study of the Bible to see what witnesses John calls to testify about Jesus. Because I have some experience in cross-examination, I'll share with you the relative strength of the testimony just as if I were a skeptic, which I'm not....
Every society has those who have a bad reputation, people considered inferior for some reason. Recall that Nathanael, a future disciple, asked regarding Jesus, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" John 1:46. We find in Titus 1:12 the statement that "Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons." In this study John opens our eyes to the fact that Jews considered the Samaritans to be inferior. Why is this? The Jewish ancestors of the Samaritans were not considered by the Babylonians worthy to take as slaves, and those who remained intermarried with non-Jews who then adopted a different religion! When someone considers you inferior, your natural reaction is resentment. This forms the background for our study today - the Jews and Samaritans hated each other. Let's dive into our study and see what we can learn about how Jesus approaches those who are hostile!...
Have you ever considered the logic of the sacrificial system of the Old Testament? If you sinned by violating the law, why would an innocent animal be killed? That makes no sense. Animal or human sacrifices to pagan gods certainly exist in some societies, but they seem to be a tribute to the gods rather than a punishment for the violation of a legal code. Some Christian traditions sought to restore logic to the system by encouraging a follower to beat himself or pay a fine for sinful behavior. That makes sense! The illogic of the Old Testament sacrificial system is one of the most powerful witnesses to the fact that Jesus is the Messiah, He is God. Let's jump into our study of the illogic proving our Lord is God!...
In a discussion with a church member on a topic about which we disagreed, she suddenly said to me, "My father was the president of a conference." It was not until later that I understood this odd and off-topic statement. She was telling me that her opinion was important (and perhaps right) because she was the daughter of an important man in the church. Do we think we are right in our religious views because of our parents or our associates? In a recent study, the Samaritan woman at the well asked Jesus if He was more important than Jacob. This week Jewish leaders ask Jesus if He is more important than Abraham. What is the significance of these relationships? Are the views of those who went before us of value? Let's plunge into our study of the Bible and look at the witness of important people in the Bible!...
How did you enjoy our studies the last few weeks on the witnesses to Jesus being God? This week we have a new and powerful witness, the Old Testament of the Bible. What better proof that Jesus is the promised Messiah, the God who came to earth, then the ancient prophecies? The fact that the prophecies are ancient is not the important point. Rather, our belief that God inspired the entire Bible is the point. This witness, therefore, is God! Let's dive in and examine how Jesus fulfills the ancient prophecies!...
According to a February 11, 2022, article by Anshool Deshmukh, Christianity is the largest religion in the world (31%), followed by Islam (25%), Unaffiliated (15.6%), Hindus (15.2%), Buddhists (6.6%), Folk religions (5.6%), and Jews (.2%). I looked at other estimates and they are similar. What should we conclude from this? At best, 31% of the world's population will go to heaven? For a long time I have heard those advocating "many paths" to heaven. Related is the idea that the Abrahamic religions, like Islam and Judaism, worship the same God, so that they, too, have a path to heaven. Others may think that Jesus made eternal life theoretically possible for all, so God will sort out those in the Eastern religions who make it to heaven. It is true that God will sort out who is saved, but our study this week reveals some very specific statements about who will qualify to be saved. Let's plunge into our study of the Bible to explore the criterion for external life!...
Never in my life have I had a family member know that they would soon die, and because of that give instructions for when they died. No doubt some of the readers of this lesson have had that experience. I could not even get my parents to seriously discuss grave plots. The result is that they are not buried in the pretty part of the cemetery, but rather the part that overlooks a hardware store! Of course, my parents don't care. But clearly I do because I'm writing about it! This week we see that Jesus does care about the welfare of His disciples after He is gone. What Jesus teaches them is also good advice for us. Let's dive into our study of the Bible and take in Jesus' advice!...
Do you have a wonderful family member who died before your children were born? Have you wished that your children could have known the blessing of spending time with that beloved person? Showing your children a picture doesn't begin to be sufficient. With the advent of easily made videos, that helps to bring some understanding. What about you? If it is your parent, are you enough like your parent that your children can know important things through you? Jesus faced a similar problem with teaching us about His Heavenly Father. Let's jump into our study of John to see how Jesus helps us know His Father and the Holy Spirit....
Have you been rejected by someone you loved? Have you ever said, or even thought, "If you reject me then I will reject you?" It is typical human behavior to measure your love by the degree to which you have been shown love. Thank God that Jesus was not like that! In our study of the Gospel of John this week we will see first hand that Jesus has a love unlike anything we can fathom. A love that overlooks the insult or injury that He experienced from us. Let's dive into our study of the Bible and learn more!...
Recently, a personal trainer helped me to learn and improve my skills. My primary goal was to avoid doing harm. My trainer's goal was to teach me to do things correctly and safely. If I had bad habits, he wanted to fix them. After Jesus rose from the dead and was celebrated in Heaven, He returned to earth to give His disciples some final instruction. Getting those teachings right mattered. Peter and John are central figures among the disciples and Peter needs remedial lessons. Let's return to our last lesson in John and see how Jesus helps those like us who need improvement!...